EVALCOMMBOARD ,Communication/ control board based on ST72F651AR6 microcontroller for power line communication and industrial productsapplications. Ten bits digital to analog converter (DAC) and high gain, high bandwidth amplifiers a ..
EVALCOMMBOARD ,Communication/ control board based on ST72F651AR6 microcontroller for power line communication and industrial productsGeneral descriptionThe EVALCOMMBOARD is a general purpose board developed around the following prin ..
EVALST7538DUAL ,Dual channel power line transceiver board based on ST7538applications the EVALCOMMBOARD GUI software. ď‚· Controllable by a PC through EVALCOMMBOARD general ..
EVK71-050 ,Power Transistor ModuleFeatures
. 7 y -m.f y >79? 8- mm
qhFetr9$ct High DC Current Gain
otttmf..', Insulated Type
EVK71-055 ,Bipolar Transistorsapplications with 200V AC input and power supplies.
Device Watt V050 V1250 Is: Pc _ ttie _ tiwit ..
Includes opto-coupler; input and output are isolated
electrically. (2500 VAC/lmin.)
FAN8040G3 ,4CH Motor Drive ICFAN80404-Channel Motor Driver
FAN8040G3X ,4CH Motor Drive ICFeatures Description• 4-channel Balanced Transformerless (BTL) Driver The FAN8040G3 is a monolithic ..
FAN8042 ,5-CH Motor DriverFAN8042 5-CH Motor DriverFAN8042
FAN8045G3 ,4-CH Motor Driver (5 Input & 4 Output)FAN8045G3 4-CH Motor Driver (5 Input & 4 Output)
FAN8045G3X ,4CH (5 input)Motor Drive ICFAN8045G3 4-CH Motor Driver (5 Input & 4 Output)
FAN8045G3X_NL ,4CH (5 input)Motor Drive ICFAN8045G3 4-CH Motor Driver (5 Input & 4 Output)
Communication/ control board based on ST72F651AR6 microcontroller for power line communication and industrial products
Data BriefJune 2006 Rev 1 1/3
ALCOMMBOARDMain interface to the controlling PC a standard 12Mbps based on a
ST72F651AR6 USB microcontroller
General descriptionThe EVALCOMMBOARD is a general purpose
board developed around the following principles: Provide a reliable and flexible communication
channel between a controlling PC and the
different reference design boards Run dedicated FW available for all reference
designs. Interact with dedicated SW implementing a
reference design specific Graphical User
Interface (GUI).
The EVALCOMMBOARD is based on a
ST72F651AR6 USB microcontroller, providing as
main interface to the controlling PC a standard 12
Mbps USB, available on all recent PCs. An RS232
interface is also available, which can be used as
spare communication port. Specific interfaces to
different reference design boards are present,
providing high flexibility for several applications.
Ten bits digital to analog converter (DAC) and high
gain, high bandwidth amplifiers are present on the
board. Jumpers, switches and LEDs give further
adaptability and visualization tools.
A full range of dedicated FW, GUIs and reference
design boards are available for different Industrial
Revision history
1 Revision history
Table 1. Revision history
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