DS88C120N ,Dual CMOS Compatible Differential Line ReceiverFeaturesYFull compatibility with EIA Standards RS232-C, RS422The DS78C120 and DS88C120 are high per ..
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Dual CMOS Compatible Differential Line Receiver
February 1996
DS78C120/DS88C120 Dual CMOS Compatible
Differential Line Receiver
General Description
The DS78C120and DS88C120are high performance, dual
differential, CMOS compatibleline receiversfor bothbal-
ancedand unbalanced digital data transmission.The inputs
are compatiblewith EIA, FederalandMIL standards.
Input specifications meetor exceed thoseofthe popular
DS7820/DS8820line receiver.
Theline receiverwill discriminatea g200mV input signal
overa common-mode rangeof g10Vanda g300mVsig-
nal overa rangeof g15V.
Circuit features include hysteresisand response controlfor
applications where controlledriseand falltimes and/or high
frequency noise rejectionare desirable. Threshold offset
controlis providedfor fail-safe detection, shouldthe input openor short.Each receiver includesa 180X terminating
resistorandthe output gate containsa logic strobefor time
discrimination.The DS78C120is specified overa b55§Cto
a125§C temperature rangeandthe DS88C120 from 0§Cto
Features Full compatibility withEIA Standards RS232-C, RS422
and RS423, Federal Standards 1020, 1030 and MIL-
188-114 Input voltage rangeof g15V (differentialor common-
mode) Separate strobe inputfor each receiver 1/2 VCC strobe thresholdfor CMOS compatibility5k typical input impedance50mV input hysteresis 200mV input threshold Operation voltage rangee 4.5Vto15V Separate fail-safe mode
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
Top View
OrderNumber DS88C120N
SeeNS PackageNumberN16A
For Complete Military883 Specifications,
see RETS DataSheet.
SeeNS Package Number J16A
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1996National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M36/Printed inU.S.A. http://