DS2432P-W01+4T ,1Kb Protected 1-Wire EEPROM with SHA-1 EngineFEATURES PIN CONFIGURATIONS 1128 Bits of 5V EEPROM Memory TOP VIEW Partitioned Into Four Pages ..
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DS2433+ ,4Kb 1-Wire EEPROMblock diagram in Figure 1 shows the relationships between the major control and memory sections oft ..
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DS2433X ,4 kbit 1-Wire EEPROMPIN DESCRIPTION§ 8-bit family code specifies DS2433PR-35 SOICcommunication requirements to readerPi ..
DS2433X#U ,4Kb 1-Wire EEPROMPIN DESCRIPTION 8-bit family code specifies DS2433PR-35 SOcommunication requirements to readerPin ..
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1Kb Protected 1-Wire EEPROM with SHA-1 Engine
FEATURES 1128 Bits of 5V EEPROM Memory Partitioned Into Four Pages of 256 Bits, a 64-Bit Write-Only Secret, and Up to Five General-Purpose Read/Write Registers On-Chip 512-Bit ISO/IEC 10118-3 SHA-1 Engine to Compute 160-Bit Message Authentication Codes (MACs) and to Generate Secrets Write Access Requires Knowledge of the Secret and the Capability of Computing and Transmitting a 160-Bit MAC as Authorization Secret and Data Memory Can Be Write Protected (All or Page 0 Only) or Put in EPROM-Emulation Mode (“Write to 0”, Page 1) Unique, Factory-Lasered and Tested 64-Bit Registration Number Assures Absolute Traceability Because No Two Parts Are Alike Built-In Multidrop Controller Ensures Compatibility with Other 1-Wire® Net Products Reduces Control, Address, Data, and Power to a Single Data Pin Directly Connects to a Single Port Pin of a Microprocessor and Communicates at Up to 15.3kbps Overdrive Mode Boosts Communication Speed to 90.9kbps Low-Cost 6-Lead TSOC Surface-Mount Package or Solder-Bumped UCSP™ Package Reads and Writes Over a Wide Voltage Range of 2.8V to 5.25V from -40°C to +85°C
TSOC (150 mils)
6 NC
5 NC
4 NC
1-Wire 2
NC 3
PART TEMP RANGE PIN-PACKAGE DS2432P+ -40°C to +85°C 6 TSOC DS2432P+T&R -40°C to +85°C 6 TSOC
DS2432X-S+ -40°C to +85°C 8 UCSP (2.5k pcs, T&R)
+Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package. T&R = Tape and reel.
Request Full Data Sheet at: www.maximintegrated.com/DS2432 1-Wire is a registered trademark and UCSP is a trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
DS24321Kb Protected 1-Wire EEPROMwith SHA-1 Engine
DESCRIPTION The DS2432 combines 1024 bits of EEPROM, a 64-bit secret, an 8-byte register/control page with up to five user read/write bytes, a 512-bit SHA-1 engine, and a fully-featured 1-Wire interface in a single chip. Each DS2432 has its own 64-bit ROM registration number that is factory lasered into the chip to provide a guaranteed unique identity for absolute traceability. Data is transferred serially via the 1-Wire protocol, which requires only a single data lead and a ground return. The DS2432 has an additional memory area called the scratchpad that acts as a buffer when writing to the main memory, the register page or when installing a new secret. Data is first written to the scratchpad from where it can be read back. After the data has been verified, a copy scratchpad command will transfer the data to its final memory location, provided that the DS2432 receives a matching 160-Bit MAC. The computation of the MAC involves the secret and additional data stored in the DS2432 including the device’s registration number. Only a new secret can be loaded without providing a MAC. The SHA-1 engine can also be activated to compute 160-bit message authentication codes (MAC) when reading a memory page or to compute a new secret, instead of loading it. Applications of the DS2432 include intellectual property security, after-market management of consumables, and tamper-proof data carriers.
OVERVIEW The block diagram in Figure 1 shows the relationships between the major control and memory sections of the DS2432. The DS2432 has five main data components: 1) 64-bit lasered ROM, 2) 64-bit scratchpad, 3) four 32-byte pages of EEPROM, 4) 64-bit register page, 5) 64-bit Secrets Memory, and 6) a 512-bit SHA-1 Engine (SHA = Secure Hash Algorithm). The hierarchical structure of the 1-Wire protocol is shown in Figure 2. The bus master must first provide one of the seven ROM Function Commands, 1) Read ROM, 2) Match ROM, 3) Search ROM, 4) Skip ROM, 5) Resume Communication, 6) Overdrive-Skip ROM or 7) Overdrive-Match ROM. Upon completion of an Overdrive ROM command byte executed at regular speed, the device will enter Overdrive mode where all subsequent communication occurs at a higher speed. The protocol required for these ROM function commands is described in Figure 9. After a ROM function command is successfully executed, the memory and SHA-1 functions become accessible and the master may provide any one of the seven memory function commands. The protocol for these memory function commands is described in Figure 7*.
All data is read and written least significant bit first. ABRIDGED DATA SHEET DS2432
1-Wire net
64-bit Lasered ROM 1-Wire Function Control
Secrets Memory 64 bits
64-bit Scratchpad
Data Memory 4 Pages of 256 bits each
CRC-16 Generator
Memory and SHA-1 Function Control Unit
512-bit Secure Hash Algorithm Engine
Register Page 64 bits
64-BIT LASERED ROM Each DS2432 contains a unique ROM code that is 64 bits long. The first eight bits are a 1-Wire family code. The next 48 bits are a unique serial number. The last eight bits are a CRC of the first 56 bits. (See Figure 3.) The 1-Wire CRC is generated using a polynomial generator consisting of a shift register and XOR gates as shown in Figure 4. The polynomial is X8 + X5 + X4 + 1. Additional information about the 1-Wire Cyclic Redundancy Check is available in Application Note 27. The shift register bits are initialized to zero. Then starting with the least significant bit of the family code, one bit at a time is shifted in. After the 8th bit of the family code has been entered, then the serial number is entered. After the 48th bit of the serial number has been entered, the shift register contains the CRC value. Shifting in the eight bits of CRC should return the shift register to all zeros.
HIERARCHCAL STRUCTURE FOR 1-Wire PROTOCOL Figure 2 1-Wire net Other Devices BUS Master
DS2432Available Commands: Command Level: Data Field Affected:
1-Wire ROM Function Commands (see Figure 9)
DS2432-specific Memory Function Commands (see Figure 7)
Read ROM Match ROM Search ROM Skip ROM Resume Overdrive Skip Overdrive Match
64-bit Reg. #, RC-Flag 64-bit Reg. #, RC-Flag 64-bit Reg. #, RC-Flag RC-Flag RC-Flag RC-Flag, OD-Flag 64-bit Reg. #, RC-Flag, OD-Flag
For details see the full version of the data sheet.
8-Bit CRC Code 48-Bit Serial Number 8-Bit Family Code*
1-Wire CRC GENERATOR Figure 4 0X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8
Polynomial = X8 + X5 + X4 + 1st
MEMORY MAP The DS2432 has four memory areas: data memory, secrets memory, register page with special function registers and user-bytes, and a scratchpad. The data memory is organized in pages of 32 bytes. Secret, register page and scratchpad are 8 bytes each. The scratchpad acts as a buffer when writing to the data memory, loading the initial secret or when writing to the register page. For further details (including Figure 5) refer to the full version of the data sheet.
ADDRESS REGISTERS AND TRANSFER STATUS The DS2432 employs three address registers: TA1, TA2 and E/S (Figure 6). These registers are common to many other 1-Wire devices but operate slightly differently with the DS2432. Registers TA1 and TA2 must be loaded with the target address to which the data will be written or from which data will be read. Register E/S is a read-only transfer-status register, used to verify data integrity with write commands. Since the scratchpad of the DS2432 is designed to accept data in blocks of eight bytes only, the lower three bits of TA1 will be forced to 0 and the lower three bits of the E/S register (Ending Offset) will always read 1. This indicates that all the data in the scratchpad will be used for a subsequent copying into main memory or secret. Bit 5 of the E/S register, called PF or “partial byte flag”, is a logic-1 if the number of data bits sent by the master is not an integer multiple of 8 or if the data in the scratchpad is not valid due to a loss of power. A valid write to the scratchpad will clear the PF bit. Bits 3, 4 and 6 have no function; they always read 1. The Partial Flag supports the master checking the data integrity after a Write command. The highest valued bit of the E/S register, called AA or Authorization Accepted, acts as a flag to indicate that the data stored in the scratchpad has already been copied to the target memory address. Writing data to the scratchpad clears this flag.
ADDRESS REGISTERS Figure 6 Bit # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Target Address (TA1) T7 T6 T5 T4 T3 T2 (0) T1 (0) T0 (0)
Target Address (TA2) T15 T14 T13 T12 T11 T10 T9 T8
Ending Address with Data Status (E/S) AA 1 PF 1 1 E2 E1 E0
WRITING WITH VERIFICATION To write data to the DS2432, the scratchpad has to be used as intermediate storage. First the master issues the Write Scratchpad command to specify the desired target address, followed by the data to be written to the scratchpad. Note that writes to data memory must be performed on 8-byte boundaries with the 3 LSBs of the target address (T2..T0) equal to 000b. If T2..T0 are sent with non-zero values, the device will set these bits to zero and will write to the modified address upon completion of the command sequence. In addition, the entire 8-byte scratchpad will be copied to memory when commanded, therefore eight bytes of data should be written into the scratchpad to ensure that the data to be copied is known. Under certain conditions (see the Write Scratchpad command) the master will receive an inverted CRC-16 of the command, address (actual address sent) and data at the end of the write scratchpad command sequence. Note that the CRC is calculated based on the actual target address sent and not the modified address in the case of a non-zero T2..T0. Knowing this CRC value, the master can compare it to the value it has calculated itself to decide if the communication was successful and proceed to the Copy Scratchpad command. If the master could not receive the CRC-16, it should send the Read Scratchpad command to verify data integrity. As preamble to the scratchpad data, the DS2432 repeats the target address TA1 and TA2 and sends the contents of the E/S register. If the PF flag is set, data did not arrive correctly in the scratchpad or there was a loss of power since data was last written to the scratchpad. The master does not need to continue reading; it can start a new trial to write data to the scratchpad. Similarly, a set AA flag together with a cleared PF flag indicates that the device did not recognize the Write command. If everything went correctly, both flags are cleared. Now the master can continue reading and verifying every data byte. After the master has verified the data, it can send the Copy Scratchpad command, for example. This command must be followed exactly by the data of the three address registers TA1, TA2 and E/S. The master should obtain the contents of these registers by reading the scratchpad.
MEMORY AND SHA-1 FUNCTION COMMANDS This section describes the commands and flow charts to use the memory and SHA-1 engine of the device. It includes Tables 1 to 4 and Figure 7. Please refer to the full version of the data sheet.
SHA-1 COMPUTATION ALGORITHM The SHA-1 computation is adapted from the Secure Hash Standard SHA-1 document as it can be the NIST website (http://www.itl.nist.gov/fipspubs/fip180-1.htm). Further details are found in the full version of the data sheet.
1-Wire BUS SYSTEM The 1-Wire bus is a system, which has a single bus master and one or more slaves. In all instances the DS2432 is a slave device. The bus master is typically a microcontroller. The discussion of this bus system is broken down into three topics: hardware configuration, transaction sequence, and 1-Wire signaling (signal types and timing). A 1-Wire protocol defines bus transactions in terms of the bus state during specific time slots that are initiated on the falling edge of sync pulses from the bus master.
HARDWARE CONFIGURATION The 1-Wire bus has only a single line by definition; it is important that each device on the bus be able to drive it at the appropriate time. To facilitate this, each device attached to the 1-Wire bus must have open drain or 3-state outputs. The 1-Wire port of the DS2432 is open drain with an internal circuit equivalent to that shown in Figure 8. A multidrop bus consists of a 1-Wire bus with multiple slaves attached. At regular speed the 1-Wire bus has a maximum data rate of 15.3kbps. The speed can be boosted to 90.9kbps by activating the Overdrive Mode. The DS2432 requires a 1-Wire pullup resistor of maximum 2.2 k for executing any of its memory and SHA-1 function commands at any speed. When communicating with several DS2432 simultaneously, e.g., to install the same secret in several devices, the resistor should be bypassed by a low-impedance pullup to VPUP while the device transfers data from the scratchpad to the EEPROM. The idle state for the 1-Wire bus is high. If for any reason a transaction needs to be suspended, the bus MUST be left in the idle state if the transaction is to resume. If this does not occur and the bus is left low for more than 16 µs (Overdrive Speed) or more than 120 µs (regular speed), one or more devices on the bus may be reset.
TRANSACTION SEQUENCE The protocol for accessing the DS2432 via the 1-Wire port is as follows: Initialization ROM Function Command Memory or SHA-1 Function Command Transaction/Data
INITIALIZATION All transactions on the 1-Wire bus begin with an initialization sequence. The initialization sequence consists of a reset pulse transmitted by the bus master followed by presence pulse(s) transmitted by the slave(s). The presence pulse lets the bus master know that the DS2432 is on the bus and is ready to operate. For more details, see the 1-Wire Signaling section.
ROM FUNCTION COMMANDS Once the bus master has detected a presence, it can issue one of the seven ROM function commands that the DS2432 supports. All ROM function commands are eight bits long. A list of these commands follows (refer to flowchart in Figure 9):
Read ROM [33h] This command allows the bus master to read the DS2432’s 8-bit family code, unique 48-bit serial number, and 8-bit CRC. This command should only be used if there is a single slave on the bus. If more than one slave is present on the bus, a data collision will occur when all slaves try to transmit at the same time (open drain will produce a wired-AND result). The resultant family code and 48-bit serial number read by the master will be invalid.
Match ROM [55h] The match ROM command, followed by a 64-bit registration number, allows the bus master to address a specific DS2432 on a multidrop bus. Only the DS2432 that exactly matches the 64-bit registration number will respond to the following memory function command. All other slaves will wait for a reset pulse. This command can be used with a single or multiple devices on the bus.
Search ROM [F0h] When a system is initially brought up, the bus master might not know the number of devices on the 1-Wire bus or their 64-bit registration numbers. The search ROM command allows the bus master to use a process of elimination to identify the 64-bit numbers of all slave devices on the bus. The search ROM process is the repetition of a simple 3-step routine: read a bit, read the complement of the bit, then write the desired value of that bit. The bus master performs this 3-step routine on each bit of the registration number. After one complete pass, the bus master knows the 64-bit number of one device. Additional passes will identify the registration numbers of the remaining devices. Refer to Application Note 187 for a detailed discussion of a search ROM, including an actual example.
Skip ROM [CCh] This command can save time in a single drop bus system by allowing the bus master to access the memory and SHA-1 functions without providing the 64-bit registration number. If more than one slave is present on the bus and, for example, a read command is issued following the Skip ROM command, data collision will occur on the bus as multiple slaves transmit simultaneously (open-drain pulldowns will produce a wired-AND result).
Overdrive Skip ROM [3Ch] On a single-drop bus this command can save time by allowing the bus master to access the memory and SHA-1 functions without providing the 64-bit registration number. Unlike the normal Skip ROM command the Overdrive Skip ROM sets the DS2432 in the Overdrive Mode (OD = 1). All communication following this command code has to occur at Overdrive Speed until a reset pulse of minimum 480 µs duration resets all devices on the bus to regular speed (OD = 0). When issued on a multidrop bus this command will set all Overdrive-supporting devices into Overdrive mode. To subsequently address a specific Overdrive-supporting device, a reset pulse at Overdrive speed has to be issued followed by a Match ROM or Search ROM command sequence. This will speed up the search process. If more than one Overdrive-supporting slave is present on the bus and the Overdrive Skip
ROM FUNCTIONS FLOW CHART Figure 9 From Figure 9 2nd Part To Memory and SHA-1 Functions Flow Chart (Figure 7)
Master TX Bit 0
Master TX Bit 63
Master TX Bit 1
Bit 63 Match
RC = 0
DS2432 TX Bit 0
DS2432 TX Bit 0
Master TX Bit 0
DS2432 TX Bit 1
DS2432 TX Bit 1
Master TX Bit 1
DS2432 TX Bit 63
DS2432 TX Bit 63
Master TX Bit 63
RC = 1
Bit 1 Match
Bit 0 Match Bit 63 Match
RC = 0
RC = 1
Bit 1 Match
Bit 0 Match
RC = 0
DS2432 TX CRC Byte
DS2432 TX Serial Number (6 Bytes)
DS2432 TX Family Code (1 Byte)
RC = 0
To Figure 9 2nd Part NF0h Search ROM Command 55h Match ROM Command N
CCh Skip ROM Command Y Y Y 33h Read ROM Command
To Figure 9 2nd Part
Bus Master TX ROM Function Command DS2432 TX Presence Pulse
OD Reset Pulse N
OD = 0
Bus Master TX Reset Pulse From Figure 9, 2ndPartFrom Memory and SHA-1 Functions Flow Chart (Figure 7)