DS2431P+ ,1024-Bit 1-Wire EEPROMFeatures®The DS2431 is a 1024-bit, 1-Wire EEPROM chip orga- ● Easily Add Traceability and Relevant ..
DS2431P+T , 1024-Bit, 1-Wire EEPROM Individual Memory Pages Can Be Permanently
DS2431P+T , 1024-Bit, 1-Wire EEPROM Individual Memory Pages Can Be Permanently
DS2431P+T&R ,1024-Bit 1-Wire EEPROMElectrical Characteristics(T = -40°C to +85°C.) (Note 1)APARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UN ..
DS2431P+TR , 1024-Bit, 1-Wire EEPROM
E53NA50 ,NABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol Parameter Value UnitV Drain-source Voltage (V =0) 500 VDS GSV 500 VD ..
EA2-12 ,COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHTAPPLICATIONSElectronic switching systems, PBX, key telephone systems, automatic test equipment and ..
EA2-12NU ,COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHTFEATURESª Low power consumptionª Compact and light weightª 2 form c contact arrangementª Low magnet ..
1024-Bit 1-Wire EEPROM
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe DS2431 is a 1024-bit, 1-Wire® EEPROM chip
organized as four memory pages of 256 bits each.
Data is written to an 8-byte scratchpad, verified, andthen copied to the EEPROM memory. As a special
feature, the four memory pages can individually bewrite protected or put in EPROM-emulation mode,
where bits can only be changed from a 1 to a 0 state.The DS2431 communicates over the single-
conductor 1-Wire bus. The communication followsthe standard Dallas Semiconductor 1-Wire protocol.
Each device has its own unalterable and unique 64-bit ROM registration number that is factory lasered
into the chip. The registration number is used toaddress the device in a multidrop 1-Wire net
APPLICATIONSAccessory/PC Board IdentificationMedical Sensor Calibration Data Storage
Analog Sensor Calibration Including IEEE-P1451.4 Smart Sensors
Ink and Toner Print Cartridge IdentificationAfter-Market Management of Consumables
FEATURES1024 Bits of EEPROM Memory Partitioned intoFour Pages of 256 BitsIndividual Memory Pages can be PermanentlyWrite Protected or Put in EPROM-EmulationMode ("Write to 0")Switchpoint Hysteresis and Filtering to OptimizePerformance in the Presence of Noise! IEC 1000-4-2 Level 4 ESD Protection (8kV
Contact, 15kV Air)! Reads and Writes Over a Wide Voltage Range of2.8V to 5.25V from -40°C to +85°C! Communicates to Host with a Single Digital
Signal at 15.4kbps or 111kbps Using 1-WireProtocol
1024-Bit 1-Wire EEPROMCommands, Registers, and Modes are capitalized for
1-Wire is a registered trademark of Dallas Semiconductor Corp.
DS2431: 1024-Bit, 1-Wire EEPROM
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSI/O Voltage to GND-0.5V, +6VI/O Sink Current20mA
Operating Temperature Range-40°C to +85°CJunction Temperature+150°CStorage Temperature Range-40°C to +85°C
Soldering TemperatureSee IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020A
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only,
and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is
not implied. Exposure to the absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VPUP = 2.8V to 5.25V, TA = -40°C to +85°C.)
DS2431: 1024-Bit, 1-Wire EEPROM
Note 1:System requirement.
Note 2:Maximum allowable pullup resistance is a function of the number of 1-Wire devices in the system and 1-Wire recovery times. The
specified value here applies to systems with only one device and with the minimum 1-Wire recovery times. For more heavily
loaded systems, an active pullup such as that found in the DS2482-x00, DS2480B, or DS2490 may be required.
Note 3:Capacitance on the data pin could be 800pF when VPUP is first applied. If a 2.2kΩ resistor is used to pull up the data line, 2.5µs
after VPUP has been applied the parasite capacitance will not affect normal communications.
Note 4:Guaranteed by design, simulation only. Not production tested.
Note 5:VTL, VTH, and VHY are a function of the internal supply voltage.
Note 6:Voltage below which, during a falling edge on I/O, a logic 0 is detected.
Note 7:The voltage on I/O needs to be less or equal to VILMAX whenever the master drives the line low.
Note 8:Voltage above which, during a rising edge on I/O, a logic 1 is detected.
Note 9:After VTH is crossed during a rising edge on I/O, the voltage on I/O has to drop by at least VHY to be detected as logic '0'.
Note 10:The I-V characteristic is linear for voltages less than 1V.
Note 11:Applies to a single DS2431 attached to a 1-Wire line.
Note 12:The earliest recognition of a negative edge is possible at tREH after VTH has been previously reached.
Note 14:Interval during the negative edge on I/O at the beginning of a Presence Detect pulse between the time at which the voltage is
80% of VPUP and the time at which the voltage is 20% of VPUP.
Note 15:ε represents the time required for the pullup circuitry to pull the voltage on I/O up from VIL to VTH.
Note 16:δ represents the time required for the pullup circuitry to pull the voltage on I/O up from VIL to the input high threshold of the bus
Note 17:Current drawn from I/O during the EEPROM programming interval. The pullup circuit on I/O during the programming interval
should be such that the voltage at I/O is greater than or equal to Vpup(min). If Vpup in the system is close to Vpup(min) then a
low impedance bypass of Rpup which can be activated during programming may need to be added.
Note 18:Interval begins tWiLMIN after the leading negative edge on IO for the last timeslot of the E/S byte for a valid Copy Scratchpad
sequence. Interval ends once the device's self-timed EEPROM programming cycle is complete and the current drawn by the
device has returned from IPROG to IL.
1) Intentional change, longer recovery time requirement due to modified 1-Wire front end.
DS2431: 1024-Bit, 1-Wire EEPROM
DESCRIPTIONThe DS2431 combines 1024 bits of EEPROM, an 8-byte register/control page with up to 7 user read/write bytes,and a fully-featured 1-Wire interface in a single chip. Each DS2431 has its own 64-bit ROM registration number
that is factory lasered into the chip to provide a guaranteed unique identity for absolute traceability. Data istransferred serially via the 1-Wire protocol, which requires only a single data lead and a ground return. The DS2431
has an additional memory area called the scratchpad that acts as a buffer when writing to the main memory or theregister page. Data is first written to the scratchpad from which it can be read back. After the data has been
verified, a copy scratchpad command transfers the data to its final memory location. Applications of the DS2431include accessory/PC board identification, medical sensor calibration data storage, analog sensor calibration
including IEEE-P1451.4 Smart Sensors, ink and toner print cartridge identification, and after-market managementof consumables.
OVERVIEWThe block diagram in Figure 1 shows the relationships between the major control and memory sections of the
DS2431. The DS2431 has four main data components: 1) 64-bit lasered ROM, 2) 64-bit scratchpad, 3) four 32-bytepages of EEPROM, and 4) 64-bit register page. The hierarchical structure of the 1-Wire protocol is shown in Figure
2. The bus master must first provide one of the seven ROM Function Commands, 1) Read ROM, 2) Match ROM, 3)Search ROM, 4) Skip ROM, 5) Resume, 6) Overdrive-Skip ROM or 7) Overdrive-Match ROM. Upon completion of
an Overdrive ROM command byte executed at standard speed, the device enters Overdrive mode where allsubsequent communication occurs at a higher speed. The protocol required for these ROM function commands is
described in Figure 9. After a ROM function command is successfully executed, the memory functions becomeaccessible and the master may provide any one of the four memory function commands. The protocol for these
memory function commands is described in Figure 7. All data is read and written least significant bit first.
Figure 1. Block Diagram
DS2431: 1024-Bit, 1-Wire EEPROM
Figure 2. Hierarchical Structure for 1-Wire Protocol
64-BIT LASERED ROMEach DS2431 contains a unique ROM code that is 64 bits long. The first 8 bits are a 1-Wire family code. The next
48 bits are a unique serial number. The last 8 bits are a CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) of the first 56 bits. SeeFigure 3 for details. The 1-Wire CRC is generated using a polynomial generator consisting of a shift register andXOR gates as shown in Figure 4. The polynomial is X8 + X5 + X4 + 1. Additional information about the Dallas 1-WireCRC is available in Application Note 27.
The shift register bits are initialized to 0. Then starting with the least significant bit of the family code, one bit at a
time is shifted in. After the 8th bit of the family code has been entered, then the serial number is entered. After thelast bit of the serial number has been entered, the shift register contains the CRC value. Shifting in the 8 bits of the
CRC returns the shift register to all 0s.
Figure 3. 64-Bit Lasered ROM
Figure 4. 1-Wire CRC Generator
DS2431: 1024-Bit, 1-Wire EEPROM
Figure 5. Memory Map Once programmed to AAh or 55h this address becomes read-only. All other codes can be stored but will neitherwrite-protect the address nor activate any function.
MEMORYData memory and registers are located in a linear address space, as shown in Figure 5. The data memory and theregisters have unrestricted read access. The DS2431 EEPROM array consists of 18 rows of 8 bytes each. The first
16 rows are divided equally into 4 memory pages (32 bytes each). These 4 pages are the primary data memory.Each page can be individually set to open (unprotected), write protected, or EPROM mode by setting theassociated protection byte in the register row. The last two rows contain protection registers, and reserved bytes.
The register row consists of 4 protection control bytes, a copy protection byte, the factory byte, and two userbyte/manufacture ID bytes. The manufacturer ID can be a customer-supplied identification code that assists the
application software in identifying the product the DS2431 is associated with. Contact the factory to set up and
register a custom manufacturer ID. The last row is reserved for future use. It is undefined in terms of R/Wfunctionality and should not be used.
In addition to the main EEPROM array, an 8-byte volatile scratchpad is included. Writes to the EEPROM array area two-step process. First, data is written to the scratchpad, and then copied into the main array. This allows the
user to first verify the data written to scratchpad prior to copying into the main array. The device only supports fullrow (8-byte) copy operations. In order for data in the scratchpad to be valid for a copy operation, the address
supplied with a Write Scratchpad must start on a row boundary, and 8 full bytes must be written into thescratchpad.
DS2431: 1024-Bit, 1-Wire EEPROM
The protection control registers determine how incoming data on a write-scratchpad command is loaded into thescratchpad. A protection setting of 55h (Write Protect) causes the incoming data to be ingnored and the target
address main memory data to be loaded into the scratchpad. A protection setting of AAh (EPROM Mode) causesthe logical AND of incoming data and target address main memory data to be loaded into the scratchpad. Any
other protection control register setting leaves the associated memory page open for unrestricted write access.Protection control byte settings of 55h or AAh also write protect the protection control byte. The protection-control
byte setting of 55h does not block the copy. This allows write-protected data to be refreshed (i. e., reprogrammedwith the current data) in the device.
The copy protection byte is used for a higher level of security, and should only be used after all other protection
control bytes, user bytes, and write-protected pages are set to their final value. If the copy protection byte is set to55h or Aah, all copy attempts to the register row and user byte row are blocked. In addition, all copy attempts to
write-protected main memory pages (i. e., refresh) are blocked.
ADDRESS REGISTERS AND TRANSFER STATUSThe DS2431 employs three address registers: TA1, TA2, and E/S (Figure 6). These registers are common to many
other 1-Wire devices but operate slightly differently with the DS2431. Registers TA1 and TA2 must be loaded withthe target address to which the data is written or from which data is read. Register E/S is a read-only transfer-
status register, used to verify data integrity with write commands. ES bits E2:E0 are loaded with the incomingT2:T0 on a write-scratchpad command, and increment on each subsequent data byte. This is in effect a byte-
ending offset counter within the 8-byte scratchpad. Bit 5 of the E/S register, called PF, is a logic 1 if the data in thescratchpad is not valid due to a loss of power or if the master sends less bytes than needed to reach the end of the
scratchpad. For a valid write to the scratchpad, T2:T0 must be 0 and the master must have sent 8 data bytes. Bits3, 4, and 6 have no function; they always read 0. The highest valued bit of the E/S register, called AA or
Authorization Accepted, acts as a flag to indicate that the data stored in the scratchpad has already been copied tothe target memory address. Writing data to the scratchpad clears this flag.
Figure 6. Address Registers
DS2431: 1024-Bit, 1-Wire EEPROM
WRITING WITH VERIFICATIONTo write data to the DS2431, the scratchpad has to be used as intermediate storage. First the master issues theWrite Scratchpad command to specify the desired target address, followed by the data to be written to the
scratchpad. Note that Copy Scratchpad commands must be performed on 8-byte boundaries, i. e., the 3 LSBs ofthe target address (T2..T0) must be equal to 000b. If T2..T0 are sent with non-zero values, the copy function will be
blocked. Under certain conditions (see Write Scratchpad command) the master will receive an inverted CRC16 ofthe command, address (actual address sent) and data at the end of the Write Scratchpad command sequence.
Knowing this CRC value, the master can compare it to the value it has calculated itself to decide if thecommunication was successful and proceed to the Copy Scratchpad command. If the master could not receive the
CRC16, it should send the Read Scratchpad command to verify data integrity. As a preamble to the scratchpaddata, the DS2431 repeats the target address TA1 and TA2 and sends the contents of the E/S register. If the PF
flag is set, data did not arrive correctly in the scratchpad or there was a loss of power since data was last written tothe scratchpad. The master does not need to continue reading; it can start a new trial to write data to the
scratchpad. Similarly, a set AA flag together with a cleared PF flag indicates that the device did not recognize theWrite command. If everything went correctly, both flags are cleared. Now the master can continue reading and
verifying every data byte. After the master has verified the data, it can send the Copy Scratchpad command, forexample. This command must be followed exactly by the data of the three address registers, TA1, TA2, and E/S.
The master should obtain the contents of these registers by reading the scratchpad.
MEMORY FUNCTION COMMANDSThe Memory Function Flow Chart (Figure 7) describes the protocols necessary for accessing the memory of the
DS2431. An example on how to use these functions to write to and read from the device is included at the end ofthis document. The communication between master and DS2431 takes place either at regular speed (default, OD =
0) or at Overdrive Speed (OD = 1). If not explicitly set into the Overdrive Mode, the DS2431 assumes regularspeed.
WRITE SCRATCHPAD COMMAND [0Fh]The Write Scratchpad command applies to the data memory, and the writable addresses in the register page. In
order for the scratchpad data to be valid for copying to the array, the user must perform a Write Scratchpadcommand of 8 bytes starting at a valid row boundary. The Write Scratchpad command accepts invalid addresses,
and partial rows, but subsequent Copy Scratchpad commands are blocked.
After issuing the Write Scratchpad command, the master must first provide the 2-byte target address, followed bythe data to be written to the scratchpad. The data is written to the scratchpad starting at the byte offset of T2:T0.
The ES bits E2:E0 are loaded with the starting byte offset, and increment with each susequent byte. Effectively,E2:E0 is the byte offset of the last full byte written to the scratchpad. Only full data bytes are accepted.
When executing the Write Scratchpad command, the CRC generator inside the DS2431 (Figure 13) calculates a
CRC of the entire data stream, starting at the command code and ending at the last data byte as sent by themaster. This CRC is generated using the CRC16 polynomial by first clearing the CRC generator and then shifting
in the command code (0FH) of the Write Scratchpad command, the Target Addresses (TA1 and TA2), and all thedata bytes. Note that the CRC16 calculation is performed with the actual TA1 and TA2 and data sent by the
master. The master may end the Write Scratchpad command at any time. However, if the end of the scratchpad isreached (E2:E0 = 111b), the master may send 16 read-time slots and receive the CRC generated by the DS2431.
If a Write Scratchpad is attempted to a write-protected location, the scratchpad is loaded with the data already in
memory, rather than the data transmitted. Similarly, if the target address page is in EPROM mode, the scratchpadis loaded with the bitwise logical AND of the transmitted data and data already in memory.
DS2431: 1024-Bit, 1-Wire EEPROM
Figure 7-1. Memory Function Flow Chart
DS2431: 1024-Bit, 1-Wire EEPROM
Figure 7-2. Memory Function Flow Chart (continued)
DS2431: 1024-Bit, 1-Wire EEPROM
Figure 7-3. Memory Function Flow Chart (continued)Applicable to all R/W
memory locations.
DS2431: 1024-Bit, 1-Wire EEPROM
Figure 7-4. Memory Function Flow Chart (continued)