DS8880N ,High Voltage 7-Segment Decoder/DriverFeatureser switches a current sink on or off as prescribed by theYCurrent sink outputsinput code. E ..
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High Voltage 7-Segment Decoder/Driver
March 1988
DS7880/DS8880 High Voltage 7-Segment Decoder/Driver
General Description
The DS7880/DS8880is custom designedto decode four
linesof BCDand drivea gas-filled seven-segment display
Each output constitutesa switchable, adjustable current
sink which provides constant currenttothe tube segment,
even with high tube anode supply toleranceor fluctuation.
These current sinks havea voltage compliance from3Vto least 80V; typicallythe output current varies1%forout-
put voltage changesof3to 50V. Eachbitlineofthe decod- switchesa current sinkonoroffas prescribedbythe
input code. Each current sinkis ratioedtothe b-outputcur-
rentas requiredfor even illuminationofall segments.
Output currents maybe varied overthe0.2to1.5mA range
for driving various tube typesor multiplex operation. The
output currentis adjustedby connectingan external pro-
gram resistor (RP) fromVCCtothe Program inputin accord-
ance withthe programming curve. The circuit design pro-
videsa one-to-one correlation between program input cur-
rentand b-segment output current.
The Blanking Input provides unconditional blankingofany
output display, whilethe Ripple Blanking pins allow simple
leading-or trailing-zero blanking.
Features Current sink outputs Adjustable output currentÐ0.2to1.5mA High output breakdown voltageÐ110Vtyp Suitablefor multiplex operation Blankingand Ripple Blanking provisions Low fan-inandlow power
Logic Diagram
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.