FDC6420C ,20V N & P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETsFDC6420CFDC6420C® ®PowerTrench These N & P-Channel MOSFETs are produced using• 3.0 A, 20V.R = 70 ..
FDC642P ,P-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench TM MOSFET -3 ..
FDC6432SH ,12V P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET, 30V PowerTrench SyncFETElectrical Characteristics T = 25°C unless otherwise noted ASymbol Parameter Test Conditions Q Min ..
FDC645 ,N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETApplications• Low gate charge (13 nC typical)• DC/DC converter• High power and current handling cap ..
FDC645N ,N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETFeatures This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed • 5.5 A, 30 V. R = 30 mΩ @ V = 4.5 V DS(ON) GSsp ..
FDC645N_NL ,N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETApplications • Low gate charge (13 nC typical) • DC/DC converter • High power and current handling ..
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20V N & P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETs
FDC6420C FDC6420C Ò Ò PowerTrench These N & P-Channel MOSFETs are produced using · 3.0 A, 20V.R = 70 m W @ V = 4.5 V Fairchild Semiconductor’s advanced PowerTrench R = 95 m W @ V = 2.5 V process that has been especially tailored to minimize on-state resistance and yet maintain superior · –2.2 A, 20V.R = 125 m W = –4.5 V switching performance. R = 190 m W = –2.5 V These devices have been designed to offer exceptional power dissipation in a very small footprint · Low gate charge for applications where the bigger more expensive SO-8 and TSSOP-8 packages are impractical. · High performance trench technology for extremely R.ON) · SuperSOT –6 package: small footprint (72% smaller than · DC/DC converter SO-8); low profile (1mm thick). · Load switch · LCD display inverter Q2(P) S1 43 52G2 S2 G1 16 Q1(N) o T=25C unless otherwise notedA Units VDrain-Source VoltageV VGate-Source Voltage ± ±V IDrain Current– ContinuousAD – Pulsed Power Dissipation for Single OperationPD W (Note 1c) T, TOperating and Storage Junction Temperature Range–55 to +150J°C Thermal Characteristics °C/WRThermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient q °C/WRThermal Resistance, Junction-to-Case qJC Device MarkingReel SizeTape widthQuantity FDC6420C3000 units Ó FDC6420C Rev C(W)2001 8mm7’’.420 Device Package Marking and Ordering Information 60(Note 1) JA 130(Note 1a) STG 0.7 0.9 (Note 1b) 0.96(Note 1a) –612 –2.23.0(Note 1a) GSS 1212 DSS –2020 Q2Q1ParameterSymbol Absolute Maximum Ratings ™-6SuperSOT Pin 1 SuperSOT -6 TM D1 D2 Applications DS( low GSDS(ON) @ V GSDS(ON) @ VQ2 GSDS(ON) GSDS(ON) Q1 FeaturesGeneral Description MOSFETs20V N & P-Channel September 2001