DZ27120 ,Zener DiodesAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 C Panasonic SSSMini2-F4-BJEITA SC-104AParameter Symbol Rating Un ..
DZ2J110 ,Zener DiodesAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 C Panasonic SMini2-F5-BJEITA SC-90AParameter Symbol Rating UnitR ..
DZD9.1 ,0.2W Zener DiodesElectrical Characteristics at Ta = 25˚CZener voltage VZ will be subdivided into X, Y, Z at your req ..
E53NA50 ,NABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol Parameter Value UnitV Drain-source Voltage (V =0) 500 VDS GSV 500 VD ..
EL5170IYZ ,100MHz Differential Twisted-Pair DriversFeaturesThe EL5170 and EL5370 are single and triple high • Fully differential inputs and outputsban ..
EL5171IS ,250MHz Differential Twisted-Pair DriversElectrical Specifications V + = +5V, V - = -5V, T = 25°C, V = 0V, R = 1kΩ, R = 0, R = OPEN, C = 2.7 ..
EL5172IS ,250MHz Differential Line ReceiversElectrical Specifications V + = +5V, V - = -5V, T = 25°C, V = 0V, R = 500Ω, R = 0, R = OPEN, C = 2. ..
EL5172IS ,250MHz Differential Line Receiversapplications such as receiving signals from twisted-pair • 60mA maximum output currentlines or any ..
EL5172IS ,250MHz Differential Line ReceiversApplicationsThe output common mode level is set by the reference pin • Twisted-pair receivers(V ), ..
EL5172ISZ ,250MHz Differential Line ReceiversFeaturesThe EL5172 and EL5372 are single and triple high • Differential input range ±2.3Vbandwidth ..