DS75154M ,Quad Line ReceiverGeneral Descriptionpositive-going threshold voltage remains above zero as it isThe DS75154 is a qua ..
DS75154MX ,Quad Line ReceiverFeaturesfrom a single 5V supply; however, a built-in option allows op-n Input resistance, 3 kΩ to7k ..
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Quad Line Receiver
Quad Line Receiver
General DescriptionThe DS75154isa quad monolithicline receiver designedto
satisfythe requirementsofthe standard interface between
data terminal equipmentand data communicationequipment
asdefinedbyEIA Standard RS-232C. Otherapplicationsare relatively short, single-line, point-to-point data transmis-
sion systemsandfor level translators. Operationis normally
froma single5V supply; however,a built-in option allowsop-
eration from a12V supply withouttheuseof additional com-
ponents.The outputis compatiblewith most TTLandLScir-
cuits when either supply voltageis used. normaloperation,the threshold-control terminalsare con-
nectedtothe VCC1 terminal,pin15, evenif poweris being
suppliedviathe alternate VCC2 terminal,pin16. This pro-
videsa wide hysteresis loop whichisthe difference between
the positive-goingand negative-going threshold voltages.In
this mode,ifthe input voltage goesto zero,the output volt-
agewill remainatthelowor high levelas determinedbythe
previous input.
For fail-safe operation,the threshold-control terminalsare
open. This reduces the hysteresis loopby causingthe
negative-going threshold voltagetobe above zero. The
positive-going threshold voltage remains above zeroasitis
unaffectedbythe dispositionofthe threshold terminals.In
the fail-safe mode,ifthe input voltage goesto zerooran
open-circuit condition,the outputwillgotothe high levelre-
gardlessofthe previous input condition.
Features Input resistance,3kΩ to7kΩ overfull RS-232C voltage
range Input threshold adjustableto meet “fail-safe”
requirements without using external components Inverting output compatible with TTLorLS Built-in hysteresisfor increased noise immunity Outputwith active pull-upfor symmetrical switching
speeds Standard supply voltage—5Vor 12V
Schematic DiagramDS005795-1
Note: WhenusingVCC1(pin15), VCC2 (pin16) maybeleftopenor shortedto VCC1. When using VCC2,VCC1mustbeleftopenor connected tothe
threshold controlpins.
May 1998
Receiver 1998 National Semiconductor Corporation DS005795