DS9637AMJ/883 ,Dual Differential Line ReceiverFeaturesn Dual channelThe DS9637A is a Schottky dual differential line receiverwhich has been speci ..
DS9638CJ ,RS-422 Dual High Speed Differential Line Driverfeatures a short circuit protected active pull-upn Minimum output skew (<1.0 ns typical)with low ou ..
DS9638CM ,RS-422 Dual High Speed Differential Line DriverFeaturesn Single 5V supplyThe DS9638 is a Schottky, TTL compatible, dual differentialline driver de ..
DS9638CMX ,RS-422 Dual High Speed Differential Line DriverFeaturesn Single 5V supplyThe DS9638 is a Schottky, TTL compatible, dual differentialline driver de ..
DS9638CMX ,RS-422 Dual High Speed Differential Line DriverFeaturesn Single 5V supplyThe DS9638 is a Schottky, TTL compatible, dual differentialline driver de ..
DS9638CN ,RS-422 Dual High Speed Differential Line Driverfeatures a short circuit protected active pull-up
ED1402 ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402B ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402B ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402C ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402C ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402E ,NPN general purpose transistor
Dual Differential Line Receiver
Dual Differential Line Receiver
General Description
The DS9637Aisa Schottky dual differentialline receiver
whichhas been specifically designedto satisfythe require-
mentsof EIAStandards RS-422 andRS-423. Inaddition,the
DS9637A satisfiesthe requirementsof MIL-STD 188-114
andis compatiblewiththe International Standard CCITTrec-
ommendations.The DS9637Ais suitableforuse asalinere-
ceiverin digital data systems, using either single endedor
differential, unipolaror bipolar transmission.It requiresa
single5V power supply andhas Schottky TTL compatible
outputs. The DS9637Ahasan operational input common
mode rangeof ±7V either differentiallyorto ground.
Features Dual channel Single5V supply SatisfiesEIA standards RS-422and RS423 Built-in ±35mV hysteresis High input common mode voltage range High input impedance TTL compatible outputs Schottky technology Extended temperature range
Connection Diagram
8–LeadDIP and SO-8 Package
Top View
Order Number DS9637ACMor DS9637ACN
SeeNS Package Number M08Aor N08E
For Complete Military Product Specifications,
refertothe appropriate SMDor MDS.
Order Number DS9637AMJ/883
SeeNS Package Number J08A
May 1998
Receiver 1998 National Semiconductor Corporation DS009621