DS8935WMX ,LocalTalk Dual Driver/Triple Receiver [Life-time buy]General Descriptionand selectable enabling for the three receivers.The DS8935 is a dual driver/trip ..
DS89C21TM ,Differential CMOS Line Driver and Receiver Pairfeatures a fast transition time specified at 2.2 ns,n Available in SOIC packagingand a maximum diff ..
DS89C21TMX ,Differential CMOS Line Driver and Receiver PairGeneral Descriptionand RO).TheDS89C21isadifferentialCMOSlinedriverandreceiverpair, designed to meet ..
DS89C21TMX/NOPB ,Differential CMOS Line Driver and Receiver Pair 8-SOIC -40 to 85Electrical CharacteristicsOver recommended supply voltage and operating temperature ranges, unless ..
DS89C386TMEA ,Twelve Channel CMOS Differential Line Receiverfeatureslowpowerdissipationof240n Receiver OPEN input failsafe featuremW typical.n Guaranteed AC pa ..
DS89C386TMEA ,Twelve Channel CMOS Differential Line ReceiverElectrical Characteristics (Note 3)±V =5V 10% (unless otherwise specified)CCSymbol Parameter Condit ..
LocalTalk Dual Driver/Triple Receiver [Life-time buy]
LocalTalk™ Dual Driver/Triple Receiver
General DescriptionThe DS8935isa dual driver/triple receiver device optimized providea single chip solutionfora LocalTalk Interface.
The device providesone differential TIA/EIA-422 driver,one
TIA/EIA-423 single ended driver, one TIA/EIA-422 receiver
andtwo TIA/EIA-423receivers,allina surfacemount 16-pin
package.This deviceis electrically similar tothe 26LS30and
26LS32 devices.
The drivers feature ±10V common mode range,andthedif-
ferential driverprovides TRI-STATEable outputs.The receiv-
ers offer ±200mV thresholds overthe ±10V common mode
The device offers enable circuitryforthe differential driver
and selectable enablingforthe three receivers.
Features Single chip solutionfor LocalTalkport Two driver/three receiversper package Wide common mode range: ±10V ±200mV receiver sensitivity70mV typical receiver input hysteresis Availablein SOIC packaging Failsafe receiverfor open inputs
Connection Diagram Functional DiagramTRI-STATE®isa registeredtrademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorporation.
LocalTalk™ isatrademarkofApple Computer,Inc.
Dual-In-Line PackageDS012066-1
Order Number DS8935WM
SeeNS Package Number M20BDS012066-2
February 1996
Receiver 1998 National Semiconductor Corporation DS012066