DS1848B-050+T&R ,Dual Temperature-Controlled NV Variable Resistor & MemoryPIN DESCRIPTIONS Name TSSOP BGA Description V 14 A3 Power Supply Terminal. The DS1848 ..
DS1848E-010 ,Dual Temperature-Controlled NV Variable Resistor & MemoryFEATURES Two linear taper, temperature-controlledvariable resistors SDA 1 14 Vcc DS184 ..
DS1848E-010 ,Dual Temperature-Controlled NV Variable Resistor & MemoryDS1848Dual Temperature-ControlledNV Variable Resistor & MemoryPIN ASSIGNMENT
DS1848E-010+ ,Dual Temperature-Controlled NV Variable Resistor & MemoryFEATURES Two linear taper, temperature-controlled variable resistors SDA 1 14 Vcc ..
DS1848E-010+T&R ,Dual Temperature-Controlled NV Variable Resistor & MemoryPIN DESCRIPTIONS Name TSSOP BGA Description V 14 A3 Power Supply Terminal. The DS1848 ..
DS1848E-050 ,Dual Temperature-Controlled NV Variable Resistor & MemoryPIN DESCRIPTIONSName TSSOP BGA DescriptionV 14 A3 Power Supply Terminal. The DS1848 wi ..
DZ2J110 ,Zener DiodesAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 C Panasonic SMini2-F5-BJEITA SC-90AParameter Symbol Rating UnitR ..
DZD9.1 ,0.2W Zener DiodesElectrical Characteristics at Ta = 25˚CZener voltage VZ will be subdivided into X, Y, Z at your req ..
Dual Temperature-Controlled NV Variable Resistor & Memory
SDA 1 14 Vcc
SCL 2 13 H0
A0 3 12 NC
A1 4 11 H1
A2 5 10 L1
WP 6 9 NC
GND 7 8 L0
14-Pin TSSOP (173-mil)
1 2 3 4
Top View
FEATURES Two linear taper, temperature-controlled
variable resistors
DS1848-050 One 50k, 256 position One 10k, 256 position
DS1848-010 Two 10k, 256 position
Resistor settings changeable every 2°C
Access to temperature data and device
control via a 2-wire interface
Operates from 3V or 5V supplies
Packaging: 14-pin TSSOP, 16-ball CSBGA
Operating temperature: -40ºC to +95ºC
Programming temperature: 0ºC to +70ºC
128 bytes of user EEPROM
DESCRIPTION The DS1848 Dual Temperature-Controlled Nonvolatile (NV) Variable Resistor consists of two 256-
position linear, variable resistors. The DS1848-050 consists of one 10kand one 50kwhile the
DS1848-010 consists of two 10kresistors; both incorporate a direct-to-digital temperature sensor. The
device provides an ideal method for setting and temperature-compensating bias voltages and currents in
control applications using a minimum of circuitry.
The variable resistors settings are stored in EEPROM memory and can be accessed over the industry
standard 2-wire serial bus. The value of each variable resistor is determined by a temperature-addressed
look-up table, which can assign a unique value to each resistor for every 2°C increment over the -40°C to
+95°C range. The output of the digital temperature sensor is also available as a 13-bit, 2’s complement
value over the serial bus. The interface I/O pins consist of SDA and SCL.
Dual Temperature-Controlled
NV Variable Resistor & Memory
16-Ball CSBGA (4mm x 4mm)
Name TSSOP BGA Description
VCC 14 A3
Power Supply Terminal. The DS1848 will support supply voltages ranging from +3.0V to +5.5V.
GND 7 D1
Ground Terminal.
SDA 1 B2
2-Wire Serial Data Interface. The serial data pin is for serial data transfer to and from the DS1848. The pin is open drain and may be wire-ORed with other open drain or open collector interfaces.
SCL 2 A2
2-Wire Serial Clock Input. The serial clock input is used to clock data into the DS1848 on rising edges and clock data out on falling edges.
WP 6 C1
Write Protect Input. If open or set to logic 1, all memory, control registers, and Look-up tables are write protected. If set to a logic 0, the device is not write protected and can be written to. The WP pin is pulled high internally.
A0 3 A1
Address Input. Pins A0, A1, and A2 are used to specify the address of each DS1848 when used in a multi-dropped configuration.
A1 4 B1
Address Input.
A2 5 C2
Address Input.
H0 13 A4
High terminal of Resistor 0. For both resistors, it is not required that the high terminal be connected to a potential greater than the low terminal. Voltage applied to the high terminal of each resistor cannot exceed VCC, or go below ground.
H1 11 B3
High terminal of Resistor 1.
L0 8 D3
Low terminal of Resistor 0. For both resistors, it is not required that the low terminal be connected to a potential less than the high terminal. Voltage applied to the low terminal of each resistor cannot exceed VCC, or go below ground.
L1 10 C4
Low terminal of Resistor 1.
NC 9 D4
No Connect.
NC 12 B4
No Connect.
No Connect.
No Connect.
DS1848 DS1848 BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 1
256 Position
10k or 50k
Resistor 0
256 Position
Controlled 10k
Resistor 1
L1 Table Select Byte
Configuration Byte
Temperature MSB
Temperature LSB
Address Pointer
User Memory
Internal Address Sel
User Memory
Resistor 0 Setting
Resistor 1 setting
User Memory
72x8 bit
Resistor 0
Look-up Table
(Table 1)
72x8 bit
Resistor 1
Look-up Table
(Table 2)
128x8 bit
(Table 0)
DS1848 Memory Location Name of Location Function of Location
00h to 47h
(the Table Select
Byte, E0h, must be
set to 01h or 02h to
access the Look-
Up Tables)
00h to 7Fh
(the Table Select
Byte, E0h, must be
set to 00h to access
the User EEPROM
User Defined Look-Up Table
User Memory
This block contains the user-defined temperature
settings of the resistors. Values between 00h and
FFh can be written to either table to set the 256
position variable resistors. The first address
location, 00h, is used to set the resistor at -40°C.
Each successive memory location will contain the
resistor setting for the previous temperature +2°C.
For example, memory address 01h is the address
that will set the resistor in a -38°C environment.
For default memory settings and programming
the look-up table, refer to the Programming the
Look-Up Table (LUT) section of the datasheet.
This block is for general-purpose user memory.
When shipped from the factory, memory
locations 60h – 6Bh contain the same information
as found in Look-Up Table 1, memory locations
28h – 33h. Memory locations 6Ch – 77h contain
the same information as found in Look-Up Table
2, memory locations 28h – 33h.
E0h Table Select Byte Writing to this byte determines if one of the two
72x8 EEPROM look-up tables or the user
EEPROM memory is selected for reading or
00h (User EEPROM selected)
01h (Look-Up Table 1 selected)
02h (Look-Up Table 2 selected)
E1h Configuration Byte
TAU – Temperature/Address Update
TEN – Temperature Update Enable
AEN – Address Update Enable
Default setting is 03h, TAU = 1, TEN = 1 and
AEN = 1.
TAU becomes a 1 after a temperature and address
update has occurred as a result of a temperature
conversion. The user can write this bit to 0 and
check for a transition from 0 to 1 in order to
verify that a conversion has occurred.
If TEN = 0, the temperature conversion feature is
disabled. The user sets the resistor in “manual
mode” by writing to addresses F0h and F1h to
DS1848 Memory Location Name of Location Function of Location
With AEN = 0 the user can operate in a test
mode. Address updates made from the
temperature sensor will cease. The user can load a
memory location into E4h and verify that the
values in locations F0h and F1h are the expected
user-defined values.
E2h Temperature MSB This byte contains the MSB of the 13-bit 2s
complement temperature output from the
temperature sensor.
E3h Temperature LSB This byte contains the LSB of the 13-bit 2s
complement temperature output from the
temperature sensor.
For example temperature readings, refer to Table
E4h Address Pointer Calculated, current resistor address (0h – 47h).
The user-defined resistor setting at this location in
the respective look-up table will be loaded into
F0h and F1h to set the two resistors.
E5h to E6h User Memory General purpose user memory (SRAM)
E7h Address Select Internal or external device address select. This
byte allows the user to use the external address
pins or an internal register location to determine
the device address.
ENB = 0 and external A2, A1, A0 grounded,
device will use internal address bits (A2, A1, A0)
in this register
ENB = 1, external A2, A1, A0 = any setting,
device will use external address pins
Default setting is 01h. The device uses external
pins to determine its address.
E8h to EFh User Memory General purpose user memory (SRAM)
F0h Resistor 0 Setting In the user-controlled setting mode, this block
contains the resistor 0 setting.
F1h Resistor 1 Setting In the user-controlled setting mode, this block
contains the resistor 1 setting.
F2h to FFh User memory General purpose user memory (SRAM)
S 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 0 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 X X X
A2 A1 A0 ENB
The following equation can be used to determine which resistor position setting, 00h – FFh, should be
written in the LUT to achieve a given resistance at a specific temperature. 2251251),,(zCyxwCvuRCRpos
= 3.78964 for the 50k resistor
= 19.74866 for the 10k resistor
= 8.394533 for both 10k resistors
R = resistance desired at the output terminal
C = temperature in degrees Celsius
u, v, w, x, y, and z are calibration constants programmed into each of the corresponding look-up tables.
Their addresses and LSB values are given in Table 1 below. Resistor 1 variables are found in Look-Up
table 1 of the EEPROM, and Resistor 2 variables are found in Look-Up Table 2. After these values are
read, they should be overwritten with the appropriate temperature specific resistance settings. Copies of
these values can also be found in the User EEPROM memory.
Address in
Variable LSB
28 – 29 u 2-8
2A – 2B v 10-6
2C – 2D w 10-9
2E – 2F x 2-8
30 – 31 y 10-7
32 – 33 z 10-10
When shipped from the factory, all other memory locations in the LUTs are programmed to FFh (except
bytes 00h-07h of Table 1 and 2 which may be factory programmed to values other than FFh).
Note: Memory locations 44h – 47h, which cover the temperature range (+96ºC to +102ºC), are outside
of the specified operating temperature range (-40ºC to +95ºC). However, the values stored in these
locations will act as valid resistance settings if the temperature exceeds +95ºC. Therefore, Dallas
Semiconductor recommends that the user program a resistance value into all LUT locations. Failure to do
so will result in the part being set to the default value.
The direct-to-digital temperature sensor measures temperature through the use of an on-chip temperature
measurement technique with an operating range from -40°C to +95°C. Temperature conversions are
initiated upon power-up, and the most recent result is stored in address locations E2h and E3h, which are
updated every 10ms. Temperature conversion will not occur during an active read or write to memory.
The value of each resistor is determined by the temperature-addressed look-up table that assigns a unique
value to each resistor for every 2°C increment with a 1°C hysteresis at a temperature transition over the
operating temperature range. This can be seen in Figure 2.
+95ºC 0010 1111 1000 0000 2F80h
+25.0625ºC 0000 1100 1000 1000 0C88h
-10.125ºC 1111 1010 1111 0000 FAF0h
-40ºC 1110 1100 0000 0000 EC00h
2 4 6 8 10 12
CATIncreasing temp
Decreasing temp
Clock and Data Transitions: The SDA pin is normally pulled high with an external resistor or device.
Data on the SDA pin may only change during SCL low time periods. Data changes during SCL high
periods will indicate a start or stop conditions depending on the conditions discussed below. Refer to the
timing diagram (Figure 4) for further details.
Start Condition: A high-to-low transition of SDA with SCL high is a start condition that must precede
any other command. Refer to the timing diagram (Figure 4) for further details.
Stop Condition: A low-to-high transition of SDA with SCL high is a stop condition. After a read
sequence, the stop command places the DS1848 into a low-power mode. Refer to the timing diagram
(Figure 4) for further details.
Acknowledge: All address and data byte are transmitted via a serial protocol. The DS1848 pulls the SDA
line low during the ninth clock pulse to acknowledge that it has received each word.
Standby Mode: The DS1848 features a low-power mode that is automatically enabled after power-on,
after a stop command, and after the completion of all internal operations.
2-Wire Interface Reset: After any interruption in protocol, power loss, or system reset, the following
steps reset the DS1848.
1. Clock up to nine cycles.
2. Look for SDA high in each cycle while SCL is high.
3. Create a START condition while SDA is high.
Device Addressing: The DS1848 must receive an 8-bit device address word following a START
condition to enable a specific device for a read or write operation. The address word is clocked into the
DS1848 MSB to LSB. The address word consists of Ah (10106) followed by A2, A1, and A0 then the
R/W bit. If the R/W bit is high, a read operation is initiated. If the R/W is low, a write operation is
initiated. For a device to become active, the values of A2, A1 and A0 must be the same as the hard-wired
address pins on the DS1848. Upon a match of written and hard-wired addresses, the DS1848 will output a
zero for one clock cycle as an acknowledge. If the address does not match, the DS1848 returns to a low-
power mode.
Write Operations: After receiving a matching address byte with the R/W bit set low, the device goes
into the write mode of operation. The master must transmit an 8-bit EEPROM memory address to the
device to define the address where the data is to be written. After byte has been received, the DS1848 will
transmit a zero for one clock cycle to acknowledge the receipt of the address. The master must then
transmit an 8-bit data word to be written into this address. The DS1848 will again transmit a zero for one
clock cycle to acknowledge the receipt of the data. At this point, the master must terminate the write
operation with a STOP condition. The DS1848 then enters an internally timed write process tw to the
EEPROM memory. All inputs are disabled during this byte write cycle.
The DS1848 is capable of an 8-byte page write. A page write is initiated the same way as a byte write, but
the master does not send a STOP condition after the first byte. Instead, after the slave acknowledges
receipt of the data byte, the master can send up to seven more bytes using the same nine-clock sequence.
DS1848 The master must terminate the write cycle with a STOP condition or the data clocked into the DS1848
will not be latched into permanent memory.
Acknowledge Polling: Once the internally-timed write has started and the DS1848 inputs are disabled,
acknowledge polling can be initiated. The process involves transmitting a START condition followed by
the device address. The R/W bit signifies the type of operation that is desired. The read or write sequence
will only be allowed to proceed if the internal write cycle has completed and the DS1848 responds with a
Read Operations: After receiving a matching address byte with the R/W bit set high, the device goes
into the read mode of operation. There are three read operations: current address read, random read, and
sequential address read.
The DS1848 has an internal address register that maintains the address used during the last read or write
operation, incremented by one. This data is maintained as long as VCC is valid. If the most recent address
was the last byte in memory, then the register resets to the first address. This address stays valid between
operations as long as power is available.
Once the device address is clocked in and acknowledged by the DS1848 with the R/W bit set to high, the
current address data word is clocked out. The master does not respond with a zero, but does generate a
STOP condition afterwards.
A random read requires a dummy byte write sequence to load in the data word address. Once the device
and data address bytes are clocked in by the master and acknowledged by the DS1848, the master must
generate another START condition. The master now initiates a current address read by sending the device
address with the read/write bit set high. The DS1848 will acknowledge the device address and serially
clocks out the data byte.
Sequential reads are initiated by either a current address read or a random address read. After the master
receives the first data byte, the master responds with an acknowledge. As long as the DS1848 receives
this acknowledge after a byte is read, the master may clock out additional data words from the DS1848.
After reaching address FFh, it resets to address 00h.
The sequential read operation is terminated when the master initiates a stop condition. The master does
not respond with a zero.
For a more detailed description of 2-wire theory of operation, refer to the next section.