DS14196WMX ,EIA/TIA-232 5 Driver x 3 Receiver [Life-time buy]Featuresn Replaces two 1488s and one 1489The DS14196 is a five driver, three receiver device whichc ..
DS14285 ,Real-Time Clock with NV RAM ControlFEATURES PIN CONFIGURATIONS Direct Replacement for IBM AT TOP VIEW Computer Clock/Calendar Fun ..
DS14285Q ,Real Time Clock with NV RAM ControlPIN DESCRIPTIONAD0-AD7 - Multiplexed Address/Data BusNC - No ConnectionMOT - Bus Type Select (DS142 ..
DS14285S ,Real Time Clock with NV RAM ControlFEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT Direct replacement for IBM AT computerVCCO1 24 VCCclock/calendarX1 23 SQW2 ..
DS14285SN+ ,Real-Time Clock with NV RAM ControlPIN DESCRIPTION AD0-AD7 - Multiplexed Address/Data Bus NC - No Connection MOT - Bus Type Sele ..
DS14287 ,Real-Time Clock with NV RAM ControlPIN DESCRIPTION AD0-AD7 - Multiplexed Address/Data Bus NC - No Connection MOT - Bus Type Sele ..
DTC143XM , 100mA / 50V Digital transistors (with built-in resistors)
DTC143ZCA ,Conductor Holdings Limited - Digital Transistor
DTC143ZE ,Pre-biased TransistorsMaximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limit values (notnormal operating condi ..
DTC143ZET1 ,Bias Resistor TransistorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ACharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
DTC143ZET1G ,Bias Resistor TransistorFeatures(OUTPUT)PIN 1R1• Simplifies Circuit DesignBASE(INPUT)• Reduces Board SpaceR2• Reduces Compo ..
DS14196WM-DS14196WM .-DS14196WMX
EIA/TIA-232 5 Driver x 3 Receiver [Life-time buy]
EIA/TIA-232 5 Driver x 3 Receiver
General DescriptionThe DS14196isa five driver, three receiver device which
conformsto the EIA/TIA-232-E and the ITU-T V.28 stan-
The flow-through pinout facilitates simple non-crossover
board layout. The DS14196 providesa peripheral side one-
chip solutionfor the common 9-pin serial RS-232 interface
between data terminals and data communications equip-
The DS14196 offers optimum performance when used with
the DS141853x5 Driver/Receiver,a host side one-chip
solutionfor the common 9-pin serial RS-232 interface be-
tween data terminals and data communications equipment.
Features Replaces two 1488s and one 1489 Conformsto EIA/TIA-232-E and ITU-T V.285 drivers and3 receivers Flow-through pinout Failsafe receiver outputs high when inputs open 20-pin wide SOIC package LapLink® compatible—230.4 kbps data rate Pin compatible with: SN75196, GD75323
Connection Diagram
SOPOrder Number DS14196WM
See NS Package Number M20B
Functional Diagram
February 2000