E-STV9302A ,VERTICAL DEFLECTION BOOSTER FOR 2 APP MONITOR/TV APPLICATIONS WITH 70 V FLYBACK GENERATORapplications.Output Stage Supply6Output5This device, supplied with up to 35 V, provides up to Groun ..
E-STV9302A ,VERTICAL DEFLECTION BOOSTER FOR 2 APP MONITOR/TV APPLICATIONS WITH 70 V FLYBACK GENERATORAbsolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter Value UnitVoltageV Supply Voltage (pin 2) - Note 1 and No ..
E-STV9326 ,Vertical Deflection Booster for 3-App TV/Monitor Applications with 60-V Flyback GeneratorElectrical Characteristics(V = 29 V, T = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)S AMB Symbol Parameter Te ..
E-STV9380A ,CLASS-D VERTICAL DEFLECTION AMPLIFIER FOR 2.5 AMP TV AND MONITOR APPLICATIONSapplications, the -V 18 -V3CC CCSTV9380A is a Class-D vertical deflection booster 4 17-VOUT POWCCas ..
E-STV9380A ,CLASS-D VERTICAL DEFLECTION AMPLIFIER FOR 2.5 AMP TV AND MONITOR APPLICATIONSApplications■ Few External Components■ Protection against Low VCCPDIP 20Order Code: STV9380A-V -V20 ..
E-STV9380A ,CLASS-D VERTICAL DEFLECTION AMPLIFIER FOR 2.5 AMP TV AND MONITOR APPLICATIONSFunctional Description Figure 1: Test and Application Circuit Diagram 3/10+VCC100nF1000μF100nF+VCC ..
FAN1117AD5X ,1A Adjustable/Fixed Low Dropout Linear RegulatorApplicationsFAN1117AV = 12V V V 9V at 1AIN IN OUT++10µF22µ FR1ADJ124ΩR2V = V (1 + R2/R1) + I • R2 O ..
FAN1117ADX ,1A Adjustable Low Dropout Linear RegulatorFeatures Description• Low dropout voltage The FAN1117A and FAN1117A-1.8, -2.5, -2.85, -3.3 and -5 • ..
FAN1117AS18X ,1A Adjustable Low Dropout Linear RegulatorApplicationsprovides protection against any combination of overload and • Active SCSI terminatorsam ..
FAN1117AS25X ,1A Adjustable Low Dropout Linear RegulatorFeatures Description• Low dropout voltage The FAN1117A and FAN1117A-1.8, -2.5, -2.85, -3.3 and -5 • ..
FAN1117AS25X ,1A Adjustable Low Dropout Linear RegulatorApplicationsFAN1117AV = 12V V V 9V at 1AIN IN OUT++10µF22µ FR1ADJ124ΩR2V = V (1 + R2/R1) + I • R2 O ..
FAN1117AS25X ,1A Adjustable Low Dropout Linear RegulatorApplicationsFAN1117AV = 12V V V 9V at 1AIN IN OUT++10µF22µ FR1ADJ124ΩR2V = V (1 + R2/R1) + I • R2 O ..
STV9302AVertical Deflection Booster
for 2-A PP TV/Monitor Applications with 70-V Flyback Generator
Main Features Power Amplifier Flyback Generator Output Current up to 2 App Thermal Protection Stand-by Control
DescriptionThe STV9302A is a vertical deflection booster
designed for TV and monitor applications.
This device, supplied with up to 35V , provides up to App output current to drive the vertical deflection
The internal flyback generator delivers flyback
voltages up to 70V.
in double-supply applications, a stand-by state will
be reached by stopping the (+) supply alone.
Absolute Maximum Ratings STV9302A Absolute Maximum Ratings Note:1. Usually the flyback voltage is slightly more than 2 x VS . This must be taken into consideration when
setting VS. Versus pin 4 V3 is higher than VS during the first half of the flyback pulse. Such repetitive output peak currents are usually observed just before and after the flyback pulse. This non-repetitive output peak current can be observed, for example, during the Switch-On/Switch-
Off phases. This peak current is acceptable providing the SOA is respected (Figure 8 and Figure 9). All pins have a reverse diode towards pin 4, these diodes should never be forward-biased. Input voltages must not exceed the lower value of either VS + 2 or 40 volts.
Thermal Data
STV9302A Electrical Characteristics Electrical CharacteristicsS = 32 V, T AMB = 25°C, unless otherwise specified) In normal applications, the peak flyback voltage is slightly greater than 2 x (VS - V4 ). Therefore, (VS
- V4 ) = 35 V is not allowed without special circuitry. Refer to Figure 4, Stand-by condition.
Electrical Characteristics STV9302A
Figure 1: Measurement of I1, I2 and I6
Figure 2: Measurement of V5H
Figure 3: Measurement of V3L and V5L
STV9302A Application Hints Application Hints
The yoke can be coupled either in AC or DC.
4.1 DC-coupled Application
When DC coupled (see Figure 4), the display vertical position can be adjusted with input bias. On
the other hand, 2 supply sources (VS and -VEE ) are required.
A Stand-by state will be reached by switching OFF the positive supply alone. In this state, where
both inputs are the same voltage as pin 2 or higher, the output will sink negligible current from the
deviation coil.
4.1.1 Application Hints
For calculations, treat the IC as an op-amp, where the feedback loop maintains V1 = V7.
Figure 4: DC-coupled Application
Application Hints STV9302A Centering
Display will be centered (null mean current in yoke) when voltage on pin 7 is (R1 is negligible): Peak Current
Example: for Vm =2V, VM =5 V and IP =1A
Choose R1 in the1 Ω range, for instance R1=1Ω
From equation of peak current:
Then choose R2 or R3. For instance, if R2 = 10 kΩ, then R3 = 15 kΩ
Finally, the bias voltage on pin 7 should be:
4.1.2 Ripple Rejection
When both ramp signal and bias are provided by the same driver IC, you can gain natural rejection
of any ripple caused by a voltage drop in the ground (see Figure 5), if you manage to apply the
same fraction of ripple voltage to both booster inputs. For that purpose, arrange an intermediate
point in the bias resistor bridge, such that (R8 / R7 ) = (R3 / R2 ), and connect the bias filtering
capacitor between the intermediate point and the local driver ground. Of course, R7 should be
connected to the booster reference point, which is the ground side of R1.
Figure 5: Ripple Rejection7M Vm+------------------------22 R3+----------------------