DS2761BE ,High-Precision Li+ Battery Monitorfeatures a programmableI/O pin that allows the host system to sense and control other electronics i ..
DS2761BE+ ,High-Precision Li+ Battery MonitorPIN DESCRIPTION Range CC - Charge Control Output Current Accumulation: DC - Discharge Control ..
DS2761BE+025 ,High-Precision Li+ Battery Monitorapplications including remaining capacity estimation, safety monitoring, and battery-specific data ..
DS2762BE+ ,High-Precision Li+ Battery Monitor with Alertsapplications including remaining Internal 25m Sense Resistor capacity estimation, safety monitori ..
DS2762BE+025 ,High-Precision Li+ Battery Monitor with AlertsAPPLICATIONS V V SS IS1 INPROBE PDAs E Cell Phones/Smartphones V PIO ..
DS2762K ,Li+battery monitor evaluation kit DS2762K Li+ Battery Monitor Evaluation Kit
EA2-12 ,COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHTAPPLICATIONSElectronic switching systems, PBX, key telephone systems, automatic test equipment and ..
EA2-12NU ,COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHTFEATURESª Low power consumptionª Compact and light weightª 2 form c contact arrangementª Low magnet ..
EA2-12S ,COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHTFEATURESª Low power consumptionª Compact and light weightª 2 form c contact arrangementª Low magnet ..
EA2-12TNU ,COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHTAPPLICATIONSElectronic switching systems, PBX, key telephone systems, automatic test equipment and ..
EA2-4.5NU ,COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHTAPPLICATIONSElectronic switching systems, PBX, key telephone systems, automatic test equipment and ..
High-Precision Li+ Battery Monitor
FEATURESLithium-Ion (Li+) Safety CircuitOvervoltage ProtectionOvercurrent/Short-Circuit Protection- Undervoltage ProtectionZero Volt Battery Recovery ChargeAvailable in Two Configurations:Internal 25m� Sense Resistor- External User-Selectable Sense ResistorCurrent Measurement12-Bit Bidirectional MeasurementInternal Sense Resistor Configuration:
0.625mA LSB and ±1.9A Dynamic Range- External Sense Resistor Configuration:
15.625�V LSB and ±64mV Dynamic
RangeCurrent Accumulation:- Internal Sense Resistor: 0.25mAhr LSBExternal Sense Resistor: 6.25�Vhr LSBVoltage Measurement with 4.88mV
ResolutionTemperature Measurement Using Integrated
Sensor with 0.125�C ResolutionSystem Power Management and Control
Feature Support32 Bytes of Lockable EEPROM16 Bytes of General-Purpose SRAMDallas 1-Wire® Interface with Unique 64-bit
Device AddressLow Power Consumption:Active Current: 60�A typ, 90�A maxSleep Current:1�A typ, 2�A max
PIN DESCRIPTION-Charge Control Output-Discharge Control OutputDQ-Data Input/Output
PIO-Programmable I/O Pin
PLS-Battery Pack Positive Terminal Input-Power Switch Sense Input
VIN- Voltage-Sense InputVDD-Power-Supply Input (2.5V to 5.5V)
VSS-Device Ground
SNS-Sense Resistor Connection
IS1-Current-Sense Input
IS2-Current-Sense InputSNS Probe - Do Not Connect
VSS Probe - Do Not Connect
16-Pin TSSOP Package
Flip-Chip Packaging*
Top View
1 2 3 4
* Mechanical drawing for the 16-pin TSSOP and DS2761 flip-chip package can be found at:http://pdfserv.maxim-ic.com/arpdf/Packages/16tssop.pdf
DS2761BE D2761EBTSSOP, External Sense Resistor, 4.35V VOV
DS2761AE/T&R D2761EADS2761AE on Tape-and-ReelDS2761BE/T&R D2761EBDS2761BE on Tape-and-Reel
DS2761AE-025 2761A25TSSOP, 25m� Sense Resistor, 4.275V VOV
DS2761BE-025 2761B25TSSOP, 25m� Sense Resistor, 4.35V VOV
DS2761AE-025/T&R 2761A25DS2761AE-025 in Tape-and-ReelDS2761BE-025/T&R 2761B25DS2761BE-025 in Tape-and-Reel
DS2761AX-025/T&R DS2761ARFlip-Chip, 25m� Sense Resistor, Tape-and-Reel, 4.275V VOV
DS2761BX-025/T&R DS2761BRFlip-Chip, 25m� Sense Resistor, Tape-and-Reel, 4.35V VOV
DS2761AX/T&R DS2761AFlip-Chip, External Sense Resistor, Tape-and-Reel, 4.275V VOVDS2761BX/T&R DS2761BFlip-Chip, External Sense Resistor, Tape-and-Reel, 4.35V VOV
Note: Additional VOV options are available, contact Maxim/Dallas Semiconductor sales.
DESCRIPTIONThe DS2761 high-precision Li+ battery monitor is a data-acquisition, information-storage, and safety-protection device tailored for cost-sensitive battery pack applications. This low-power device integrates
precise temperature, voltage, and current measurement, nonvolatile (NV) data storage, and Li+ protection
into the small footprint of either a TSSOP package or flip-chip package. The DS2761 is a key component
in applications including remaining capacity estimation, safety monitoring, and battery-specific data
Through its 1-Wire interface, the DS2761 gives the host system read/write access to status and control
registers, instrumentation registers, and general-purpose data storage. Each device has a unique factory-
programmed 64-bit net address that allows it to be individually addressed by the host system, supporting
multibattery operation.
The DS2761 is capable of performing temperature, voltage, and current measurement to a resolution
sufficient to support process monitoring applications such as battery charge control, remaining capacity
estimation, and safety monitoring. Temperature is measured using an on-chip sensor, eliminating the need
for a separate thermistor. Bidirectional current measurement and accumulation are accomplished using
either an internal 25m� sense resistor or an external device. The DS2761 also features a programmable
I/O pin that allows the host system to sense and control other electronics in the pack, including switches,
vibration motors, speakers, and LEDs.
Three types of memory are provided on the DS2761 for battery information storage: EEPROM, lockable
EEPROM, and SRAM. EEPROM memory saves important battery data in true NV memory that is
unaffected by severe battery depletion, accidental shorts, or ESD events. Lockable EEPROM becomes
ROM when locked to provide additional security for unchanging battery data. SRAM provides
inexpensive storage for temporary data.
Figure 2. APPLICATION EXAMPLE1) RSNS is present for external sense resistor configurations only.
2) RSNS-INT is present for internal sense resistor configurations only.
102 x 2
POWER MODESThe DS2761 has two power modes: active and sleep. While in active mode, the DS2761 continually
measures current, voltage, and temperature to provide data to the host system and to support current
accumulation and Li+ safety monitoring. In sleep mode, the DS2761 ceases these activities. The DS2761
enters sleep mode when any of the following conditions occurs:The PMOD bit in the Status Register has been set to 1 and the DQ line is low for longer than2s (pack disconnection)The voltage on VIN drops below undervoltage threshold VUV for tUVD (cell depletion)The pack is disabled through the issuance of a SWAP command (SWEN bit = 1)
The DS2761 returns to active mode when any of the following occurs:The PMOD bit has been set to 1 and the SWEN bit is set to 0 and the DQ line is pulled high
(pack connection)The PS pin is pulled low (power switch)The voltage on PLS becomes greater than the voltage on VIN (charger connection) with the SWEN bit
set to 0The pack is enabled through the issuance of a SWAP command (SWEN bit = 1)
The DS2761 defaults to sleep mode when power is first applied.
Li+ PROTECTION CIRCUITRYDuring active mode, the DS2761 constantly monitors cell voltage and current to protect the battery from
overcharge (overvoltage), overdischarge (undervoltage), and excessive charge and discharge currents(overcurrent, short circuit). Conditions and DS2761 responses are described in the sections below and
summarized in Table 2 and Figure 3.
Table 2. Li+ PROTECTION CONDITIONS AND DS2761 RESPONSESVIS = VIS1 - VIS2. Logic high = VPLS for CC and VDD for DC. All voltages are with respect to VSS. ISNS references current
delivered from pin SNS.1) If VDD < 2.2V, release is delayed until the recovery charge current (IRC) passed from PLS to VDD charges the battery and
allows VDD to exceed 2.2V.2) For the internal sense resistor configuration, the overcurrent thresholds are expressed in terms of current: ISNS > IOC for
charge direction and ISNS < -IOC for discharge direction
3) With test current ITST flowing from PLS to VSS (pulldown on PLS)
4) With test current ITST flowing from VDD to PLS (pullup on PLS)
Overvoltage. If the cell voltage on VIN exceeds the overvoltage threshold, VOV, for a period longer thanovervoltage delay, tOVD, the DS2761 shuts off the external charge FET and sets the OV flag in the
charge FET back on (unless another protection condition prevents it). Discharging remains enabled
during overvoltage, and the DS2761 re-enables the charge FET before VIN < VCE if a discharge current of
-80mA (VIS ≤ -2mV) or less is detected.
Undervoltage. If the voltage of the cell drops below undervoltage threshold VUV for a period longer thanundervoltage delay tUVD, the DS2761 shuts off the charge and discharge FETs, sets the UV flag in the
protection register, and enters sleep mode. The DS2761 provides a current-limited recovery charge path
from PLS to VDD to gently charge severely depleted cells during sleep mode.
Overcurrent, Charge Direction. The voltage difference between the IS1 pin and the IS2 pin (VIS = VIS1 -VIS2) is the filtered voltage drop across the current-sense resistor. If VIS exceeds overcurrent threshold
VOC for a period longer than overcurrent delay tOCD, the DS2761 shuts off both external FETs and sets the
COC flag in the protection register. The charge current path is not re-established until the voltage on the
PLS pin drops below VDD - VTP. The DS2761 provides a test current of value ITST from PLS to VSS to pullPLS down in order to detect the removal of the offending charge current source.
Overcurrent, Discharge Direction. If VIS is less than -VOC for a period longer than tOCD, the DS2761
shuts off the external discharge FET and sets the DOC flag in the protection register. The discharge
current path is not re-established until the voltage on PLS rises above VDD - VTP. The DS2761 provides atest current of value ITST from VDD to PLS to pull PLS up in order to detect the removal of the offending
low-impedance load.
Short Circuit. If the voltage on the SNS pin with respect to VSS exceeds short-circuit threshold VSC for aperiod longer than short-circuit delay tSCD, the DS2761 shuts off the external discharge FET and sets theDOC flag in the protection register. The discharge current path is not re-established until the voltage on
PLS rises above VDD - VTP. The DS2761 provides a test current of value ITST from VDD to PLS to pull
PLS up in order to detect the removal of the short circuit.
Summary. All of the protection conditions described above are OR'ed together to affect the CC and DC
outputs. = (Undervoltage) or (Overcurrent, Either Direction) or (Short Circuit) or(Protection Register Bit DE = 0) or (Sleep Mode) = (Overvoltage) or (Undervoltage) or (Overcurrent, Charge Direction) or (Protection Register
bit CE = 0) or (Sleep Mode)
CURRENT MEASUREMENTIn the active mode of operation, the DS2761 continually measures the current flow into and out of the
battery by measuring the voltage drop across a current-sense resistor. The DS2761 is available in two
configurations: 1) internal 25m� current-sense resistor, and 2) external user-selectable sense resistor. In
either configuration, the DS2761 considers the voltage difference between pins IS1 and IS2 (VIS = VIS1 -
VIS2) to be the filtered voltage drop across the sense resistor. A positive VIS value indicates current is
flowing into the battery (charging), while a negative VIS value indicates current is flowing out of the
battery (discharging).
VIS is measured with a signed resolution of 12-bits. The current register is updated in two’s-complement
format every 88ms (128/fsample) with an average of 128 readings. Currents outside the range of the
register are reported at the limit of the range. The format of the current register is shown in Figure 4.
For the internal sense resistor configuration, the DS2761 maintains the current register in units of amps,
with a resolution of 0.625mA and full-scale range of no less than �1.9A (see Note 7 on IFS spec for more
details). The DS2761 automatically compensates for internal sense resistor process variations and
temperature effects when reporting current.
For the external sense resistor configuration, the DS2761 writes the measured VIS voltage to the current
register, with a resolution of 15.625�V and a full-scale range of �64mV.
MSB—Address 0ELSB—Address 0F
CURRENT ACCUMULATORThe current accumulator facilitates remaining capacity estimation by tracking the net current flow into
and out of the battery. Current flow into the battery increments the current accumulator while current
flow out of the battery decrements it. Data is maintained in the current accumulator in two’s-complementformat. The format of the current accumulator is shown in Figure 5.
When the internal sense resistor is used, the DS2761 maintains the current accumulator in units of amp-
hours, with a resolution of 0.25mAhrs and full-scale range of �8.2Ahrs. When using an external sense
resistor, the DS2761 maintains the current accumulator in units of volt-hours, with a resolution of
6.25�Vhrs and a full scale range of �205mVhrs.
The current accumulator is a read/write register that can be altered by the host system as needed.
CURRENT OFFSET COMPENSATIONCurrent measurement and current accumulation are both internally compensated for offset on a continualbasis minimizing error resulting from variations in device temperature and voltage. Additionally, a
constant bias can be utilized to alter any other sources of offset. This bias resides in EEPROM address
33h in two’s-complement format and is subtracted from each current measurement. The current offset
bias is applied to both the internal and external sense resistor configurations. The factory default for the
current offset bias is a value of 0.
Figure 6. CURRENT OFFSET BIASAddress 33
VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTThe DS2761 continually measures the voltage between pins VIN and VSS over a range of 0 to 4.75V. The
voltage register is updated in two’s-complement format every 3.4ms with a resolution of 4.88mV.
Voltages above the maximum register value are reported as the maximum value. The voltage register
format is shown in Figure 7.
Units: 4.88mV
TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTThe DS2761 uses an integrated temperature sensor to continually measure battery temperature.
Temperature measurements are placed in the temperature register every 220ms in two’s-complement
format with a resolution of 0.125°C over a range of �127°C. The temperature register format is shown in
Figure 8.
Units: 0.125�C
PROGRAMMABLE I/OTo use the PIO pin as an output, write the desired output value to the PIO bit in the special feature
register. Writing a 0 to the PIO bit enables the PIO output driver, pulling the PIO pin to VSS. Writing a 1
to the PIO bit disables the output driver, allowing the PIO pin to be pulled high or used as an input. To
sense the value on the PIO pin, read the PIO bit. The DS2761 turns off the PIO output driver and sets thePIO bit high when in sleep mode or when DQ is low for more than 2s, regardless of the state of the
PMOD bit.
POWER SWITCH INPUTThe DS2761 provides a power control function that uses the discharge protection FET to gate battery
power to the system. The PS pin, internally pulled to VDD through a 1�A current source, is continuously
monitored for a low-impedance connection to VSS. If the DS2761 is in sleep mode, the detection of a low
on the PS pin causes the device to transition into active mode, turning on the discharge FET. If the
DS2761 is already in active mode, activity on PS has no effect other than the latching of its logic low
level in the PS bit in the special feature register. The reading of a 0 in the PS bit should be immediately
followed by writing a 1 to the PS bit to ensure that a subsequent low forced on the PS pin is latched into
the PS bit.
MEMORYThe DS2761 has a 256-byte linear address space with registers for instrumentation, status, and control in
the lower 32 bytes, with lockable EEPROM and SRAM memory occupying portions of the remaining
address space. All EEPROM and SRAM memory is general purpose except addresses 30h, 31h, and 33h,
which should be written with the default values for the protection register, status register, and current
offset register, respectively. When the MSB of any two-byte register is read, both the MSB and LSB arelatched and held for the duration of the read data command to prevent updates during the read and ensure
synchronization between the two register bytes. For consistent results, always read the MSB and the LSB
of a two-byte register during the same read data command sequence.
EEPROM memory is shadowed by RAM to eliminate programming delays between writes and to allow
the data to be verified by the host system before being copied to EEPROM. All reads and writes to/from
EEPROM memory actually access the shadow RAM. In unlocked EEPROM blocks, the write datacommand updates shadow RAM. In locked EEPROM blocks, the write data command is ignored. The
copy data command copies the contents of shadow RAM to EEPROM in an unlocked block of EEPROM
but has no effect on locked blocks. The recall data command copies the contents of a block of EEPROM
to shadow RAM regardless of whether the block is locked or not.
Table 3. MEMORY MAP * Each EEPROM block is read/write until locked by the LOCK command, after which it is read-only.
PROTECTION REGISTERThe protection register consists of flags that indicate protection circuit status and switches that give
conditional control over the charging and discharging paths. Bits OV, UV, COC, and DOC are set when
corresponding protection conditions occur and remain set until cleared by the host system. The default
values of the CE and DE bits of the protection register are stored in lockable EEPROM in the
corresponding bits in address 30h. A recall data command for EEPROM block 1 recalls the default valuesinto CE and DE. The format of the protection register is shown in Figure 9. The function of each bit is
described in detail in the following paragraphs.
Figure 9. PROTECTION REGISTER FORMATAddress 00Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1 Bit 0
OV—Overvoltage Flag. When set to 1, this bit indicates the battery pack has experienced an overvoltagecondition. This bit must be reset by the host system.
UV—Undervoltage Flag. When set to 1, this bit indicates the battery pack has experienced an
undervoltage condition. This bit must be reset by the host system.
COC—Charge Overcurrent Flag. When set to 1, this bit indicates the battery pack has experienced acharge-direction overcurrent condition. This bit must be reset by the host system.
DOC—Discharge Overcurrent Flag. When set to 1, this bit indicates the battery pack has experienced adischarge-direction overcurrent condition. This bit must be reset by the host system.
—CC Pin Mirror. This read-only bit mirrors the state of the CC output pin.
—DC Pin Mirror. This read-only bit mirrors the state of the DC output pin.
CE—Charge Enable. Writing a 0 to this bit disables charging (CC output high, external charge FET off)
regardless of cell or pack conditions. Writing a 1 to this bit enables charging, subject to override by thepresence of any protection conditions. The DS2761 automatically sets this bit to 1 when it transitions
from sleep mode to active mode.
DE—Discharge Enable. Writing a 0 to this bit disables discharging (DC output high, external discharge
FET off) regardless of cell or pack conditions. Writing a 1 to this bit enables discharging, subject to
override by the presence of any protection conditions. The DS2761 automatically sets this bit to 1 when ittransitions from sleep mode to active mode.
STATUS REGISTERThe default values for the status register bits are stored in lockable EEPROM in the corresponding bits of
address 31h. A recall data command for EEPROM block 1 recalls the default values into the status
register bits. The format of the status register is shown in Figure 10. The function of each bit is described