DS12B887 ,Real time clockPIN DESCRIPTION• Multiplex bus for pin efficiencyAD0-AD7 – Multiplexed Address/Data BusNC – No Conn ..
DS12C887 ,Real time clockPIN DESCRIPTION12–hour modeAD0-AD7 - Multiplexed Address/Data Bus Daylight Savings Time optionNC - ..
DS12C887. ,Real time clockFEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT Drop-in replacement for IBM AT computerMOT1 24 VCCclock/calendarNC 23 SQW2 ..
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Real time clock
Copyright 1995 by Dallas Semiconductor Corporation.
All Rights Reserved. For important information regardingpatents and other intellectual property rights, please refer to
Dallas Semiconductor data books.
DS12B887Real Time Clock
080895 1/16
FEATURESDrop-in replacement for IBM AT computer clock/cal-
endarPin compatible with the MC146818B and DS1287Totally nonvolatile with over 10 years of operation in
the absence of powerSelf-contained subsystem includes lithium, quartz,
and support circuitryCounts seconds, minutes, hours, days, day of the
week, date, month, and year with leap year com-
pensationBinary or BCD representation of time, calendar, and
alarm12- or 24-hour clock with AM and PM in 12-hour modeDaylight Savings Time optionMultiplex bus for pin efficiencyInterfaced with software as 128 RAM locations14 bytes of clock and control registers114 bytes of general purpose RAMProgrammable square wave output signalBus-compatible interrupt signals (IRQ)Three interrupts are separately software-maskable
and testableTime-of-day alarm once/second to once/dayPeriodic rates from 122 μs to 500 msEnd of clock update cycle
PIN DESCRIPTIONAD0-AD7–Multiplexed Address/Data Bus–No Connection–Chip Select–Address Strobe
R/W–Read/Write Input–Data Strobe
IRQ–Interrupt Request Output
SQW–Square Wave Output
VCC–+5 Volt Supply
DESCRIPTIONThe DS12B887 Real Time Clock plus RAM is designed
to be a direct replacement for the DS1287A or
DS12887A. The DS12B887 is identical in form, fit, and
function to the DS1287A or DS12887A, with the excep-
tion of RCLR, and has an additional 64 bytes of general
purpose RAM. Access to this additional RAM space is
determined by the logic level presented on AD6 during
the address portion of an access cycle. A lithium energy
source, quartz crystal, and write-protection circuitry are
contained within a 24-pin dual in-line package. As such,
the DS12B887 is a complete subsystem replacing 16
components in a typical application. The functions
include a nonvolatile time-of-day clock, an alarm, a one-
hundred-year calendar, programmable interrupt,
square wave generator, and 114 bytes of nonvolatile
static RAM. The real time clock is distinctive in that
time-of-day and memory are maintained even in the
absence of power.
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OPERATIONThe block diagram in Figure 1 shows the pin connec-
tions with the major internal functions of the DS12B887.
The following paragraphs describe the function of each
CONSIDERATIONSThe Real Time Clock function will continue to operate
and all of the RAM, time, calendar, and alarm memory
locations remain nonvolatile regardless of the level of
the VCC input. When VCC is applied to the DS12B887
and reaches a level of greater than 4.25 volts, the device
becomes accessible after 200 ms, provided that the
oscillator is running and the oscillator countdown chain
is not in reset (see Register A). This time period allows
the system to stabilize after power is applied. When
VCC falls below 4.25 volts, the chip select input is inter-
nally forced to an inactive level regardless of the value of
CS at the input pin. The DS12B887 is, therefore, write-
protected. When the DS12B887 is in a write-protected
state, all inputs are ignored and all outputs are in a high
impedance state. When VCC falls below a level of
approximately 3 volts, the external VCC supply is
switched off and an internal lithium energy source sup-
plies power to the Real Time Clock and the RAM
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SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONSGND, VCC - DC power is provided to the device on these
pins. VCC is the +5 volt input. When 5 volts are applied
within normal limits, the device is fully accessible and
data can be written and read. When VCC is below 4.25
volts typical, reads and writes are inhibited. However,
the timekeeping function continues unaffected by the
lower input voltage. As VCC falls below 3 volts typical,
the RAM and timekeeper are switched over to an inter-
nal lithium energy source. The timekeeping function
maintains an accuracy of ±1 minute per month at 25oC
regardless of the voltage input on the VCC pin.
SQW (Square Wave Output) - The SQW pin can output
a signal from one of 13 taps provided by the 15 internal
divider stages of the Real Time Clock. The frequency of
the SQW pin can be changed by programming Register
A as shown in Table 1. The SQW signal can be turned
on and off using the SQWE bit in Register B. The SQW
signal is not available when VCC is less than 4.25 volts
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AD0-AD7 (Multiplexed Bidirectional Address/Data
Bus) - Multiplexed buses save pins because addressinformation and data information time share the same
signal paths. The addresses are present during the first
portion of the bus cycle and the same pins and signal
paths are used for data in the second portion of the cycle.
Address/data multiplexing does not slow the access time
of the DS12B887 since the bus change from address to
data occurs during the internal RAM access time.
Addresses must be valid prior to the falling edge of AS/
ALE, at which time the DS12B887 latches the address
from AD0 to AD6. Valid write data must be present and
held stable during the latter portion of the DS or WR
pulses. In a read cycle the DS12B887 outputs 8 bits of
data during the latter portion of the DS or RD pulses. The
read cycle is terminated and the bus returns to a high
impedance state as RD transitions high.
AS (Address Strobe Input) - A positive going addressstrobe pulse serves to demultiplex the bus. The falling
edge of AS/ALE causes the address to be latched within
the DS12B887.
DS (Data Strobe or Read Input) - The DS pin is calledRead(RD). RD identifies the time period when the
DS12B887 drives the bus with read data. The RD signal
is the same definition as the Output Enable (OE) signal
on a typical memory.
R/W (Read/Write Input)-The R/W signal is an active lowsignal called WR. In this mode the R/W pin has the
same meaning as the Write Enable signal (WE) on
generic RAMs.
CS (Chip Select Input) - The Chip Select signal mustbe asserted low for a bus cycle in the DS12B887 to be
accessed. CS must be kept in the active state during
RD and WR. Bus cycles which take place without
asserting CS will latch addresses but no access will
occur. When VCC is below 4.25 volts, the DS12B887
internally inhibits access cycles by internally disabling
the CS input. This action protects both the real time
clock data and RAM data during power outages.
IRQ (Interrupt Request Output) - The IRQ pin is anactive low output of the DS12B887 that can be used as an
interrupt input to a processor. The IRQ output remains
low as long as the status bit causing the interrupt is pres-
ent and the corresponding interrupt-enable bit is set. To
clear the IRQ pin the processor program normally reads
the C register.
When no interrupt conditions are present, the IRQ level is
in the high impedance state. Multiple interrupting devices
can be connected to an IRQ bus. The IRQ bus is an open
drain output and requires an external pull-up resistor.
RCLR (RAM Clear) - The RCLR pin is used to clear (setto logic 1) all 114 bytes of general-purpose RAM but
does not affect the RAM associated with the real time
clock. In order to clear the RAM, RCLR must be forced
to an input logic of (-0.3 to +0.8 volts) when VCC is ap-
plied. The RCLR function is designed to be used via hu-
man interface (shorting to ground manually or by switch)
and not to be driven with external buffers. This pin is in-
ternally pulled up. Do not use an external pull-up resistor
on this pin.
ADDRESS MAPThe address map of the DS12B887 is shown in Figure 2.
The address map consists of 114 bytes of user RAM, 10
bytes of RAM that contain the RTC time, calendar, and
alarm data, and four bytes which are used for control
and status. All 128 bytes can be directly written or read
except for the following:Registers C and D are read-only.Bit 7 of Register A is read-only.The high order bit of the seconds byte is read-only.
The contents of four registers (A,B,C, and D) are
described in the “Registers” section.
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TIME, CALENDAR AND ALARM LOCATIONSThe time and calendar information is obtained by read-
ing the appropriate memory bytes. The time, calendar,
and alarm are set or initialized by writing the appropriate
RAM bytes. The contents of the ten time, calendar, and
alarm bytes can be either Binary or Binary-Coded Deci-
mal (BCD) format. Before writing the internal time, cal-
endar, and alarm registers, the SET bit in Register B
should be written to a logic one to prevent updates from
occurring while access is being attempted. In addition
to writing the ten time, calendar, and alarm registers in a
selected format (binary or BCD), the data mode bit (DM)
of Register B must be set to the appropriate logic level.
All ten time, calendar, and alarm bytes must use the
same data mode. The set bit in Register B should be
cleared after the data mode bit has been written to allow
the real time clock to update the time and calendar
bytes. Once initialized, the real time clock makes all
updates in the selected mode. The data mode cannot
be changed without reinitializing the ten data bytes.
Table 2 shows the binary and BCD formats of the ten
time, calendar, and alarm locations. The 24-12 bit can-
not be changed without reinitializing the hour locations.
When the 12-hour format is selected, the high order bit
of the hours byte represents PM when it is a logic one.
The time, calendar, and alarm bytes are always acces-
sible because they are double buffered. Once per
second the ten bytes are advanced by one second and
checked for an alarm condition. If a read of the time and
calendar data occurs during an update, a problem exists
where seconds, minutes, hours, etc. may not correlate.
The probability of reading incorrect time and calendar
data is low. Several methods of avoiding any possible
incorrect time and calendar reads are covered later in
this text.
The three alarm bytes can be used in two ways. First,
when the alarm time is written in the appropriate hours,
minutes, and seconds alarm locations, the alarm inter-
rupt is initiated at the specified time each day if the alarm
enable bit is high . The second use condition is to insert
a “don’t care” state in one or more of the three alarm
bytes. The “don’t care” code is any hexadecimal value
from C0 to FF. The two most significant bits of each byte
set the “don’t care” condition when at logic 1. An alarm
will be generated each hour when the “don’t care” bits
are set in the hours byte. Similarly, an alarm is gener-
ated every minute with “don’t care” codes in the hours
and minute alarm bytes. The “don’t care” codes in all
three alarm bytes create an interrupt every second.
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NONVOLATILE RAMThe 114 general purpose nonvolatile RAM bytes are not
dedicated to any special function within the DS12B887.
They can be used by the processor program as nonvol-
atile memory and are fully available during the update
INTERRUPTSThe RTC plus RAM includes three separate, fully auto-
matic sources of interrupt for a processor. The alarm
interrupt can be programmed to occur at rates from
once per second to once per day. The periodic interrupt
can be selected for rates from 500 ms to 122 μs. The
update-ended interrupt can be used to indicate to the
program that an update cycle is complete. Each of
these independent interrupt conditions is described in
greater detail in other sections of this text.
The processor program can select which interrupts, if
any, are going to be used. Three bits in Register B
enable the interrupts. Writing a logic 1 to an interrupt-
enable bit permits that interrupt to be initiated when the
event occurs. A zero in an interrupt-enable bit prohibits
the IRQ pin from being asserted from that interrupt
condition. If an interrupt flag is already set when an
interrupt is enabled, IRQ is immediately set at an active
level, although the interrupt initiating the event may
have occurred much earlier. As a result, there are cases
where the program should clear such earlier initiated
interrupts before first enabling new interrupts.
When an interrupt event occurs, the relating flag bit is
set to logic 1 in Register C. These flag bits are set inde-
pendent of the state of the corresponding enable bit in
Register B. The flag bit can be used in a polling mode
without enabling the corresponding enable bits. The
interrupt flag bit is a status bit which software can
interrogate as necessary. When a flag is set, an indica-
tion is given to software that an interrupt event has
occurred since the flag bit was last read; however, care
should be taken when using the flag bits as they are
cleared each time Register C is read. Double latching is
included with Register C so that bits which are set
remain stable throughout the read cycle. All bits which
are set (high) are cleared when read and new interrupts
which are pending during the read cycle are held until
after the cycle is completed. One, two, or three bits can
be set when reading Register C. Each utilized flag bit
should be examined when read to ensure that no inter-
rupts a re lost.
The second flag bit usage method is with fully enabled
interrupts. When an interrupt flag bit is set and the corre-
sponding interrupt enable bit is also set, the IRQ pin is
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asserted low. IRQ is asserted as long as at least one of
the three interrupt sources has its flag and enable bits
both set. The IRQF bit in Register C is a one whenever
the IRQ pin is being driven low. Determination that the
RTC initiated an interrupt is accomplished by reading
Register C. A logic one in bit 7 (IRQF bit) indicates that
one or more interrupts have been initiated by the
DS12B887. The act of reading Register C clears all
active flag bits and the IRQF bit.
OSCILLATOR CONTROL BITSWhen the DS12B887 is shipped from the factory, the
internal oscillator is turned off. This feature prevents the
lithium energy cell from being used until it is installed in a
system. A pattern of 010 in bits 4 through 6 of Register A
will turn the oscillator on and enable the countdown
chain. A pattern of 11X will turn the oscillator on, but
holds the countdown chain of the oscillator in reset. All
other combinations of bits 4 through 6 keep the oscilla-
tor off.
SQUARE WAVE OUTPUT SELECTIONThirteen of the 15 divider taps are made available to a
1-of-15 selector, as shown in the block diagram of Fig-
ure 1. The first purpose of selecting a divider tap is to
generate a square wave output signal on the SQW pin.
The RS0-RS3 bits in Register A establish the square
wave output frequency. These frequencies are listed in
Table 1. The SQW frequency selection shares its
1-of-15 selector with the periodic interrupt generator.
Once the frequency is selected, the output of the SQW
pin can be turned on and off under program control with
the square wave enable bit (SQWE).
PERIODIC INTERRUPT SELECTIONThe periodic interrupt will cause the IRQ pin to go to an
active state from once every 500 ms to once every
122 μs. This function is separate from the alarm inter-
rupt which can be output from once per second to once
per day. The periodic interrupt rate is selected using the
same Register A bits which select the square wave fre-
quency (see Table 1). Changing the Register A bits
affects both the square wave frequency and the periodic
interrupt output. However, each function has a separate
enable bit in Register B. The SQWE bit controls the
square wave output. Similarly, the periodic interrupt is
enabled by the PIE bit in Register B. The periodic inter-
rupt can be used with software counters to measure
inputs, create output intervals, or await the next needed
software function.
UPDATE CYCLEThe DS12B887 executes an update cycle once per
second regardless of the SET bit in Register B. When
the SET bit in Register B is set to one, the user copy of
the double buffered time, calendar, and alarm bytes is
frozen and will not update as the time increments. How-
ever, the time countdown chain continues to update the
internal copy of the buffer. This feature allows time to
maintain accuracy independent of reading or writing the
time, calendar, and alarm buffers and also guarantees
that time and calendar information is consistent. The
update cycle also compares each alarm byte with the
corresponding time byte and issues an alarm if a match
or if a “don’t care” code is present in all three positions.
There are three methods that can handle access of the
real time clock that avoid any possibility of accessing
inconsistent time and calendar data. The first method
uses the update-ended interrupt. If enabled, an inter-
rupt occurs after every up date cycle that indicates that
over 999 ms are available to read valid time and date
information. If this interrupt is used, the IRQF bit in Reg-
ister C should be cleared before leaving the interrupt
A second method uses the update-in-progress bit (UIP)
in Register A to determine if the update cycle is in prog-
ress. The UIP bit will pulse once per second. After the
UIP bit goes high, the update transfer occurs 244 μs
later. If a low is read on the UIP bit, the user has at least
244 μs before the time/calendar data will be changed.
Therefore, the user should avoid interrupt service rou-
tines that would cause the time needed to read valid
time/calendar data to exceed 244 μs.
The third method uses a periodic interrupt to determine
if an update cycle is in progress. The UIP bit in Register
A is set high between the setting of the PF bit in Register
C (see Figure 3). Periodic interrupts that occur at a rate
of greater than tBUC allow valid time and date informa-
tion to be reached at each occurrence of the periodic
interrupt. The reads should be complete within 1
(tPI/+ tBUC) to ensure that data is not read during the
update cycle.
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tPI = Periodic interrupt time interval per Table 1.
tBUC = Delay time before update cycle = 244 μs.
REGISTERSThe DS12B887 has four control registers which are
accessible at all times, even during the update cycle.
UIPThe Update In Progress (UIP) bit is a status flag that can
be monitored. When the UIP bit is a one, the update
transfer will soon occur. When UIP is a zero, the update
transfer will not occur for at least 244 μs. The time, cal-
endar, and alarm information in RAM is fully available
for access when the UIP bit is zero. The UIP bit is read
only. Writing the SET bit in Register B to a one inhibits
any update transfer and clears the UIP status bit.
DV0, DV1, DV2These three bits are used to turn the oscillator on or off
and to reset the countdown chain. A pattern of 010 is the
only combination of bits that will turn the oscillator on
and allow the RTC to keep time. A pattern of 11X will
enable the oscillator but holds the countdown chain in
reset. The next update will occur at 500 ms after a pat-
tern of 010 is written to DV0, DV1, and DV2.
RS3, RS2, RS1, RS0These four rate-selection bits select one of the 13 taps
on the 15-stage divider or disable the divider output.
The tap selected can be used to generate an output
square wave (SQW pin) and/or a periodic interrupt. The
user can do one of the following:Enable the interrupt with the PIE bit;Enable the SQW output pin with the SQWE bit;Enable both at the same time and the same rate; orEnable neither.
Table 1 lists the periodic interrupt rates and the square
wave frequencies that can be chosen with the RS bits.