DS3153DK ,Triple DS3/E3/STS-1 LIU Demo Kit DS3153DK Triple DS3/E3/STS-1 LIU Demo Kit
DS3153N ,Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3/STS-1 LIUsFEATURES The DS3151 (single), DS3152 (dual), DS3153 Single, Dual, Triple, or Quad Integrated (tr ..
DS3153N+ ,Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3/STS-1 LIUsBlock Diagram ......9 Figure 5-1. Status Register Logic .16 Figure 6-1. Receiver Jitter Tolerance . ..
DS3154 ,Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3/STS-1 LIUsFeatures continued on page 5. RXN DATAOR STS-1 AND DATA Dallas Semiconductor ORDERING INFORMATIO ..
DS3154 ,Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3/STS-1 LIUsFEATURES The DS3151 (single), DS3152 (dual), DS3153 Single, Dual, Triple, or Quad Integrated (trip ..
DS3154+ ,Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3/STS-1 LIUsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ........37 14. PIN ASSIGNMENTS......46 15. PACKAGE INFORMATION....59 16. ..
EA2-12 ,COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHTAPPLICATIONSElectronic switching systems, PBX, key telephone systems, automatic test equipment and ..
EA2-12NU ,COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHTFEATURESª Low power consumptionª Compact and light weightª 2 form c contact arrangementª Low magnet ..
EA2-12S ,COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHTFEATURESª Low power consumptionª Compact and light weightª 2 form c contact arrangementª Low magnet ..
EA2-12TNU ,COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHTAPPLICATIONSElectronic switching systems, PBX, key telephone systems, automatic test equipment and ..
EA2-4.5NU ,COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHTAPPLICATIONSElectronic switching systems, PBX, key telephone systems, automatic test equipment and ..
Triple DS3/E3/STS-1 LIU Demo Kit
GENERAL DESCRIPTION The DS3153DK is an easy-to-use evaluation kit for the DS3153 triple DS3/E3/STS-1 LIU. A surface-
mounted DS3153 and careful layout of the analog signal traces provide maximum signal integrity to
demonstrate the transmit and receive capabilities of the DS3153. On-board Dallas 8051-compatible
microcontroller and included software give point-and-click access to configuration and status registers
from a personal computer. LEDs on the board indicate interrupt, loss-of-signal, transmit driver
monitor, and PRBS sync status for all four ports. The board provides BNC connectors for the line-side
transmit and receive differential pairs and a 50-pin connector for framer interface signals. All LEDs and
connectors are clearly labeled with silk-screening to identify associated signals.
ChipView Software DS3153.def Definition File
DS3153DK Data Sheet DS3153 Data Sheet
FEATURES ��Soldered DS3153 for Best Signal Integrity
��BNC Connectors, Transformers and Termination
Passives for All Four LIUs
��Careful Layout for Analog Signal Paths ��Equipment-Side Connector for External Data
Source/Sink or External Remote Loopback
��On-Board DS3 and E3 Crystal Oscillators
��DS3153 Configured for CPU Bus Operation for Complete Control Over the Device
��On-Board Dallas Microcontroller and Included
Software Provide Point-and-Click Access to the DS3153 Register Set
��LEDs for Interrupt, Loss-of-Signal, Transmit
Driver Monitor, and PRBS Sync ��Banana Jack Connectors for VDD and GND
Support Use of Lab Power Supplies
��Separate DS3153 VDD to Enable IDD Measurements
��Easy-to-Read Silk Screen Labels Identify the
Signals Associated with All Connectors, Jumpers and LEDs
Triple DS3/E3/STS-1 LIU Demo Kit
DS3153 Triple DS3/E3/STS-1 LIU Demo Kit
DS3153 Triple DS3/E3/STS-1 LIU Demo Kit
BOARD FLOORPLAN Figure 1 shows the floorplan of the DS3153DK. The DS3153 is near the center of the board, surrounded by 2:1
transformers. The line-side BNC connectors for the transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) differential pairs are located at
the bottom of the board. LEDs driven by DS3153 pins RLOSn, TDMn, and PRBSn are located next to the
corresponding BNC connectors. An LED driven by the DS3153s INT pin is located to the far right. The system connector in the upper-left corner presents all of the DS3153s framer interface pins: RCLKn, RPOSn/RDATn,
RNEG/RLCVn, TCLKn, TPOSn/TDATn, and TNEGn. In the upper-right corner are banana jacks for ground, board VDD, and a separate DS3153 VDD (useful for DS3153 IDD measurements). The board also contains DS3 and E3 oscillators and the necessary jumpers to configure the DS3153 transmitters for clocking from the oscillators, from
the system connector or from the DS3153 receivers (external remote loopback). In the right-center of the board are a DS87C520 microcontroller and associated components, including four switches and four LEDs connected to the
controllers general-purpose I/O pins. The microcontroller translates memory access requests from the RS-232
serial port (top-center of the board) into register accesses on the DS3153.
Figure 1. Board Floorplan DS3153 Triple DS3/E3/STS-1 LIU Demo Kit
TCLK JUMPERS Jumpers JMP7, JMP8, JMP9, and JMP10 (just below the system connector) select the clock source for the
DS3153 transmitters. The center pin on each of these jumpers is connected directly to the associated TCLK pin on the DS3153. To drive a DS3153 TCLK pin from the system connector, connect the center pin and the EXT
(external) pin of the associated jumper. To drive a DS3153 TCLK pin from one of the on-board oscillators, connect the center pin and the INT (internal) pin of the associated jumper. Jumpers JMP2, JMP3, JMP4, and JMP5 select
between the DS3 oscillator and the E3 oscillator (Figure 2). TCLK4 is not used for this device.
Figure 2. TCLK Jumpers LINE-SIDE CONNECTIONS The DS3153DK implements the transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) line interface networks recommended in the DS3153 data sheet and shown in Figure 3. The BNC connectors for LIU1 are labeled TX1 and RX1. The BNC
connectors for LIU2 are labeled TX2 and RX2. The BNC connectors for LIU3 are labeled TX3 and RX3. The BNC connectors for LIU4 are labeled TX4 and RX4.
Figure 3. Line-Side Circuitry
DS3153 Triple DS3/E3/STS-1 LIU Demo Kit
SYSTEM CONNECTOR The 50-pin system connector at the top of the board gives access to the following DS3153 signals: STMCLK,
RCLKn, RPOSn/RDATn, RNEG/RLCVn, TCLKn, TPOSn/TDATn, and TNEGn. The system connector can be used to connect the DS3153 to an external DS3/E3 framer or other data source/sink. By using jumpers to connect
TCLKn to RCLKn, TPOSn to RPOSn, and TNEGn to RNEGn, the system connector can also be used to implement an external remote loopback. In addition, it can be used to wire DS3153 input pins like TPOSn and TNEGn low. To
wire a pin low, use a jumper to connect it to the neighboring GND pin on the upper row of the system connector.
MICROCONTROLLER, SWITCHES, AND LEDS The DS87C520 microcontroller has factory-installed firmware in on-chip nonvolatile memory. This firmware translates memory access requests from the RS-232 serial port into register accesses on the DS3153. Switches
SW1 through SW4 and LEDs DS7, DS11, DS19, and DS20 are connected to four general-purpose I/O pins on the microcontroller. When the microcontroller starts up it turns on DS20 and leaves DS7, DS11, and DS19 off to
indicate that the controller is working correctly. Otherwise, these switches and LEDs are not used by the DS3153DK firmware.
POWER-SUPPLY CONNECTORS Connect a 3.3V power supply across the red J12 (DK VDD) and black J13 (GND) banana jacks. Connect a separate
supply to the red J14 (3153 VDD) and black J13 (GND). Jumpers (JMP11JMP14) are provided to measure the devices current and can be used instead of J14. The supplies (VDD and V3_3) have been separated from what is
shown in the schematic (page 4, Section D-3) because switching power-supply noise is affecting generated jitter on the DS3153. The supplies should not be wired together for any jitter performance measurements.
CONNECTING TO A COMPUTER Connect a standard DB-9 serial cable between the serial port on the DS3153DK and an available serial port on the
host computer. The host computer must be a Windows®-based PC. Be sure the cable is a standard straight-through cable rather than a null-modem cable. Null-modem cables prevent proper operation.
INSTALLING AND RUNNING THE SOFTWARE ChipView is a general-purpose program that supports a number of Dallas Semiconductor demo kits. To install the
ChipView software, run SETUP.EXE from the disk included in the DS3153DK box or from the zip file downloadable on our website at /DS3153DK. After installation, run the ChipView program with the DS3153DK board powered up and connected to the PC. If the
default installation options were used, one easy way to run ChipView is to click the Start button on the Windows
toolbar and select Programs�ChipView�ChipView. In the opening screen, click the Register View button. (The
Demo and Terminal buttons are not supported for the DS3153DK.) Select the correct serial port in the Port Selection dialog box, then click OK. Next, the Definition File Assignment window appears. This window has subwindows to select definition files for up to four separate boards on other Dallas evaluation platforms. Because ChipView is communicating with the
DS3153DK, only one subwindow is active. In the active subwindow, select the DS3153.DEF definition file from the list shown, or browse to find it in another directory. Press the Continue button.
After selecting the definition file, the main part of the ChipView window displays the DS3153s register map. The registers in LIU1 are displayed in the left column followed by registers for the other LIUs in subsequent columns. To select a register, click on it in the register map. When a register is selected, the full name of the register and its bit
map are displayed at the bottom of the ChipView window. Bits that are logic 0 are displayed in white, while bits that are logic 1 are displayed in green.
DS3153 Triple DS3/E3/STS-1 LIU Demo Kit
The ChipView software supports the following actions:
Toggle a bit. Select the register in the register map and then click the bit in the bit map. Write a register. Select the register, click the Write button, and enter the value to be written. Write all registers. Click the Write All button and enter the value to be written. Read a register. Select the register in the register map and click the Read button. Read all registers. Click the Read All button.
BASIC DS3153DK CONFIGURATION These example configurations provide a quick start to using the DS3153DK. The DS3153 and the DS3153DK can
be configured in many other ways. To set up other configurations, refer to the DS3153 data sheet and other sections of this data sheet.
DS3 Configuration 1) On the system connector, jumper all three TPOS pins and all three TNEG pins to ground.
2) On jumpers JMP7 through JMP9, connect the center post to the INT post. This connects the DS3153s TCLK1 through TCLK3 pins to an on-board oscillator.
3) Place jumpers JMP2 through JMP4 to connect the DS3153s TCLK1 through TCLK3 pins to the on-board DS3 oscillator. Make sure JMP1 has T3MCLK connected to the DS3 oscillator. Make sure JMP6 has E3MCLK
connected to the E3 oscillator. 4) Press and release the DS3153 reset button on the DK board OR set and then clear the RST bit in each GCR
register. The reset default mode is DS3. 5) Clear the TTS bit in each TCR register and clear the RTS bit in each RCR register.
6) Set the TDSA and TDSB bits in each GCR register to transmit a 215 - 1 PRBS pattern.
7) For each LIU port, connect the transmitter to the receiver using 75� coax to configure an external local loopback OR set the LLB bit in each GCR register to configure an internal local loopback.
8) Press the Read All button twice to update the display.
At this point the transmitter is generating a 215 - 1 PRBS pattern that is being looped back to the receiver. On the
DS3153DK board, the PRBS LEDs should be lit, indicating PRBS sync. The TDM and RLOS LEDs should not be lit. In the register map, the SR and SRL registers should contain all zeros.
E3 Configuration 1) On the system connector, jumper all three TPOS pins and all three TNEG pins to ground.
2) On jumpers JMP7 through JMP9, connect the center post to the INT post. This connects the DS3153s TCLK1 through TCLK3 pins to an on-board oscillator.
3) Place jumpers JMP2 through JMP4 to connect the DS3153s TCLK1 through TCLK3 pins to the on-board E3 oscillator. Make sure JMP6 has E3MCLK connected to the E3 oscillator. Make sure JMP1 has T3MCLK
connected to the DS3 oscillator. 4) Press and release the DS3153 reset button on the DK board OR set and then clear the RST bit in each GCR
register. 5) Set the E3 bit in each GCR register.
6) Clear the TTS bit in each TCR register and clear the RTS bit in each RCR register. 7) Set the TDSA and TDSB bits in each GCR register to transmit a 223 - 1 PRBS pattern.
8) For each LIU port, connect the transmitter to the receiver using 75� coax to configure an external local
loopback OR set the LLB bit in each GCR register to configure an internal local loopback. 9) Press the Read All button twice to update the display. At this point the transmitter is generating a 223 - 1 PRBS pattern that is being looped back to the receiver. On the
DS3153DK board, the PRBS LEDs should be lit, indicating PRBS sync. The TDM and RLOS LEDs should not be
lit. In the register map, the SR and SRL registers should contain all zeros.