DS90LV027MX ,LVDS Dual High Speed Differential DriverElectrical CharacteristicsOver Supply Voltage and Operating Temperature ranges, unless otherwise sp ..
DS90LV028AQMA , Automotive LVDS Dual Differential Line Receiver
DS90LV028ATLD ,3V LVDS Dual CMOS Differential Line Receiverapplications.n Industrial temperature operating range(−40˚C to +85˚C)n Available in SOIC and space ..
DS90LV028ATLD ,3V LVDS Dual CMOS Differential Line ReceiverDS90LV028A 3V LVDS Dual CMOS Differential Line ReceiverJanuary 2003DS90LV028A3V LVDS Dual CMOS Diff ..
DS90LV028ATM ,3V LVDS Dual CMOS Differential Line ReceiverFeatures>n 400 Mbps (200 MHz) switching ratesThe DS90LV028A is a dual CMOS differential line receiv ..
DS90LV028ATMX ,3V LVDS Dual CMOS Differential Line ReceiverElectrical CharacteristicsOver Supply Voltage and Operating Temperature ranges, unless otherwise sp ..
LVDS Dual High Speed Differential Driver
LVDS Dual High Speed Differential Driver
General DescriptionThe DS90LV027isa dual LVDS driver device optimizedfor
high data rateandlow power applications.The DS90LV027a currentmode driver allowing powerdissipationto remain
low evenat high frequency.In addition,the short circuit fault
currentis also minimized. The deviceisina 8-lead small
Outline Package. The DS90LV027hasa flow-throughde-
signfor easy PCB layout.The differential driver outputspro-
videslow EMI withitslow output swings typically 340mV.
Perfectfor high speed transferof clockand data. Pair with
anyof National’s LVDS receivers.
Features Ultra Low Power Dissipation Operating Range above155 Mbps Flow-through pinout simplifies PCB layout Conformsto TIA/EIA-644 Standard 8-Lead SOIC Package Saves Space VCM ±1V center around 1.2V Low Differential Output Swing Typical340mV PowerOff Protection (outputsin high impedance)
Connection Diagram
Functional Diagram
Order Number DS90LV027M
SeeNS Package Number M08ADS100029-2
June 1998
Driver 1998 National Semiconductor Corporation DS100029