DS28DG02EVKIT ,Evaluation Board/Evaluation System for the DS28DG02FeaturesThe DS28DG02 evaluation system (EV system) consists♦ Proven PCB Layoutof an evaluation boar ..
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DS28DG02G-3C+T ,2Kb SPI EEPROM with PIO, RTC, Reset, Battery Monitor, and WatchdogAPPLICATIONS Registration Number Asset-Tracking Systems Operating Range: 2.2V to 5.25V, Broadban ..
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EA2-12 ,COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHTAPPLICATIONSElectronic switching systems, PBX, key telephone systems, automatic test equipment and ..
EA2-12NU ,COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHTFEATURESª Low power consumptionª Compact and light weightª 2 form c contact arrangementª Low magnet ..
EA2-12S ,COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHTFEATURESª Low power consumptionª Compact and light weightª 2 form c contact arrangementª Low magnet ..
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Evaluation Board/Evaluation System for the DS28DG02
General DescriptionThe DS28DG02 evaluation system (EV system) consists
of an evaluation board (EV board) and a Maxim
CMAXQUSB command module. The EV board is a
daughter card for the command module. PC connectivi-
ty is included in the kit and free evaluation software is
available for download from the web page listed in
Support Resources. The DS28DG02 is a mixed-signal
memory device. It contains 2Kb of EEPROM memory,
along with PIO, real-time clock (RTC), reset, battery
monitor, and watchdog functions. Communication to the
device is through the industry-standard Serial Peripheral
Interface (SPI™)interface. The evaluation software runs
under 32-bit Windows Vista®, XP, 2000, and 98SE oper-
ating systems, providing a handy user interface to exer-
cise the DS28DG02 features.
Support ResourcesDS28DG02 EV Kit Data Sheet and Software:
/DS28DG02EVKitUser’s Guide to the DS28DG02:
/AN4040Application Note 3601: Troubleshooting Windows
Plug-and-Play and USB for Maxim Evaluation Kits:
/AN3601Listing of All Multifunction Memory EV Kits:
/memoryEVKitsTechnical Support:
FeaturesProven PCB LayoutComplete Evaluation SystemConvenient On-Board Test PointsEasy SetupPC Connectivity IncludedFree Downloadable Evaluation Software Available
Evaluates: DS28DG02Rev 1; 5/08
Ordering Information
EV Kit Contents
DESIGNATIONQTYDESCRIPTIONH1 4 2-pin shunts (for jumpering)
Tyco/Amp 881545-2
H2 1 Small antistatic bag to hold H1
H3 1 DS28DG02 EV board
H4 1 Small antistatic bag to hold
EV board
H5 1 Instruction sheet
H6 1
Box and packaging material to hold
bagged EV board, bag of shunts,
and instruction sheet (H1–H5)
H7 1 Boxed CMAXQUSB command
module with USB cable
H8 1 Box and packaging material to
hold EV kit contents (H1–H7)
SPI is a trademark of Motorola, Inc.
Windows Vista is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
DS28DG02 Evaluation Board/Evaluation System
Evaluates: DS28DG02
Component List
DESIGNATIONQTYDESCRIPTIONSUPPLIER/PART NUMBERB1 1 3V lithium 16mm coin battery with solderable tabs Panasonic BR1632A/HA
C1, C2 2 0.1μF SMT capacitors (1206) KMET C1206C104K1RACTU
D1, D6, D7 3 SMT red LEDs (1206) LiteOn LTST-C150CKT
D2–D5 4 SMT green LEDs (1206) LiteOn LTST-C150GKT
J1 1 100-mil centers, square-post, 2-pin terminal strip Molex 22-28-4022
J2 1 100-mil centers, 40-pin (dual-row) female,
right-angle header
Available from the following suppliers:
Methode (Adam Tech) RS2R-40-G
Oupiin 2044-2X20GRSN
Samtec SSW-120-02-S-D-RA
J3–J4 2 100-mil centers, square-post, 3-pin terminal strip Molex 22-28-4032
J6 1 100-mil centers, square-post, 12-pin terminal strip
right angle Molex 22-28-8120
R1 1 SMT 500 ±1% resistor (1206) ROHM MCR18EZHF4990
R2 1 100 mechanical potentiometer through-mount,
Available from the following suppliers:
Copal Electronics CT6EP101
Murata PVC6A101C01B00
R3, R8, R9 3 10k resistors (1206) Panasonic-ECG ERJ-8ENF1002V
R5 1 Through-mount, 3-pin 500 mechanical
Available from the following suppliers:
Copal Electronics CT6EP501
Murata PVC6A501C01B00
R6 1 SMT 250 ±1% resistor (1206) ROHM MCR18EZHF2490
R7 1 SMT 470 resistor (1206) Panasonic-ECG ERJ-8ENF4700V
RP1 1 1kresistor pack, 9 res, 10-pin CTS Corporation 770101102P
RP2 1 100k resistor pack, 9 res, 10-pin CTS Corporation 770101104P
RP3 1 470 resistor pack, 9 res, 10-pin CTS Corporation 770101471P
SB1 1 Jumper block with 8 built-in switches, 16-pin DIP Grayhill Incorporated 76SB08ST
SW1 1 Momentary pushbutton switch Panasonic-ECG EVQ-PJA04Q
TP1, TP2 2 Test points Keystone 5011
U1 1 2Kb SPI EEPROM with PIO, RTC, reset, battery
monitor and watchdog (4.4mm 28-pin TSSOP) Maxim DS28DG02E-3C+
X1 1 32kHz time crystal Citizen CFS145-32.768KDZF-UB
DS28DG02 Evaluation Board/Evaluation System
Evaluates: DS28DG02Figure 1. DS28DG02 EV Board
Figure 2. DS28DG02 EV Board Connected to CMAXQUSB
DS28DG02 Evaluation Board/Evaluation System
Evaluates: DS28DG02
Quick Start
Note:In the following sections software-related items are
identified by bolding. Text in bold refers to items directly
from the EV kit software. Items in bold and underline
refer to items from the Windows operating system.Before beginning, make sure the following equip-
ment is available:DS28DG02 (contains DS28DG02 EV board and
CMAXQUSB module).Computer with a Windows Vista/XP/2000/98SE
operating system with a spare USB port.Do the following before connecting to the PC:Select 3.3V logic by setting the CMAXQUSB
VDD SELECT jumper.Set up the EV board by placing a jumper on the
J3 jumper block (J3 BATT SRC). If you wish to
evaluate the battery monitor function, choose VCC
to prevent the battery from prematurely draining.
Also, place a jumper on the J1 RESET ENABLE
pins, along with a jumper on J4 WPZ INPUT
(preferably in the rightmost position to prevent
accidental write protection of the SPI Status Byte).Connect the EV board to the CMAXQUSB board
with the 40-pin connector at location P4 (the SPI
pins). See Figure 2 for proper EV board orienta-
tion (component side up) when connecting the
EV board to the CMAXQUSB board.Download the evaluation software from the EV kit’s
Quick View: /DS28DG02EVKit.
The evaluation software is provided as a *.zip
archive file. Unzip the archive’s contents into an
empty or newly created directory.Connect the USB cable between the CMAXQUSB
and the computer. When you plug in the
CMAXQUSB board for the first time, the Windows
plug-and-play system detects the new hardware
and automatically runs the
Add New Hardware
Wizard. Be sure to specify the search location forthe device driver, which is the directory where the
evaluation software files were unzipped.During device driver installation, Windows displays
a warning message indicating that the device driver
for the CMAXQUSB board does not contain a digital
signature. This is not an error condition. It is safe to
proceed with the installation.If any problems occur during device driver installa-
tion, refer to Application Note 3601: Troubleshooting
Windows Plug-and-Play and USB for Maxim
Evaluation Kitsfor more details.The Microsoft .NET framework Version 1.1 is
required for the program to run. To verify if it is
installed, look in Control Panelunder Add/Remove
Softwarefor a listing. If no listing is found, go to
www.microsoft.comand perform a site search for
.NET 1.1 redistributable. Click on the first item inthe results list. It should contain download and
installation instructions.Start the EV kit software by double-clicking the file,
DS28DG02_Evaluation_Program.exe, in the file fold-
er containing the unzipped evaluation software files.
Detailed Description of
SoftwareFigure 3 shows the DS28DG02 software program’s
main window. Note that it consists of seven tabs, with
each tab offering the ability to exercise a group of relat-
ed DS28DG02 functional blocks. The sections are: SPI,
R/W, UserEE, MFC/MFS, GPIO, RTC, and WatchDog.Each of these tabs is described in this section.
Note that a status pane exists at the very bottom of the
window. The left-hand side gives the firmware string of
the CMAXQUSB board (if connected), and the right-
hand side gives status information (in the form of a
small string) on the success or failure of the last opera-
tion attempted.
SPISee Figure 3 for a screenshot of the SPItab. This tab
allows the user to input raw SPI commands and com-
municate to the DS28DG02 through this low-level serial
protocol. The user can assert the chip select (CS) pin
to enable communication to the device, and send data
to the chip by inputting data into the master-out, slave-
in (MOSI) text box and clicking the Execute SPI Comm
button. MOSI is also read out from the chip during the
data exchange.
R/WFigure 4 shows a screenshot of the R/Wtab. This tab
exercises raw read and write functions. Be careful
using this tab as the reading/writing extends to PIO and
control/status registers. To use, simply give the starting
address from which to perform the memory operation
and the number of bytes to read or write. If performing
a write operation, input the data to write in hexadecimal
form (with a space between bytes) in the text box. Next,
choose the type of operation (Read Opor Write Op),
and click the
Execute Memory Opbutton to perform
the action. For reading and writing the user EEPROM
areas, see the UserEEsection.
DS28DG02 Evaluation Board/Evaluation System
Evaluates: DS28DG02Figure 3. DS28DG02 Evaluation Software: Main Window
DS28DG02 Evaluation Board/Evaluation System