DS80C323-END ,High-Speed/Low-Power MicrocontrollersFEATURES PIN CONFIGURATIONS 80C32-Compatible TOP VIEW 8051 Pin and Instruction Set Compatible Fo ..
DS80C323MCD ,Fast 80C31/80C32-compatible microcontroller, low-power, 18MHz, 256 bytes scratchpad RAM, Addresses 64 kB ROM and 64 kB RAMapplications will see a speed improvement of 2.5 times using the same code and same crystal. The DS ..
DS80C323-MCD+ ,High-Speed/Low-Power MicrocontrollersFEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT § 80C32-Compatible - 8051 pin and instruction set compatible - Four 8-bit ..
DS80C323-MCD+ ,High-Speed/Low-Power Microcontrollersapplications will see a speed improvement of 2.5 times using the same code and same crystal. The DS ..
DS80C323QCD ,Fast 80C31/80C32-compatible microcontroller, low-power, 18MHz, 256 bytes scratchpad RAM, Addresses 64 kB ROM and 64 kB RAMapplications in which power consumption is critical, the DS80C323 offers the same feature set as th ..
DS80C323QND ,High-Speed/Low-Power Microcontrollersapplications see a speed improvement of 2.5 times using the same code and same crystal. The DS80C32 ..
ECH8401 ,Medium Output MOSFETsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°CParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage ..
ECH8402 ,Medium Output MOSFETsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°CParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage ..
ECH8402 ,Medium Output MOSFETsOrdering number : ENN8148 ECH8402N-Channel Silicon MOSFETGeneral-Purpose Switching DeviceECH8402App ..
ECH8410 ,N-Channel Power MOSFET, 30V, 12A, 10mOhm, Single ECH8Maximum RatingsParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage V 30 VDSSGate-to-Sou ..
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High-Speed/Low-Power Microcontrollers
FEATURES ��80C32-Compatible
8051 Pin and Instruction Set Compatible Four 8-Bit I/O Ports
Three 16-Bit Timer/Counters
256 Bytes Scratchpad RAM
Addresses 64kB ROM and 64kB RAM
��High-Speed Architecture
4 Clocks/Machine Cycle (8032 = 12)
DC to 33MHz (DS80C320)
DC to 18MHz (DS80C323)
Single-Cycle Instruction in 121ns
Uses Less Power for Equivalent Work Dual Data Pointer
Optional Variable Length MOVX to Access
Fast/Slow RAM/Peripherals
��High-Integration Controller Includes:
Power-Fail Reset Programmable Watchdog Timer
Early Warning Power-Fail Interrupt
��Two Full-Duplex Hardware Serial Ports
��13 Total Interrupt Sources with Six
External ��Available in 40-Pin DIP, 44-Pin PLCC, and
44-Pin TQFP The High-Speed Microcontroller User’s Guide must be
used in conjunction with this data sheet. Download it
at: /microcontrollers. Data sheets contain pin descriptions, feature overviews, and electrical specifications, whereas the
user’s guide contains detailed information about device features and operation.
High-Speed/Low-Power Microcontrollers
DS80C320/DS80C323 High-Speed/Low-Power Microcontrollers
DETAILED DESCRIPTION The DS80C320/DS80C323 are fast 80C31/80C32-compatible microcontrollers. Wasted clock and
memory cycles have been removed using a redesigned processor core. As a result, every 8051 instruction is executed between 1.5 and 3 times faster than the original for the same crystal speed. Typical
applications see a speed improvement of 2.5 times using the same code and same crystal. The DS80C320
offers a maximum crystal rate of 33MHz, resulting in apparent execution speeds of 82.5MHz
(approximately 2.5X).
The DS80C320/DS80C323 are pin compatible with all three packages of the standard 80C32 and offer the same timer/counters, serial port, and I/O ports. In short, the devices are extremely familiar to 8051
users, but provide the speed of a 16-bit processor.
The DS80C320 provides several extras in addition to greater speed. These include a second full hardware
serial port, seven additional interrupts, programmable watchdog timer, power-fail interrupt and reset. The
device also provides dual data pointers (DPTRs) to speed block data memory moves. It can also adjust the speed of off-chip data memory access to between two and nine machine cycles for flexibility in selecting
memory and peripherals.
The DS80C320 operating voltage ranges from 4.25V to 5.5V, making it ideal as a high-performance
upgrade to existing 5V systems. For applications in which power consumption is critical, the DS80C323
offers the same feature set as the DS80C320, but with 2.7V to 5.5V operation.
Designers must have two documents to fully use all the features of this device: this data sheet and the
High-Speed Microcontroller User’s Guide, available on our website at
/microcontrollers. Data sheets contain pin descriptions, feature overviews, and
electrical specifications, whereas our user’s guides contain detailed information about device features and
DS80C320/DS80C323 High-Speed/Low-Power Microcontrollers
Figure 1. Block Diagram
PIN DESCRIPTION DS80C320/DS80C323 High-Speed/Low-Power Microcontrollers
DS80C320/DS80C323 High-Speed/Low-Power Microcontrollers