FAN5093MTCX ,Two Phase Interleaved Synchronous Buck ConverterFeatures Description• Programmable output from 1.10V to 1.85V in 25mV steps The FAN5093 is a synchr ..
FAN5094MTC ,Multi Phase Interleaved Buck Converterfeatures remote voltage sensing, Programmable Active • Adaptive delay gate switching Droop and adv ..
FAN5098MTC ,Two Phase Interleaved Synchronous Buck Converter for AMD Hammerfeatures Programmable Active Droop for • Programmable switching frequency from 100KHz to transient ..
FAN5098MTCX ,Two Phase Interleaved Synchronous Buck Converter for AMD HammerFeatures Description• Programmable output from 800mV to 1.550V in 25mV The FAN5098 is a synchronous ..
FAN5098MTCX ,Two Phase Interleaved Synchronous Buck Converter for AMD Hammerapplications • Remote sense while minimizing external components. • Programmable Active Droop (V ..
FAN5099MX , Wide Frequency Synchronous Buck PWM AND LDO Controller
FIN1048M ,3.3V LVDS 4-Bit Flow-Through High Speed Differential ReceiverFIN1048 3.3V LVDS 4-Bit Flow-Through High Speed Differential ReceiverSeptember 2001Revised August 2 ..
FIN1048MTC ,3.3V LVDS 4-Bit Flow-Through High Speed Differential ReceiverFeaturesThis quad receiver is designed for high speed interconnect
Two Phase Interleaved Synchronous Buck Converter
Features Programmable output from 1.10V to 1.85V in 25mV steps
using an integrated 5-bit DAC
•Two interleaved synchronous phases for maximum
performance 100nsec transient response time Built-in current sharing between phases Remote sense Programmable Active Droop
(Voltage Positioning) Programmable switching frequency from 100KHz to
1MHz per phase Adaptive delay gate switching Integrated high-current gate drivers Integrated Power Good, OV , UV, Enable/Soft Start
functions Drives N-channel MOSFETs Operation optimized for 12V operation High efficiency mode (E*) at light load
•Overcurrent protection using MOSFET sensing 24 pin TSSOP package
Applications•Power supply for Pentium
•Power supply for Athlon VRM for Pentium IV processor Programmable step-down power supply
DescriptionThe FAN5093 is a synchronous two-phase DC-DC controller
IC which provides a highly accurate, programmable output
voltage for VRM 9.x processors. Two interleaved synchro-
nous buck regulator phases with built-in current sharing
operate 180° out of phase to provide the fast transient
response needed to satisfy high current applications while
minimizing external components.
The FAN5093 features Programmable Active Droop
transient response with minimum output capacitance. It has
integrated high-current gate drivers, with adaptive delay gate
switching, eliminating the need for external drive devices.
The FAN5093 uses a 5-bit D/A converter to program the
output voltage from 1.10V to 1.85V in 25mV steps with an
accuracy of 1%. The FAN5093 uses a high level of integra-
tion to deliver load currents in excess of 50A from a 12V
source with minimal external circuitry.
The FAN5093 also offers integrated functions including
Power Good, Output Enable/Soft Start, under-voltage lock-
out, over-voltage protection, and adjustable current limiting
with independent current sense on each phase. It is available
in a 24 pin TSSOP package.