DS96172CN ,RS-485/RS-422 Quad Differential Line Driversfeatures separate active high Enables for eachdriver pair. Compatible RS-485 receivers, transceiver ..
DS96173CN ,RS-485/RS-422 Quad Differential Line ReceiversFeaturesn Meets EIA Standard RS-485, RS-422A, RS-423ATheDS96173andDS96175arehighspeedquaddifferenti ..
DS96174 ,RS-485/RS-422 Quad Differential Line Driversfeatures separate active high Enables for eachdriver pair. Compatible RS-485 receivers, transceiver ..
DS96174CN ,RS-485/RS-422 Quad Differential Line DriversFeaturesn Meets EIA Standard RS-485 and RS-422ATheDS96172andDS96174arehighspeedquaddifferentialline ..
DS96175CN ,RS-485/RS-422 Quad Differential Line Receiversfeaturesn DS96173/DS96175 are lead and function compatiblean active high and active low Enable, com ..
DS96176 ,RS-485/RS-422 Differential Bus TransceiverFeaturesYer and a differential input line receiver, both of which oper- Bidirectional transceiverat ..
ED1402 ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402B ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402B ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402C ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402C ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402E ,NPN general purpose transistor
RS-485/RS-422 Quad Differential Line Drivers
RS-485/RS-422 Quad Differential Line Drivers
General DescriptionThe DS96172 andDS96174are high speed quad differential
line drivers designedto meet EIAStandard RS-485.Thede-
vices have TRI-STATE® outputs andare optimizedforbal-
anced multipoint data bus transmissionat ratesupto Mbps.The drivers have wide positiveand negative com-
mon mode rangefor multipoint applicationsin noisy environ-
ments. Positive and negative current-limitingis provided
which protectsthe drivers fromline fault conditions overa
+12Vto −7.0V common mode range.A thermal shutdown
featureis also providedand occursat junction temperature approximately 160˚C. The DS96172 featuresan active
highand activelow Enable, commontoallfour drivers.The
DS96174 features separate active high Enablesfor each
driver pair. Compatible RS-485 receivers, transceivers,and
repeatersare also offeredto provide optimumbus perfor-
mance. The respective device types are DS96173,
DS96175, DS96176 AND DS96177.
Features MeetsEIA Standard RS-485and RS-422A Monotonic differential output switching Transmissionrateto10 Mbs TRI-STATE outputs Designedfor multipointbus transmission Common mode output voltage range:−7Vto +12V Operates from single +5V supply Thermal shutdown protection DS96172/DS96174are leadand function compatible
withthe SN75172/75174orthe AM26LS31/MC3487
Connection DiagramsTRI-STATE®isa registeredtrademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorporation.
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Order Number DS96172CNor DS96174CN
SeeNS Package Number N16EJune 1998
Drivers 1998 National Semiconductor Corporation DS009626