DS75150N ,Dual Line DriverFeaturesn Withstands sustained output short-circuit to any lowThe DS75150 is a dual monolithic line ..
DS75154M ,Quad Line ReceiverGeneral Descriptionpositive-going threshold voltage remains above zero as it isThe DS75154 is a qua ..
DS75154MX ,Quad Line ReceiverFeaturesfrom a single 5V supply; however, a built-in option allows op-n Input resistance, 3 kΩ to7k ..
DS75160AN ,IEEE-488 GPIB TransceiversFeaturesn 8-channel bi-directional non-inverting transceiversThis family of high-speed-Schottky 8-c ..
DS75161AN ,IEEE-488 GPIB TransceiversFeaturesn 8-channel bi-directional non-inverting transceiversThis family of high-speed-Schottky 8-c ..
DS75176 ,Multipoint RS-485/RS-422 TransceiversFeatures® n Meets EIA standard RS485 for multipoint busThe DS75176B is a high speed differential TR ..
ECH8401 ,Medium Output MOSFETsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°CParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage ..
ECH8402 ,Medium Output MOSFETsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°CParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage ..
ECH8402 ,Medium Output MOSFETsOrdering number : ENN8148 ECH8402N-Channel Silicon MOSFETGeneral-Purpose Switching DeviceECH8402App ..
ECH8410 ,N-Channel Power MOSFET, 30V, 12A, 10mOhm, Single ECH8Maximum RatingsParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage V 30 VDSSGate-to-Sou ..
ECH8601 ,Nch+NchAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°CParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage ..
Dual Line Driver
Dual Line Driver
General DescriptionThe DS75150is adual monolithicline driver designed tosat-
isfythe requirementsofthe standardinterface betweendata
terminal equipmentand data communication equipmentas
definedby EIAStandard RS-232-C.Arateof 20,000bitsper
second canbe transmittedwitha full2500pF load. Otherap-
plicationsarein data-transmission systems using relatively
short single lines,in level translators,andfor driving MOS
devices.The logic inputis compatible with mostTTLandLS
families. Operationis from −12Vand +12V power supplies.
Features Withstands sustained output short-circuittoanylow
impedance voltage between −25Vand +25V2μs max transition time throughthe −3Vto +3V
transition region underfull 2500pF load Inputs compatible with most TTLandLS families Common strobe input Inverting output Slewratecanbe controlled withan external capacitorat
the output Standard supply voltages: ±12V
Schematic and Connection DiagramsDS005794-1
Component values shownare nominal.
1/2of circuitshown
Dual-In-Line PackageDS005794-2
Positive LogicC=AS
Top View
Order Number DS75150M
SeeNS Package Number M08AMay 1998
Driver 1998 National Semiconductor Corporation DS005794