DS1260-25 ,Smart BatteryFEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT Encapsulated lithium energy cell with shelflife beyond 10 years Available ..
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Smart Battery
FEATURESEncapsulated lithium energy cell with shelf
life beyond 10 yearsAvailable with energy capacities of 250, 500,
and 1,000 mAH @ 3 voltsPlugs into a standard 16-pin DIP socketLithium cell electrically disconnects from
exposed pins upon commandBattery isolation ensures full capacity after
shipping and handlingLithium cell automatically reconnects when
VCC is appliedRecessed pins prevent bendingVCC fail signal interrupts processor or write-
protects memoryExhausted energy cell warning signalLow profile permits mounting on 0.5-inch
printed circuit board centersMates directly with DS1212 Nonvolatile
Controller to back up 16 SRAMsUninterruptible supply for CMOS and
portable devices
PIN DESCRIPTIONPins 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10 and 14 are No-Connects
Pin 3 is Battery Fail (BF)Pin 5 is Battery Out (BAT)
Pin 6 is RESET (RST) Input
Pin 8 is Ground
Pin 11 is Power Fail (PF)Pins 12 and 13 are RAM Supply (VCCO)
Pins 15 and 16 are +5V Supply (VCCI)
DESCRIPTIONThe DS1260 SmartBattery is a low-cost, backup energy supply for portable and nonvolatile electronic
equipment. A lithium energy source of up to 1 amp hour can supply power to CMOS electronic circuits
when primary power is lost through an intelligent and efficient switch. When power is supplied from the
lithium power source, the power fail signal is held low to warn electronic (RESET) circuits of the power
status. Energy loss during shipping and handling is avoided by pulsing RESET, thereby causing thebackup energy source to be isolated from the exposed pins. The DS1260 can be plugged into a standard
16-pin, low-cost DIP socket, allowing for proven interconnect and simple replacement if the energy has
Smart BatterySee Mech. Drawings Section
OPERATIONDuring normal operation VCCI (pins 15 and 16) is the primary energy source and power is supplied to
VCCO (pins 12 and 13) through an internal switch at a voltage level of VCCI-0.2 volts @ 250 mA. During
this time the power-fail signal (PF) is held high, indicating valid primary voltage (see Figure 1).
However, if the VCCI falls below the level of 4.25 volts, the power-fail signal is driven low. As VCCI fallsbelow the level of the lithium supply (VBAT = 3 volts), power is switched and the lithium energy source
supplies power to the uninterruptible output (VCCO) at VBAT-0.2 volts @ 5 mA.
On power-up, as the VCCI supply rises above 3 volts, the primary energy source, VCCI, becomes the
supply. As the VCCI input rises above 4.25 volts, the power-fail signal is driven back to the high level.During normal operation, BAT (Pin 5) stays at the battery level of 3 volts, regardless of the level of VCCI.
BATTERY FAILWhen power is being supplied from the primary energy source, BF (Pin 3) is held at a high level (VOH),
provided that the lithium energy source is greater than 2 volts. If the lithium energy source should
decrease to below 2 volts, the BF signal is driven low (VOL), indicating an exhausted lithium battery. The signal is always low when power is being supplied by the lithium energy source.
RESETThe reset input can be used to prevent the lithium energy source from supplying power to VCCO and BATeven if VCCI falls below 3 volts. This feature is activated by applying a pulsed input on RST to a high
level (VIH) for 50ns minimum while primary power is valid (see Figure 2). When primary power is
removed after pulsing RST, the VCCO output and BAT will go to high impedance. The next time primary
power is applied such that VCCI is greater than VBAT, normal operation resumes and VCCO will be supplied
by the lithium energy source when VCCI again falls below 3 volts. BAT will also return to the level VBAT.Figure 3 shows how the SmartBattery is used in a system application.
Table 1