DS80C400 ,Network microcontroller, clock speed=75 MHzELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Note 1) (V = 3.0V to 3.6V, V = 1.8V ±10%, T = -40°C to +85°C.) CC3 CC1 ..
DS80C400-FNY ,Network MicrocontrollerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Note 1) (V = 3.0V to 3.6V, V = 1.8V ±10%, T = -40°C to +85°C.) CC3 CC1 ..
DS80C400-FNY+ ,Network Microcontrollerapplications, it may be desirable to use a more accurate external reset. Note 3: While the specific ..
DS80C400-KIT# ,DS80C400 Evaluation Kit DS80C400-KIT DS80C400 Evaluation Kit
DS80C410-FNY ,3.3 V, network microcontroller with ethernet and CANELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 3.0V to 3.6V, V = 1.8V ±10%, T = -40°C to +85°C.) (Note 1) CC3 CC1 ..
DS80C410-FNY ,3.3 V, network microcontroller with ethernet and CANFEATURES High-Performance Architecture The DS80C410/DS80C411 network microcontrollers offer Sing ..
ECH8401 ,Medium Output MOSFETsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°CParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage ..
ECH8402 ,Medium Output MOSFETsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°CParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage ..
ECH8402 ,Medium Output MOSFETsOrdering number : ENN8148 ECH8402N-Channel Silicon MOSFETGeneral-Purpose Switching DeviceECH8402App ..
ECH8410 ,N-Channel Power MOSFET, 30V, 12A, 10mOhm, Single ECH8Maximum RatingsParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage V 30 VDSSGate-to-Sou ..
ECH8601 ,Nch+NchAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°CParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage ..
Network microcontroller, clock speed=75 MHz
GENERAL DESCRIPTION The DS80C400 network microcontroller offers the highest integration available in an 8051 device. Peripherals include
a 10/100 Ethernet MAC, three serial ports, a CAN 2.0B controller, 1-Wire® Master, and 64 I/O pins.
To enable access to the network, a full application-
accessible TCP IPv4/6 network stack and OS are provided in ROM. The network stack supports up to 32 simultaneous TCP connections and can transfer up to 5Mbps through the
Ethernet MAC. Its maximum system-clock frequency of 75MHz results in a minimum instruction cycle time of 54ns. Access to large program or data memory areas is
simplified with a 24-bit addressing scheme that supports up to 16MB of contiguous memory.
To accelerate data transfers between the microcontroller
and memory, the DS80C400 provides four data pointers, each of which can be configured to automatically increment or decrement upon execution of certain data pointer-related
instructions. The DS80C400’s hardware math accelerator further increases the speed of 32-bit and 16-bit multiply
and divide operations as well as high-speed shift, normalization, and accumulate functions.
The High-Speed Microcontroller User’s Guide and the High-Speed
Microcontroller User’s Guide: DS80C400 Supplement should be
used in conjunction with this data sheet. Download both at:
/microcontrollers. APPLICATIONS Industrial Control/Automation
Environmental Monitoring
Data Converters (Serial-to-
Ethernet, CAN-to-Ethernet)
Network Sensors Remote Data Collection Equipment
Home/Office Automation Transaction/Payment Terminals
ORDERING INFORMATION 1-Wire is a registered trademark of Dallas Semiconductor.
Magic Packet is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
DeviceNet is a trademark of Open DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc.
FEATURES High-Performance Architecture Single 8051 Instruction Cycle in 54ns
DC to 75MHz Clock Rate Flat 16MB Address Space Four Data Pointers with Auto-Increment/
Decrement and Select-Accelerate Data Movement 16/32-Bit Math Accelerator
Multitiered Networking and I/O 10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller (MAC) CAN 2.0B Controller 1-Wire Net Controller
Three Full-Duplex Hardware Serial Ports Up to Eight Bidirectional 8-Bit Ports (64 Digital I/O Pins)
Robust ROM Firmware Supports Network Boot Over Ethernet Using DHCP and TFTP
Full, Application-Accessible TCP/IP Network Stack Supports IPv4 and IPv6
Implements UDP, TCP, DHCP, ICMP, and IGMP Preemptive, Priority-Based Task Scheduler MAC Address can Optionally be Acquired from IEEE-
Registered DS2502-E48
10/100 Ethernet Mac Flexible IEEE 802.3 MII (10/100Mbps) and ENDEC
(10Mbps) Interfaces Allow Selection of PHY Low-Power Operation Ultra-Low-Power Sleep Mode with Magic Packet™
and Wake-Up Frame Detection 8kB On-Chip Tx/Rx Packet Data Memory with Buffer Control Unit Reduces Load on CPU
Half- or Full-Duplex Operation with Flow Control Multicast/Broadcast Address Filtering with VLAN Support
Full-Function CAN 2.0B Controller 15 Message Centers Supports Standard (11-Bit) and Extended (29-Bit)
Identifiers and Global Masks Media Byte Filtering to Support DeviceNet™, SDS, and
Higher Layer CAN Protocols Auto-Baud Mode and SIESTA Low-Power Mode
Integrated Primary System Logic 16 Total Interrupt Sources with Six External
Four 16-Bit Timer/Counters 2x/4x Clock Multiplier Reduces Electromagnetic
Interference (EMI) Programmable Watchdog Timer Oscillator-Fail Detection
Programmable IrDA Clock
Features continued on page 32. Pin Configuration appears at end of data sheet.
DS80C400 Network Microcontroller
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltage Range on Any Input Pin Relative to Ground -0.5V to +5.5V
Voltage Range on Any Output Pin Relative to Ground -0.5V to (VCC3 + 0.5)V Voltage Range on VCC3 Relative to Ground -0.5V to +3.6V
Voltage Range on VCC1 Relative to Ground -0.3V to +2.0V Operating Temperature Range -40°C to +85°C
Junction Temperature +150°C max Storage Temperature Range -55°C to +160°C
Soldering Temperature See IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020A
Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only,
and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is
not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods can affect device reliability.
DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Note 1) (VCC3 = 3.0V to 3.6V, VCC1 = 1.8V ±10%, TA = -40°C to +85°C.)
Note 1: Specifications to -40°C are guaranteed by design and not production tested.
Note 2: The user should note that this part is tested and guaranteed to operate down to VCC3 = 3.0V and VCC1 = 1.62V, while the reset
thresholds for those supplies, VRST3 and VRST1 respectively, may be above or below those points. When the reset threshold for a given
supply is greater than the guaranteed minimum operating voltage, that reset threshold should be considered the minimum operating
point since execution ceases once the part enters the reset state. When the reset threshold for a given supply is lower than the
DS80C400 Network Microcontroller
most applications, but should be considered when proper operation must be maintained at all times. For these applications, it may be
desirable to use a more accurate external reset.
Note 3: While the specifications for VPFW3 and VRST3 overlap, the design of the hardware makes it such that this is not possible. Within the ranges given, there is a guaranteed separation between these two voltages.
Note 4: Current measured with 75MHz clock source on XTAL1, VCC3 = 3.6V, VCC1 = 2.0V, EA and RST = 0V, Port0 = VCC3, all other pins disconnected.
Note 5: While the specifications for VPFW1 and VRST1 overlap, the design of the hardware makes it such that this is not possible. Within the ranges given, there will be a guaranteed separation between these two voltages.
Note 6: Certain pins exhibit stronger drive capability when being used to address external memory. These pins and associated memory
interface function (in parentheses) are as follows: Port 3.6-3.7 (WR, RD), Port 4 (CE0-3, A16-A19), Port 5.4-5.7 (PCE0-3), Port 6.0-6.5
(CE4-7, A20, A21), Port 7 (demultiplexed mode A0-A7).
Note 7: This measurement reflects the weak I/O pullup state that persists following the momentary strong 0 to 1 port pin drive (VOH2). This I/O pin state can be achieved by applying RST = VCC3.
Note 8: The measurement reflects the momentary strong port pin drive during a 0-to-1 transition in I/O mode. During this period, a one shot circuit drives the ports hard for two clock cycles. A weak pullup device (VOH1) remains in effect following the strong two-clock cycle
drive. If a port 4 or 6 pin is functioning in memory mode with pin state of 0 and the SFR bit contains a 1, changing the pin to an I/O
mode (by writing to P4CNT, for example) does not enable the two-cycle strong pullup.
Note 9: Port 3 pins 3.6 (WR) and 3.7(RD) have a stronger than normal pullup drive for only one system clock period following the transition of either WR or RD from a 0 to a 1.
Note 10: This is the current required from an external circuit to hold a logic low level on an I/O pin while the corresponding port latch bit is set to 1. This is only the current required to hold the low level; transitions from 1 to 0 on an I/O pin also have to overcome the transition
Note 11: Following the 0 to 1 one-shot timeout, ports in I/O mode source transition current when being pulled down externally. It reaches a maximum at approximately 2V.
Note 12: During external addressing mode, weak latches are used to maintain the previously driven state on the pin until such time that the Port 0 pin is driven by an external memory source.
Note 13: The OW pin (when configured to output a 1) at VIN = 5.5V, EA, MUX, and all MII inputs (TXCLk, RXCLk, RX_DV, RX_ER, RXD[3:0], CRS, COL, MDIO) at VIN = 3.6V.
(Note 1) (VCC3 = 3.0V to 3.6V, VCC1 = 1.8V ±10%, TA = -40°C to +85°C.)
Note 1: Specifications to -40°C are guaranteed by design and not production tested.
Note 2: All parameters apply to both commercial and industrial temperature operation, unless otherwise noted.
Note 3: tCLCL, tCLCH, tCHCL are time periods associated with the internal system clock and are related to the external clock (tCLK) as defined in the External Clock Oscillator (XTAL1) Characteristics table.
Note 4: The precalculated 75MHz MIN/MAX timing specifications assume an exact 50% duty cycle.
Note 5: All signals guaranteed with load capacitance of 80pF except Port 0, Port 2, ALE, PSEN, RD, and WR with 100pF. The following signals, when configured for memory interface, are also characterized with 100pF loading: Port 4 (CE0-3, A16A19), Port 5.45.7 ( PCE0-3),
Port 6.06.5 (CE4-7, A20, A21), Port 7 (demultiplexed mode A0A7).
Note 6: For high-frequency operation, special attention should be paid to the float times of the interfaced memory devices so as to avoid bus
DS80C400 Network Microcontroller
EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE SYSTEM CLOCK TIME PERIODS (tCLCL, tCHCL, tCLCH) Note 1: Figure 20 shows a detailed description and illustration of the system clock selection.
Note 2: When an external clock oscillator is used in conjunction with the default system clock selection (CD1:CD0 = 10b), the minimum/maximum system clock high (tCHCL) and system clock low (tCLCH) periods are directly related to clock oscillator duty cycle.
MOVX CHARACTERISTICS (MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS/DATA BUS) (Note 1) (VCC3 = 3.0V to 3.6V, VCC1 = 1.8V ±10%, TA = -40 �C to +85°C.)
DS80C400 Network Microcontroller
Note 1: Specifications to -40°C are guaranteed by design and not production tested.
Note 2: For a MOVX read operation, on the falling edge of ALE, Port 0 is held by a weak latch until overdriven by external memory.
Note 3: All parameters apply to both commercial and industrial temperature operation, unless otherwise noted.
Note 4: CST is the stretch cycle value as determined by the MD2, MD1, and MD0 bits of the CKCON register. tCLCL , tCLCH , tCHCL are time periods associated with the internal system clock and are related to the external clock. See the System Clock Time Periods table.
Note 5: All signals characterized with load capacitance of 80pF except Port 0, Port 2, ALE, PSEN, RD, and WR with 100pF. The following signals, when configured for memory interface, are also characterized with 100pF loading: Port 4 (CE0-3, A16A19), Port 5.45.7
(PCE0-3), Port 6.06.5 (CE4-7, A20, A21), Port 7 (demultiplexed mode A0A7).
Note 6: References to the XTAL, XTAL1, or CLK signal in timing diagrams are to assist in determining the relative occurrence of events, not for determing absolute signal timing with respect to the external clock.