DS16149J ,Hex MOS Driversapplications where aset of address lines has to be in the logic ‘’1’’ state duringrefresh.The DS161 ..
DS16149J ,Hex MOS DriversFeaturesYHigh speed capabilitiesThe DS16149/DS36149 and DS16179/DS36179 are Hex# Typ 9 ns driving 5 ..
DS1616 ,Temperature and Three Input MUXed 8-bit Data Recorderapplications requiring datalogging over short or long time frames.The RTC provides seconds, minutes ..
DS1616 ,Temperature and Three Input MUXed 8-bit Data RecorderPIN DESCRIPTION63 bins with +2.0C resolutionV - Battery SupplyBAT Records long-term ADC data hist ..
DS1616 ,Temperature and Three Input MUXed 8-bit Data RecorderFEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT (Top View) Measures four channels of data:1 24V VBAT CC Integrated 8-bit ..
DS1620 ,Digital Thermometer and ThermostatPIN DESCRIPTIONDQ - 3-Wire Input/OutputCLK/ CONV - 3-Wire Clock Input andStand-alone Convert InputR ..
DTD114GK , 500mA / 50V Digital transistors (with built-in resistors)
DTD122JK , 500mA / 50V Digital transistors (with built-in resistors)
DTD123EK , 500mA / 50V Digital transistors (with built-in resistors)
DTD123TK , 500mA / 40V Digital transistors (with built-in resistors)
DTD123YKT146 , DTD123YK
DTD123YS , Digital transistors (built-in resistors)
Hex MOS Drivers
February 1986
DS16149/DS36149, DS16179/DS36179 Hex MOS Drivers
General Description
The DS16149/DS36149 and DS16179/DS36179are Hex
MOS driverswith outputs designedto drive large capacitive
loadsupto500pF associatedwith MOS memory systems.
PNP input transistorsare employedto reduce input currents
allowingthe large fan-outto these drivers neededin memo- systems.The circuithas Schottky-clamped transistorlog- forminimum propagation delay,anda disable controlthat
placesthe outputsinthe logic‘‘1’’ state (see truth table).
Thisis especially usefulin MOS RAM applications wherea
setof address lineshastobeinthe logic‘’1’’ state during
The DS16149/DS36149hasa15X resistorin series with
the outputsto dampen transientscausedbythe fast-switch-
ing output.The DS16179/DS36179hasa directlow imped-
ance outputforuse withor withoutan external resistor.
Features High speed capabilities Typ9ns driving50pF Typ29ns driving500pF Built-in15X damping resistor (DS16149/DS36149) Same pin-outas DM8096and DM74366
Schematic Diagram
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.