DS8925MX ,Local Talk Dual Driver/Triple ReceiverFeaturesn Single chip solution for LocalTalk portThe DS8925 is a dual driver/triple receiver device ..
DS8935WM ,LocalTalk Dual Driver/Triple ReceiverGeneral Descriptionand selectable enabling for the three receivers.The DS8935 is a dual driver/trip ..
DS8935WMX ,LocalTalk Dual Driver/Triple Receiver [Life-time buy]General Descriptionand selectable enabling for the three receivers.The DS8935 is a dual driver/trip ..
DS89C21TM ,Differential CMOS Line Driver and Receiver Pairfeatures a fast transition time specified at 2.2 ns,n Available in SOIC packagingand a maximum diff ..
DS89C21TMX ,Differential CMOS Line Driver and Receiver PairGeneral Descriptionand RO).TheDS89C21isadifferentialCMOSlinedriverandreceiverpair, designed to meet ..
DS89C21TMX/NOPB ,Differential CMOS Line Driver and Receiver Pair 8-SOIC -40 to 85Electrical CharacteristicsOver recommended supply voltage and operating temperature ranges, unless ..
Local Talk Dual Driver/Triple Receiver
LocalTalk™ Dual Driver/Triple Receiver
General DescriptionThe DS8925isa dual driver/triple receiver device optimized providea single chip solutionfora LocalTalk Interface.
The device providesone differential TIA/EIA-422 driver,one
TIA/EIA-423 single ended driver, one TIA/EIA-422 receiver
andtwo TIA/EIA-423 receivers,allina surface mount16pin
package.This deviceis electrically similar tothe 26LS30and
26LS32 devices.
The drivers feature ±10V common mode range,andthedif-
ferential driverprovides TRI-STATEable outputs.The receiv-
ers offer ±200mV thresholds overthe ±10V common mode
Features Single chip solutionfor LocalTalkport Two driver/three receiversper package Wide common mode range: ±10V ±200mV receiver sensitivity70mV typical receiver input hysteresis Availablein SOIC packaging
Connection Diagram Functional DiagramTRI-STATE®isa registeredtrademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorporation.
LocalTalk™ isatrademarkofApple ComputerIncorporated.
Dual-In-Line PackageDS011895-1
Order Number DS8925M
SeeNS Package Number M16ADS011895-2
December 1998
Receiver 1998 National Semiconductor Corporation DS011895