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EL2260,Op Amp, Dual 130MHz, Current Feedback, 75?Cable Driver, Dual or Single Supply (33V)

EL2260 ,Op Amp, Dual 130MHz, Current Feedback, 75?Cable Driver, Dual or Single Supply (33V)Applicationspackages, while the EL2460 is available in 14-pin PDIP and 14-pin SO packages. Video a ..
EL2270 ,Op Amp, Dual 70MHz, 1mA Low Power, Current Feedback, 55mA Driveapplications where power is still a concern, consider HDSL amplifiersthe EL2180/EL2186 family whi ..
EL2270CS ,70MHz/1mA Current Mode Feedback AmplifiersFeaturesAmplifiers Dual topologiesThe EL2270 is a dual current-feedback 1mA supply current (per ..
EL2270CS-T13 ,70MHz/1mA Current Mode Feedback AmplifiersElectrical Specifications V = ±5V, R = R = 1kΩ, R = 150Ω, T = 25°C unless otherwise specified S F G ..
EL2270CS-T7 ,70MHz/1mA Current Mode Feedback AmplifiersElectrical Specifications V = ±5V, R = 150Ω, T = 25°C unless otherwise specified.S L APARAMETER DES ..
EL2270CSZ ,70MHz/1mA Current Mode Feedback Amplifiersapplications where board space is extremely critical. The EL2270 is available in industry standard ..