DS8838M ,Quad Unified Bus TransceiverElectrical CharacteristicsThe following apply for V ≤ V ≤ V ,T ≤ T ≤ T , unless otherwise specified ..
DS8838N ,Quad Unified Bus TransceiverFeaturesn 4 totally separate driver/receiver pairs per packageThe DS8838 is a quad high speed drive ..
DS8880N ,High Voltage 7-Segment Decoder/DriverFeatureser switches a current sink on or off as prescribed by theYCurrent sink outputsinput code. E ..
DS88C120N ,Dual CMOS Compatible Differential Line Receiverapplications wherecontrolledriseand fall times and/or high Operation voltage rangee 4.5V to 15Vfreq ..
DS88C120N ,Dual CMOS Compatible Differential Line ReceiverFeaturesYFull compatibility with EIA Standards RS232-C, RS422The DS78C120 and DS88C120 are high per ..
DS88C20N ,Dual CMOS Compatible Differential Line ReceiverFeaturesn Meets requirements of EIA Standards RS-232-C RS-422The DS78C20 and DS88C20 are high perfo ..
Quad Unified Bus Transceiver
Quad Unified Bus Transceiver
General DescriptionThe DS8838isa quad high speed driver/receiver designed
foruse inbusorganized data transmission systems intercon-
nectedby terminated 120Ω impedance lines.The external
terminationis intendedtobe 180Ω resistor fromthebusto
the +5V logic supply together witha 390Ω resistor fromthe
busto ground. Thebuscanbe terminatedatoneor both
ends. Low buspin current allowsupto27 driver/receiver
pairsto utilizea common bus. Thebusloadingis unchanged
when VCC=0V. The receivers incorporate hysteresisto
greatly enhancebus noise immunity. One two-input NOR
gateis includedto disableall driversina package simulta-
neously. Receiver performanceis optimizedforsystemswith
busriseandfall times≤1.0 μs/V.
Features4 totally separate driver/receiver pairsper package1V typical receiver input hysteresis Receiver hysteresis independentof receiver output load Guaranteed minimumbus noise immunityof 1.3V,2V
typ. Temperature-insensitive receiver thresholds trackbus
logic levels20μA typicalbus terminal current with normal VCCor
with VCC=0V Open collector driver output allows wire-OR connection High speed Series74TTL compatible driverand disable inputsand
receiver outputs
Typical ApplicationDS005812-1
May 1999
Receiver 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS005812