FDC606P ,P-Channel 1.8V Specified PowerTrench MOSFETFeatures This P-Channel 1.8V specified MOSFET uses • –6 A, –12 V. R = 26 mΩ @ V = –4.5 V DS(ON) GS ..
FDC608PZ ,-20V P-Channel 2.5V PowerTrench?Specified MOSFETapplications: load switching and power management, low R DS(ON)battery power circuits, and DC/DC c ..
FDC608PZ ,-20V P-Channel 2.5V PowerTrench?Specified MOSFETFeatures This P-Channel 2.5V specified MOSFET is produced • –5.8 A, –20 V. R = 30 mΩ @ V = –4.5 V ..
FDC610PZ ,-30V P-Channel PowerTrench?MOSFETapplications: High performance trench technology for extremely low rDS(on).load switching ..
FDC610PZ ,-30V P-Channel PowerTrench?MOSFET®FDC610PZ P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETAugust 2007FDC610PZ ..
FDC610PZ ,-30V P-Channel PowerTrench?MOSFETGeneral Description Max r = 42mΩ at V = –10V, I = –4.9AThis P-Channel MOSFET is produced using Fai ..
FMS6410CS ,Dual Channel Video Drivers with Integrated Filters and Composite Video Summerapplications with AC slew issues. A 0.1µF AC coupling capacitor is recommended coupled inputs and A ..
FMS6410CS ,Dual Channel Video Drivers with Integrated Filters and Composite Video SummerFunctional DescriptionThe chroma input is driven by a low impedance source of Introduction0.7V or t ..
FMS6410CSX ,Dual Channel Video Drivers with Integrated Filters and Composite Video SummerBlock DiagramSYNC STRIP, REF,AND TIMING1 YOUT 8YIN6dBgM1V2 7DNC VCC_VIDEO(Do Not Connect)FMS6410CVO ..
FMS6413 ,Single Channel Video Driver with Integrated Filter and Clampapplications robust and stable under all stated load and input conditions. with AC coupled input an ..
FMS6413CS ,Single Channel 75 Ohm Cable Driver-FilterApplications2Vp-p into an AC coupled 150Ω load with up to 35pF of • CCTVload capacitance at the out ..
FMS6413CSX ,Single Channel 75 Ohm Cable Driver-Filterapplications. This part consists of a 4 order video Low 150Ω . Pass filter for video filtering. Thi ..
P-Channel 1.8V Specified PowerTrench MOSFET
FDC606P December 2001 FDC606P P-Channel 1.8V Specified PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features This P-Channel 1.8V specified MOSFET uses • –6 A, –12 V. R = 26 mΩ @ V = –4.5 V DS(ON) GS Fairchild’s low voltage PowerTrench process. It has R = 35 mΩ @ V = –2.5 V DS(ON) GS been optimized for battery power management applications. R = 53 mΩ @ V = –1.8 V DS(ON) GS • Fast switching speed Applications • High performance trench technology for extremely • Battery management low R DS(ON) • Load switch • Battery protection S D 1 6 D 2 5 G D 3 4 TM D SuperSOT -6 o Absolute Maximum Ratings T =25 C unless otherwise noted A Symbol Parameter Ratings Units V Drain-Source Voltage –12 V DSS V Gate-Source Voltage ±8 V GSS I Drain Current – Continuous (Note 1a) –6 A D – Pulsed –20 P Maximum Power Dissipation (Note 1a) 1.6 W D (Note 1b) 0.8 T , T Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range –55 to +150 J STG °C Thermal Characteristics R Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient (Note 1a) 78 °C/W θJA Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Case (Note 1) 30 R °C/W θJC Package Marking and Ordering Information Device Marking Device Reel Size Tape width Quantity .606 FDC606P 7’’ 8mm 3000 units FDC606P Rev E (W) 2001