DS88C20N ,Dual CMOS Compatible Differential Line ReceiverFeaturesn Meets requirements of EIA Standards RS-232-C RS-422The DS78C20 and DS88C20 are high perfo ..
DS8906N ,AM/FM Digital Phase-Locked Loop SynthesizerFeaturesclock signal for the external controller. Additional dividersYUses inexpensive 4 MHz refere ..
DS8908BN ,DS8908B AM/FM Digital Phase-Locked Loop Frequency SynthesizerDS8908BAM/FMDigitalPhase-LockedLoopFrequencySynthesizerJune1990DS8908BAM/FMDigitalPhase-LockedLoopF ..
DS8908BN ,DS8908B AM/FM Digital Phase-Locked Loop Frequency SynthesizerFeaturesand logic state information for radio function inputs/outputs.YUses inexpensive 3.96 MHz re ..
DS8911V ,Sound Up-Conversion Frequency SynthesizerDS8911/DS8913AM/FM/TVSoundUp-ConversionFrequencySynthesizerApril1990DS8911/DS8913AM/FM/TVSoundUp-Co ..
DS8913V ,Sound Up-Conversion Frequency SynthesizerFeatures2 to 1 LO tuning range found in conventional AM down con-YDirect synthesis of LW, MW, SW, F ..
Dual CMOS Compatible Differential Line Receiver
Dual CMOS Compatible Differential Line Receiver
General DescriptionThe DS78C20and DS88C20are high performance,dualdif-
ferential, CMOS compatibleline receiversfor both balanced
and unbalanced digital data transmission. The inputsare
compatible withEIAand Federal Standards.
Input specifications meetor exceed thoseofthe popular
DS7820/DS8820line receiver,andthe pinoutis identical. responsepinis providedfor controlling sensitivityto input
noise spikes withan external capacitor. Each receiverin-
cludesa 180Ω terminating resistor, which maybe usedop-
tionallyon twistedpair lines.The DS78C20is specified over −55˚Cto +125˚C operating temperature range, andthe
DS88C20 overa0˚Cto +70˚C range.
Features Meets requirementsofEIA Standards RS-232-C RS-422
and RS-423,and Federal Standards 1020and 1030 Input voltage rangeof ±15V (differentialor
common-mode) Separate strobe inputfor each receiver1⁄2 VCC strobe thresholdfor CMOS compatibility5k typical input impedance50mV input hysteresis 200mV input threshold Operation voltage range= 4.5Vto 15V DS7830/DS8830 recommended driver
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line PackageDS005798-1
Top View
Order Number DS88C20N
SeeNS Package Numbers N14A
For Complete Military Product Specifications,
refertothe appropriate SMDor MDS.
Order Number DS78C20J/883
SeeNS Package Number J14AMay 1998
Receiver 1998 National Semiconductor Corporation DS005798