FDD6530A ,20V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETGeneral Description MOSFETN-Channel 30A2001FDD6
FDD6606 ,30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETFeatures This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed • 75 A, 30 V R = 6 mΩ @ V = 10 V DS(ON) GSspecific ..
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FDD6612A ,30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETFeatures This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed • 30 A, 30 V R = 20 mΩ @ V = 10 V DS(ON) GSspecif ..
FDD6630A ,30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETFeatures This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed • 21 A, 30 V R = 35 mΩ @ V = 10 V DS(ON) GSspecif ..
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20V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET
FDD6512A/FDU6512A FDD6512A/FDU6512A Ò Ò PowerTrench This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed · 36 A, 20 VR = 21 m W @ V = 4.5 V specifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC R = 31 m W @ V = 2.5 V converters using either synchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for · Low gate charge (12 nC typical) low gate charge, low R, fast switching speed and extremely low R in a small package. · Fast switching · High performance trench technology for extremely · DC/DC converter DS(ON) · Motor drives D D G I-PAKG S (TO-251AA) TO-252 GDS S o T=25C unless otherwise notedA RatingsUnits VDrain-Source VoltageV VGate-Source VoltageV± IContinuous Drain Current@TADC @T=25°CA Pulsed PPower Dissipation @TWDC @T=25°CA @T=25°C A T, TOperating and Storage Junction Temperature Range–55 to +175 °CJ Thermal Characteristics RThermal Resistance, Junction-to-Case °C/W qJC Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient R°C/W q RThermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient °C/W q Device MarkingPackageReel SizeTape widthQuantity FDD6512AFDD6512AD-PAK (TO-252)12mm2500 units FDU6512AFDU6512AI-PAK (TO-251) Ó FDD6512A/FDU6512A Rev B (W)2001 Fairchild Semiconductor Corp. 75N/ATube 13’’ Device Package Marking and Ordering Information JA 96(Note 1b) JA 40(Note 1a) 3.5(Note 1) STG 1.6(Note 1b) 3.8(Note 1a) 43(Note 3)=25°C 100(Note 1a) 10.7(Note 1a) 36(Note 3)=25°C 12GSS DSS 20 ParameterSymbol Absolute Maximum Ratings (TO-252) D-PAK low R Applications DS(ON) ( ON) DS GSDS(ON) GSDS(ON) FeaturesGeneral Description MOSFET20V N-Channel November 2001