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+3.3V Supply TIA/EIA
+3.3V Supply TIA/EIA-2323x5 Driver/Receiver
General DescriptionThe DS14C335is three driver, five receiver device which
conformsto TIA/EIA-232-E and CCITT V.28 standard speci-
fications. This device employsan internal DC-DC converter generatethe necessary output levels froma +3.3V power
supply.A SHUTDOWN (SD) mode reduces the supply cur-
rentto10µA maximum.In the SD mode, one receiveris
active, allowing ring indicator (RI)tobe monitored.PC Board
space consumptionis minimizedbythe availabilityof Shrink
Small Outline Packaging (SSOP).
This device’s low power requirement and small footprint
makesitan ideal choicefor Laptop and Notebook applica-
Features Conformsto TIA/EIA-232-E and CCITT V.28
specifications Operates with single +3.3V power supply Low power requirement—ICC20 mA maximum SHUTDOWN mode—ICX10µA maximum One Receiver (R5) active during SHUTDOWN Operatesupto 128 kbps— Lap-Link® Compatible Flow through pinout 4V/µs minimum Slew Rate guaranteed Inter-operates with +5V UARTs Availablein 28-lead SSOP EIAJ TypeII package
Connection Diagram
DS14C335Order Number DS14C335MSA
SeeNS Package Number MSA28
Functional Diagram
March 2000