DS1867E-10 ,Dual Digital Potentiometer with EEPROMblock diagram of the DS1867 is presented in Figure 1.Communication and control of the DS1867 is acc ..
DS1867E-10+ ,Dual Digital Potentiometer with EEPROMFEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT§ Nonvolatile version of the popular DS1267§ Low power consumption, quiet, p ..
DS1867E-100 ,Dual Digital Potentiometer with EEPROMFEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT§ Nonvolatile version of the popular DS1267§ Low power consumption, quiet, p ..
DS1867E-100+ ,Dual Digital Potentiometer with EEPROMapplicationsNC 2 15 NC§ Standard resistance values:H1 3 14 SOUT- DS1867-10 ~ 10 kΩL1 4 13 WO- DS186 ..
DS1867E-50 ,Dual Digital Potentiometer with EEPROMDS1867Dual Digital Potentiometer with EEPROMwww.dalsemi.com
DS1867E-50+ ,Dual Digital Potentiometer with EEPROMapplicationsNC 2 15 NC§ Standard resistance values:H1 3 14 SOUT- DS1867-10 ~ 10 kΩL1 4 13 WO- DS186 ..
Dual Digital Potentiometer with EEPROM
FEATURES Nonvolatile version of the popular DS1267 Low power consumption, quiet, pumpless
design Operates from single 5V or ±5V supplies§ Two digitally controlled, 256-position
potentiometers Wiper position is maintained in the absence of
power Serial port provides means for setting andreading both potentiometers Resistors can be connected in series to
provide increased total resistance 16-pin SOIC and 20-pin TSSOP for surface
mount applications§ Standard resistance values:DS1867-10 ~ 10 kWDS1867-50 ~ 50 kWDS1867-100 ~ 100 kW§ Operating Temperature Range:Industrial: -40°C to +85°C
PIN DESCRIPTIONL0, L1 - Low End of Resistor
H0, H1 -High End of ResistorW1, W2-Wiper End of Resistor-Substrate Bias
SOUT-Wiper for Stacked Configuration
RST-Serial Port Reset Input
DQ - Serial Port Data InputCLK - Serial Port Clock Input
COUT - Cascade Serial Port Output
VCC - +5-Volt Supply Input
GND - Ground
NC - No Internal Connection
DNC - Do Not Connect
Dual Digital Potentiometer with EEPROM
DESCRIPTIONThe DS1867 Dual Digital Potentiometer with EEPROM is the nonvolatile version of the popular DS1267Dual Digital Potentiometer. The DS1867 consists of two digitally controlled potentiometers having 256-
position wiper settings. Wiper position is maintained in the absence of power through the use of
EEPROM memory cell arrays. Communication and control of the device are accomplished over a 3-wire
serial port which allows reads and writes of the wiper position. Both potentiometers can be stacked for
increased total resistance with the same resolution. For multiple-device, single-processor environments,
the DS1867 can be cascaded for control over a single 3-wire bus. The DS1867 is offered in three standardresistance values.
OPERATIONThe DS1867 contains two 256-position potentiometers whose wiper positions are set by an 8-bit value.
These two 8-bit values are written to a 17-bit I/O shift register which is used to store wiper position and
the stack select bit when the device is powered. An additional memory area, the shadow memory, storesthe 17-bit I/O shift register during a power-down sequence which provides for wiper nonvolatility. A
block diagram of the DS1867 is presented in Figure 1.
Communication and control of the DS1867 is accomplished through a 3-wire serial port interface that
drives an internal control logic unit. The 3-wire serial interface consists of the three input signals: RST,
CLK, and DQ.
The RST control signal is used to enable 3-wire serial port operation of the device. The RST signal is an
active high input and is required to begin any communication to the DS1867. The CLK signal input is
used to provide timing synchronization for data input and output. The DQ signal line is used to transmit
potentiometer wiper settings and the stack select bit configuration to the 17-bit I/O shift register of the
Figure 2(a) presents the 3-wire serial port protocol. As shown, the 3-wire port is inactive when the RST
signal input is low. Communication with the DS1867 requires the transition of the RST input from a low
state to a high state. Once the 3-wire port has been activated, data is latched into the part on the low to
high transition of the CLK signal input. Three-wire serial timing requirements are provided in the timing
diagrams of Figure 2(b) and (c).
Data written to the DS1867 over the 3-wire serial interface is stored in the 17-bit I/O shift register (see
Figure 3). The 17-bit I/O shift register contains both 8-bit potentiometer wiper position values and thestack select bit. The composition of the I/O shift register is presented in Figure 3. Bit 0 of the I/O shift
register contains the stack select bit. This bit will be discussed in the section entitled Stacked
Configuration. Bits 1 through 8 of the I/O shift register contain the potentiometer-1 wiper position value.
Bit 1 will contain the MSB of the wiper setting for potentiometer-1 and bit 8 the LSB for the wiper
setting. Bits 9 through 16 of the I/O shift register contain the value of the potentiometer-0 wiper position
with the MSB for the wiper position occupying bit 9 and the LSB bit 16.
DS1867 BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 1 DS1867
(a) 3-Wire Serial Interface General Overview
I/O SHIFT REGISTER Figure 317-BIT I/O SHIFT REGISTERTransmission of data always begins with the stack select bit followed by the potentiometer-1 wiperposition value and lastly the potentiometer-0 wiper position value (see Figure 2(a)).
When wiper position data is to be written to the DS1867, 17-bits (or some integer multiple) of data should
always be transmitted. Transactions which do not send a complete 17-bits (or multiple) will leave the
register incomplete and possibly an error in desired wiper position. After a communication transaction
has been completed the RST signal input should be taken to a low state to prevent any inadvertent
changes to the device shift register. Once RST has reached a low state, the contents of the I/O shift
register are loaded into the respective multiplexers for setting wiper position. A new wiper position will
only engage pending a RST transition to the low state. The wiper position for the high-end terminals H0
and H1 will have data values FF (hex), while the low-end terminals will have data values 00 (hex).
STACKED CONFIGURATIONThe potentiometers of the DS1867 can be connected in series as shown in Figure 4. This is referred to as
the stacked configuration and allows the user to double the total end-to-end resistance of the part. The
resolution of the combined potentiometers will remain the same as a single potentiometer but with a total
of 512 wiper positions available. Device resolution is defined as RTOT/256 (per potentiometer); whereRTOT is equal to the device resistance value. The wiper output for the combined stacked potentiometer will
be taken at the Sout pin, which is the multiplexed output of the wiper of potentiometer-0 (W0) or
potentiometer-1 (W1). The potentiometer wiper selected at the Sout output is governed by the setting of
the stack select bit (bit-0) of the 17-bit I/O shift register. If the stack select bit has value 0, the multiplexedoutput, Sout, will be that of the potentiometer-0 wiper. If the stack select bit has value 1, the multiplexed
output, Sout, will be that of the potentiometer-1 wiper.
CASCADE OPERATIONA feature of the DS1867 is the ability to control multiple devices from a single processor. Multiple
DS1867s can be linked or daisy-chained as shown in Figure 5. As a data bit is entered into the I/O shift
register of the DS1867 it will appear at the Cout output after a maximum delay of 70 nanoseconds.
The Cout output of the DS1867 can be used to drive the DQ input of another DS1867. When connectingmultiple devices, the total number of bits sent is always 17 times the number of DS1867s in the daisy
An optional feedback resistor can be placed between the Cout terminal of the last device and the DQ input
of the first DS1867, thus allowing the controlling processor to read, as well as, write data or circularly
clock data through the daisy chain. The value of the feedback or isolation resistor should be in the rangefrom 2 to 10 kohms.
When reading data via the COUT pin and isolation resistor, the DQ line is left floating by the reading
device. When RST is driven high, bit 17 is present on the COUT pin, which is fed back to the input DQ pin
through the isolation resistor. When the CLK input transitions low to high, bit 17 is loaded into the first
position of the I/O shift register and bit 16 becomes present on COUT and DQ of the next device. After 17bits (or 17 times the number of DS1867s in the daisy chain), the data has shifted completely around and
back to its original position. When RST transitions to the low state to end data transfer, the value (the
same as before the read occurred) is loaded into the wiper-0, wiper-1, and stack select bit I/O register.
NONVOLATILE WIPER SETTINGSThe DS1867 maintains the position of the wiper in the absence of power. This feature is provided through
the use of EEPROM type memory cell arrays. During normal operation, the position of the wiper is
determined by the device multiplexers and stored in the shadow memory (EEPROM). The manner in
which an update occurs has been optimized for reliability, durability, and performance. Additionally, theupdate operation is totally transparent to the user.
When power is applied to the DS1867, wiper settings will be the last recorded in the EEPROM memory
cells or shadow memory before the last power-down. Changes to the EEPROM memory cells occurduring a predefined power-down sequence. If the DS1867 detects a voltage transition to 4.5 volts or less,
on the power supply input, the part initiates an automatic wiper storage sequence. This storage sequence
will save in EEPROM memory the contents of the I/O shift register before a total power-shutdown;
provided specific power-down timing requirements are met. The minimum total power-down time is
specified at 4 milliseconds. Power-down timing requirements on VCC are shown in Figure 6.
The EEPROM memory cells are specified to accept greater than 25,000 writes before a wear-out
condition. If the EEPROM memory cells do reach a wear-out condition, the DS1867 will still function
properly while power is applied. A minimum time of 4 ms between 4.5V and 3V is required to perform
the proper position storage of the wiper.
TYPICAL APPLICATION CONFIGURATIONSFigures 7 and 8 show two typical application configurations for the DS1867. By connecting the wiper
terminal of the part to a high impedance load, the effects of the wiper resistance is minimized, since thewiper resistance can vary from 400 to 1000 ohms depending on wiper voltage. Figure 7 presents the
device connected in an inverting variable gain amplifier. The gain of the circuit on Figure 7 is given by
the following equation:
Av = -n/(255-n); where n = 0 to 255
Figure 8 shows the device operating in a fixed gain attenuator where the potentiometer is used to
attenuate an incoming signal. Note the resistance R1 is chosen to be much greater than the wiper
resistance to minimize its effect on circuit gain.