DS92UT16TUF ,Utopia-LVDS Bridge for 1.6 Gbps Bi-directional Data Transfersfeatures such as an optional 1:1 protection— Internal buffers allow maximum LVDS serial bit rateand ..
DS9502P+ ,ESD Protection DiodeFEATURESSYMBOL AND CONVENTIONS§ Zener characteristic with voltage snap–backCto protect against ESD ..
DS9503 ,ESD Protection Diode with ResistorsFEATURES SYMBOL AND CONVENTI Zener characteristic with voltage snap–back C to protect against ..
DS9503P ,ESD Protection Diode with Resistors
DS9503P. ,ESD Protection Diode with Resistors
DS9503P+ ,ESD Protection Diode with ResistorsFEATURES SYMBOL AND CONVENTI Zener characteristic with voltage snap–back C to protect against ..
ED1402 ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402B ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402B ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402C ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402C ,NPN general purpose transistor
ED1402E ,NPN general purpose transistor
Utopia-LVDS Bridge for 1.6 Gbps Bi-directional Data Transfers
UTOPIA-L VDS Bridge for 1.6 Gbps Bi-directional Data
1.0 General DescriptionThe DS92UT16isa flexible UTOPIAto LVDS Bridge device.
The LVDS Bridge transparently transportsthe UTOPIA bus
overa high speed LVDS serial link. The device includes
many reliability features suchasan optional 1:1 protection
and builtinbit error rate checking.
The parallel interfaceis user programmablefor maximum
flexibility. The user can choose between UTOPIA Level Level ATM layer (master)of PHY layer (slave). The UTOPIA-
LVDS Bridge supportsa special MPHY (multi-PHY layer)
operation mode. The MPHY operation supportsupto 248
standard UTOPIA Level2 PHY ports without adding external
The serial interface uses LVDS Serializer and Deserializer
technology. The 16:1bit serialization allows conveying the
full-duplex parallel bus over two differential transmission
pairs. This enables low cost backplanes and cables. Cable
transmission length canbeas long16 meters.
The serial link carries Flow control information (back pres-
sure)in both directions. The Bridge device applies back
pressureona per queue basis over the31 internal FIFO
queues.In addition,the serial link includesan OAM (Opera-
tions and Maintenance) channel that does not detract from
link performance.
There are many applications where the UTOPIA-LVDS
Bridge simplifies designs. Box-to-box connections can use
DS29UT16 devices across cables. Access multiplexor appli-
cations can use the devices acrossa PCB backplanefor
point-to-point and lightly loaded multidrop configurations.
2.0 Features 832 Mbps LVDS 16-bit serializer and deserializer
interface Suitablefor cable, printed circuit board, and
backplane transmission paths 10m cableat max LVDS data rate and greater than
16mat min LVDS data rate Embedded clock with random data lock capabilityfor
clock recovery PRBS(x31 +x28+1) based LVDS link BER test
facility Two independent LVDS receiver serial portsfor
optional1:1 protection Main and redundant LVDS transmit ports Loop timing capability enables LVDS recovered clock internally drive LVDS transmit clock Internal buffers allow maximum LVDS serialbit rate
independentof UTOPIA clock rate Programmable UTOPIA interface UTOPIA Level2upto52 MHz ATM layeror PHY layer interface ATM layer interface can supportupto 248 standard
Level2 PHY ports withno additional external
circuitry. Configuredas31 MPHY’s, each withupto8
sub-ports Supports extended cell sizeupto64 bytes Supports 16-or 8-bit data buses with parity Embedded bidirectional, non-blocking flow control over
serial linkfor per MPHY back pressure No external memories required Embedded OAM channel over serial link Remote Alarm/Status Indications Link Trace Label Embedded Control Channel with flow controlfor
software communication BIP16 based error performance monitoringIn protected systems,the standby link OAM channel availablefor embedded communications and
performance/alarm monitoring Multiple loop-back options Standard microprocessor interface (Intel and Motorola
compatible) IEEE 1149.1 JTAG port Temperature range: −40˚Cto +85˚C CMOS technologyfor low power LVDS transceiver section uses 3.3V power supply.
Digital UTOPIA section uses 2.5V power supply.AllI/O
are 3.3V tolerant. 196 LBGA package, 15x15x1.37 mm,1.0 mm ball pitch
3.0 Ordering Information
Order Number Package Information Package NumberDS92UT16TUF 196 LBGA package, 15x15x1.37 mm, 1.0 mm ball pitch NUJB0196
February 2004