DS96176 ,RS-485/RS-422 Differential Bus TransceiverFeaturesYer and a differential input line receiver, both of which oper- Bidirectional transceiverat ..
DS96176CN ,RS-485/RS-422 Differential Bus TransceiverFeaturesRS-422A.n Bidirectional transceiver®The DS96176 combines a TRI-STATE differential line driv ..
DS96177CN ,RS-485/RS-422 Differential Bus Repeaterfeatures thermal shutdown for protection from linen Receiver input high impedancefault conditions. ..
DS9636ACJ ,RS-423 Dual Programmable Slew Rate Line DriverFeaturessystems where signal wave shaping is desired. The outputn Programmable slew rate limitingsl ..
DS9636ACN ,RS-423 Dual Programmable Slew Rate Line DriverGeneral Descriptionenough (1/10 UL) to be also compatible with CMOS logic.The DS9636A is a TTL/CMOS ..
DS9637ACM ,Dual Differential Line ReceiverFeaturesn Dual channelThe DS9637A is a Schottky dual differential line receiverwhich has been speci ..
ED1402 ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402B ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402B ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402C ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402C ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402E ,NPN general purpose transistor
RS-485/RS-422 Differential Bus Transceiver
February 1996
RS-485/RS-422 Differential Bus Transceiver
General Description
The DS96176 Differential Bus Transceiverisa monolithic
integrated circuit designedfor bidirectional data communi-
cationon balanced multipointbus transmission lines. The
transceiver meets EIA Standard RS-485as wellas RS-
The DS96176 combinesa TRI-STATEÉ differentialline driv-anda differential inputline receiver, bothof which oper-
ate from asingle5.0Vpowersupply.The driver andreceiver
havean active Enablethatcanbe externally connectedto
functionas adirection control.The driver differential outputs
andthe receiver differential inputsare internally connected form differential input/output (I/O)bus portsthatarede-
signedto offer minimum loadingtothebus wheneverthe
driveris disabledor when VCCe0V. These ports feature
wide positiveand negative common mode voltage ranges,
makingthe device suitablefor multipoint applicationsin
noisy environments.
The driveris designedto handle loadsupto60mAofsink source current.The driver features positiveand negative
current-limiting and thermal shutdownfor protection from
line fault conditions. Thermal shutdownis designedto occur junction temperatureof approximately 160§C.The receiv- featuresa typical input impedanceof15kX,an input
sensitivityof g200 mV, anda typical input hysteresisofmV.
The DS96176canbe usedin transmissionline applications
employingthe DS96172andthe DS96174 quad differential
line driversandthe DS96173and DS96175 quad differential
line receivers.
Features Bidirectional transceiver MeetsEIA Standard RS-422Aand RS-485 Designedfor multipoint transmission TRI-STATE driverand receiver enables Individual driver and receiver enables Wide positive and negative input/output bus voltage
ranges Driver output capability g60mA Maximum Thermal shutdown protection Driver positiveand Negative current-limiting High impedance receiver input Receiver input sensitivityof g200mV Receiver input hysteresisof50mV typical Operates from single 5.0V supply Low power requirements
Connection Diagram
Top View
Order Number DS96176CJor DS96176CN
See NSPackageNumber J08EorN08E
Function Table
Input Enable Outputs DE A B H L L H Z Z
DifferentialInputs Enable Output
VIDt 0.2V L H
VIDs b0.2V L L ZeHigh LeveleLow Levele ImmaterialeHigh Impedance(off)
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1996National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M36/Printed inU.S.A. http://