FDG327N ,20V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETGeneral Description MOSFET20V N-Channel October 2001FDG327N
FDG327N ,20V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETFDG327NFDG327N® ®PowerTrenchThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed• 1.5 A, 20 V.R = 90 m Ω = 4.5 ..
FDG327NZ ,20V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETFeatures This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed • 1.5 A, 20 V. R = 90 mΩ @ V = 4.5 V. DS(ON) GSs ..
FDG327NZ ,20V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETApplications • Low gate charge • DC/DC converter • High performance trench technology for extre ..
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FP106 ,TR:PNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor SBD:Schottky Barrier Diode DC-DC Converter ApplicationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25˚CPl arameter Ss ymbo Cs ondition Rt ating Uni[TR]CV ollector-to ..
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20V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET
FDG327N FDG327N Ò Ò PowerTrench This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed · 1.5 A, 20 V.R = 90 m W = 4.5 V. specifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC R = 100 m W = 2.5 V GS converters using either synchronous or conventional R = 140 m W = 1.8 V switching PWM controllers. It has been optimized useGS in small switching regulators, providing an extremely R and gate charge (Q) in a small package. ON)G· Fast switching speed · Low gate charge (4.5 nC typical) · DC/DC converter · High performance trench technology for extremely · Power management DS(ON) · Load switch · High power and current handling capability. S D16 D 25 G D Pin 134 D o T=25C unless otherwise notedA RatingsUnits VDrain-Source VoltageV VGate-Source Voltage ±V IDrain Current– ContinuousAD – Pulsed6 PPower Dissipation for Single OperationWD T, TOperating and Storage Junction Temperature Range-55 to +150 °CJ Thermal Characteristics Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient R°C/W q RThermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient °C/W q Device MarkingReel SizeTape widthQuantity FDG327N3000 units Ó FDG327N Rev C (W)2001 8mm7’’.27 Device Package Marking and Ordering Information JA 333(Note 1b) JA 300(Note 1a) STG 0.38 (Note 1b) 0.42(Note 1a) 1.5(Note 1a) GSS 8 DSS 20 ParameterSymbol Absolute Maximum Ratings SC70-6 low R Applications DS( low DS(ON) @ V DS(ON) @ V GSDS(ON) @ V FeaturesGeneral Description MOSFET20V N-Channel October 2001