DS75S+T&R ,Digital Thermometer and ThermostatFeaturesThe DS75 digital thermometer and thermostat provides 9, ● Temperature Measurements Require ..
DS75U ,Digital Thermometer and ThermostatPin DescriptionSDA Open-Drain Data I/OGND 4 5 A2SCL Clock InputDS75S+ (8-Pin SO — 150mil)GND Ground ..
DS75U/T&R ,Digital Thermometer and Thermostatapplications. Resolution)The DS75 thermostat has a dedicated open–drain output ● 9-Bit Conversion T ..
DS75U+ ,Digital Thermometer and Thermostatpin descriptions are given in Table 2.● Pin/software Compatible with the LM75● Available in 8-Pin µ ..
DS75U+T&R ,Digital Thermometer and ThermostatApplications Include Personal Computers, Cellular SDA 1 8 VDDBase Stations, Office Equipment, or An ..
DS7820AJ ,Dual Line ReceiverFeaturestal systems connected by twisted pair lines, they have a dif-n Operation from a single +5V ..
ECH8401 ,Medium Output MOSFETsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°CParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage ..
ECH8402 ,Medium Output MOSFETsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°CParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage ..
ECH8402 ,Medium Output MOSFETsOrdering number : ENN8148 ECH8402N-Channel Silicon MOSFETGeneral-Purpose Switching DeviceECH8402App ..
ECH8410 ,N-Channel Power MOSFET, 30V, 12A, 10mOhm, Single ECH8Maximum RatingsParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage V 30 VDSSGate-to-Sou ..
ECH8601 ,Nch+NchAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°CParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage ..
Digital Thermometer and Thermostat
General DescriptionThe DS75 digital thermometer and thermostat provides 9,
10, 11, or 12-bit digital temperature readings over a -55°C to
+125°C range with ±2°C accuracy over a -25°C to +100°C
range. At power-up, the DS75 defaults to 9-bit resolution
for software compatibility with the LM75. Communication
with the DS75 is achieved via a simple 2–wire serial inter-
face. Three address pins allow up to eight DS75 devices
to operate on the same 2-wire bus, which greatly simplifies
distributed temperature sensing applications.
The DS75 thermostat has a dedicated open–drain output
(O.S.) and programmable fault tolerance, which allows the
user to define the number of consecutive error conditions
that must occur before O.S is activated. There are two
thermostatic operating modes that control thermostat oper-
ation based on userdefined trip-points (TOS and THYST).
A block diagram of the DS75 is shown in Figure 1 and
detailed pin descriptions are given in Table 2.
Features●Temperature Measurements Require No External
Components●Measures Temperatures from -55°C to +125°C
(-67°F to +257°F)●±2°C Accuracy Over a -25°C to +100°C Range●Thermometer Resolution is User-Configurable
from Nine (Default) to 12 Bits (0.5°C to 0.0625°C
Resolution)●9-Bit Conversion Time is 150ms (Max)●Thermostatic Settings are User-Definable●Data is Read/Written Via 2-Wire Serial
(Interface (SDA and SCL Pins)●Multidrop Capability Simplifies Distributed emperature-Sensing Applications●Wide Power-Supply Range (+2.7V to +5.5V).●Pin/software Compatible with the LM75●Available in 8-Pin µ MAX and SO Packages and as a
1.5mm x 1.3mm Flip Chip. See Table 1 for Ordering
Information●Applications Include Personal Computers, Cellular
Base Stations, Office Equipment, or Any Thermally
Sensitive System
SDAOpen-Drain Data I/O
SCLClock Input
O.S.Open-Drain Thermostat Output Address InputAddress InputAddress Input
VDDPower Supply
DS75S+ (8-Pin SO — 150mil)TOP VIEW
DS75U+ (µMAX)
DS75Digital Thermometer and Thermostat
Pin Description
Pin Coniguration
Table 1. Ordering Information
Table 2. Detailed Pin DescriptionNote: A “+” symbol will also be marked on the package near the Pin 1 indicator
PACKAGE MARKINGDESCRIPTIONDS75S+DS75 (see note)DS75 in Lead-Free 150mil 8-Pin SO
DS75S+T&RDS75 (see note)DS75 in Lead-Free 150mil 8-Pin SO, 2500-Piece Tape-and-Reel
DS75U+DS75 (see note)DS75 in Lead-Free 8-Pin µMAX
DS75U+T&RDS75 (see note)DS75 in Lead-Free 8-Pin µMAX, 3000-Piece Tape-and-Reel
DS75SDS75DS75 in 150mil 8-Pin SO
DS75S/T&RDS75DS75 in 150mil 8-Pin SO, 2500-Piece Tape-and-Reel
DS75UDS75DS75 in 8-Pin µMAX
DS75U/T&RDS75DS75 in 8-Pin µMAX, 3000-Piece Tape-and-Reel
DS75X/T&RDS75DS75 Flip Chip, 10,000-Piece Tape-and-Reel
Data input/output pin for 2-wire serial communication port. Open drain.SCL
Clock input pin for 2-wire serial communication port.O.S.
Thermostat output. Open drain.GND
Ground pin.A2
Address input pin.A1
Address input pin.A0
Address input pin.VDD
Supply Voltage. +2.7V to +5.5V supply pin.DS75Digital Thermometer and Thermostat
Figure 1. DS75 Functional Block Diagram
DS75Digital Thermometer and Thermostat
Voltage on VDD, Relative to Ground ....................-0.3V to +7.0V
Voltage on any other pin,
Relative to Ground................................-0.3V to (VDD + 0.3V)
Operating Temperature ....................................-55°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature ........................................-55°C to +125°C
Soldering Temperature ........................................+260°C for 10s
(-55°C to +125°C; 2.7V ≤ VDD ≤ 5.5V)
Thermometer ErrorTERR-25 to +100 (Note 2)± 2.0°C-55 to +125 (Note 2)± 3.0
Input Logic HighVIH(Note 1)0.7 x VDDVDD + 0.5V
Input Logic LowVIL(Note 1)-0.50.3 x VDDV
SDA Output Logic Low VoltageVOL13mA sink current (Note 1)00.4VVOL26mA sink current (Note 1)00.6
O.S. Saturation VoltageVOL4mA sink current (Notes 1, 2)0.8V
Input current each I/O pin0.4 < VI/O< 0.9 VDD-10+10µA
I/O CapacitanceCI/O10pF
Standby CurrentIDD1(Notes 3, 4)1µA
Active CurrentIDDActive temp conversions (Notes 3, 4)1000µACommunication only (Notes 3, 4)100
DS75Digital Thermometer and Thermostat
Absolute Maximum Ratings*Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these
or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect
device reliability.
DC Electrical Characteristics
(-55°C to +125°C; 2.7V ≤ VDD ≤ 5.5V)
Note 1: All voltages are referenced to ground.
Note 2: Internal heating caused by O.S. loading will cause the DS75 to read approximately 0.5°C higher if O.S. is sinking the max
rated current.
Note 3: IDD specified with O.S. pin open.
Note 4: IDD specified with VDD at 5.0V and SDA, VSCL = 5.0V, 0°C to 70°C.
Note 5: See Timing Diagram in Figure 2. All timing is referenced to 0.9 x VDD and 0.1 x VDD.
Note 6: After this period, the first clock pulse is generated.
Note 7: For example, if CB = 300pF, then tR[min] = tF[min] = 50ns.
Temperature Conversion TimetCONVT
9-bit conversions15010-bit conversions300
11-bit conversions600
12-bit conversions1200
SCL FrequencyfSCL400kHz
Bus Free Time Between a STOP
and START ConditiontBUF(Note 5)1.3µs
START and Repeated START
Hold Time from Falling SCLtHD:STA(Notes 5, 6)0.6µs
Low Period of SCLtLOW(Note 5)1.3µs
High Period of SCLtHIGH(Note 5)0.6µs
Repeated START Condition
Setup Time to Rising SCLtSU:STA(Note 5)0.6µs
Data-Out Hold Time
from Falling SCLtHD:DAT(Note 5)00.9µs
Data-In Setup Time to
Rising SCLtSU:DAT(Note 5)100ns
Rise Time of SDA and SCLtR(Notes 5, 7)20 + 0.1CB1000ns
Fall Time of SDA and SCLtF(Notes 5, 7)20 + 0.1CB300ns
STOP Setup Time to Rising SCLtSU:STO(Note 5)0.6µs
Capacitive Load for
Each Bus LineCB400pF
Input CapacitanceCI5pF
DS75Digital Thermometer and Thermostat
AC Electrical Characteristics
Operation—Measuring TemperatureThe DS75 measures temperature using a bandgap tem-
perature sensing architecture. An on-board delta-sigma
analog-to-digital converter (ADC) converts the measured
temperature to a digital value that is calibrated in degrees
centigrade; for Fahrenheit applications a lookup table or
conversion routine must be used. The DS75 is factory-
calibrated and requires no external components to mea-
sure temperature.
At power-up the DS75 immediately begins measuring
the temperature and converting the temperature to a
digital value. The resolution of the digital output data is
user-configurable to 9, 10, 11, or 12 bits, corresponding
to temperature increments of 0.5°C, 0.25°C, 0.125°C,
and 0.0625°C, respectively, with 9-bit default resolution
at power-up. The resolution is controlled via the R0 and
R1 bits in the configuration register as explained in the
CONFIGURATION REGISTER section of this data sheet.
Note that the conversion time doubles for each additional
bit of resolution.
After each temperature measurement and analog-to-
digital conversion, the DS75 stores the temperature as a
16-bit two’s complement number in the 2-byte tempera-
ture register (Figure 3). The sign bit (S) indicates if the
temperature is positive or negative: for positive numbers
S = 0 and for negative numbers S = 1. The most recently
converted digital measurement can be read from the tem-
perature register at any time. Since temperature conver-
sions are performed in the background, reading the tem-
perature register does not affect the operation in progress.
Bits 3 through 0 of the temperature register are hardwired
to 0. When the DS75 is configured for 12-bit resolution,
the 12 MSbs (bits 15 through 4) of the temperature regis-
ter will contain temperature data. For 11-bit resolution, the
11 MSbs (bits 15 through 5) of the temperature register
will contain data, and bit 4 will read out as 0. Likewise,
for 10-bit resolution, the 10 MSbs (bits 15 through 6) will
contain data, and for 9-bit the 9 MSbs (bits 15 through 7)
will contain data, and all unused LSbs will contain 0s.
Table 3 gives examples of 12-bit resolution digital output
data and the corresponding temperatures.
Figure 2. Timing Diagram
DS75Digital Thermometer and Thermostat
Shutdown ModeFor power-sensitive applications, the DS75 offers a low-
power shutdown mode. The SD bit in the configuration
register controls shutdown mode. When SD is changed
to 1, the conversion in progress will be completed and
the result stored in the temperature register after which
the DS75 will go into a low-power standby state. The
O.S. output will be cleared if the thermostat is operating
in interrupt mode and O.S will remain unchanged in com-
parator mode. The 2-wire interface remains operational in
shutdown mode, and writing a 0 to the SD bit returns the
DS75 to normal operation.
Operation–ThermostatThe DS75 thermostat has two operating modes, com-
parator mode and interrupt mode, which activate and
deactivate the open-drain thermostat output (O.S.) based
on user-programmable trip-points (TOS and THYST).
The DS75 powers up with the thermostat in comparator
mode with active-low O.S. polarity and with the over-
temperature trip-point (TOS) register set to 80°C and the
hysteresis trip-point (THYST) register set to 75°C. If these
power-up settings are compatible with the application, the
DS75 can be used as a standalone thermostat (i.e., no
2–wire communication required). If interrupt mode opera-
tion, activehigh O.S. polarity or different TOS and THYST
values are desired, they must be programmed after pow-
In both operating modes, the user can program the ther-
mostat fault tolerance, which sets how many consecutive
temperature readings (1, 2, 4, or 6) must fall outside of
the thermostat limits before the thermostat output is trig-
gered. The fault tolerance is set by the F1 and F0 bits in
the configuration and at power-up the fault tolerance is 1.
The data format of the TOS and THYST registers is
identical to that of the temperature register (Figure 3),
i.e., a two-byte two’s complement representation of the
trip-point temperature in degrees centigrade with bits 3
through 0 hardwired to 0. After every temperature con-
version, the measured temperature is compared to the
values in the TOS and THYST registers, and then O.S.
is updated based on the result of the comparison and
the operating mode. The number of TOS and THYST bits
used during the thermostat comparison is equal to the
conversion resolution set by the R1 and R0 bits in the
configuration register. For example, it the resolution is 9
bits, only the 9 MSbs of TOS and THYST will be used by
the thermostat comparator.
The active state of the O.S. output can be changed via the
POL bit in the configuration register. The power-up default
is active low.
If the user does not wish to use the thermostat capabilities
of the DS75, the O.S. output should be left floating. Note
that if the thermostat is not used, the TOS and THYST
Figure 3. Temperature, TH, and TL Register Format
Table 3. 12-Bit Resolution Temperature/Data Relationship
+25.06250001 1001 0001 00001910h
+10.1250000 1010 0010 00000A20h
+0.50000 0000 1000 00000080h0000 0000 0000 00000000h
-0.51111 1111 1000 0000FF80h
-10.1251111 0101 1110 0000F5E0h
-25.06251110 0110 1111 0000E6F0h
-551100 1001 0000 0000C900h
bit 15bit 14bit 13bit 12bit 11bit 10bit 9bit 8
MS ByteS26252423222120
bit 7bit 6bit 5bit 4bit 3bit 2bit 1bit 0
LS Byte2-12-22-32-40000
DS75Digital Thermometer and Thermostat