DS1088LU-02 ,Low-Cost Fixed-Frequency EconOscillatorApplications♦ Power-Down ModePrinters♦ 1.0% Frequency Tolerance Over Temperature Copiersand Voltage ..
DS1088LU-02A+ ,Fixed-Frequency EconOscillator™Applications● 1% Frequency Tolerance Over Temperature and ● PrintersVoltage● Copiers● Wide Temperat ..
DS1088LU-66 ,Low-Cost Fixed-Frequency EconOscillatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = 2.7V to 3.6V, T = -20°C to +85°C.)CC APARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MI ..
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Low-Cost Fixed-Frequency EconOscillator
General DescriptionThe DS1088L is a low-cost clock generator that pro-
duces a square-wave output without external timing
components. The fixed-frequency oscillator is available
in factory-calibrated frequencies from 312kHz to
133MHz. The DS1088L has a power-down pin for
power-sensitive applications.
Automotive Telematics
Computer Peripherals
POS Terminals
Cable Modems
FeaturesFactory-Programmed, Square-Wave Generator
from 312kHz to 133MHzSingle OutputNo External Timing Components Required2.7V to 3.6V SupplyPower-Down Mode1.0% Frequency Tolerance Over Temperature
and VoltageWide Temperature Range (-20°C to +85°C)
Low-Cost Fixed-Frequency EconOscillator™
Pin Configuration
Typical Operating Circuit
Ordering InformationRev 1; 5/05
EconOscillator is a trademark of Dallas Semiconductor.
Low-Cost Fixed-Frequency EconOscillator™
RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSVoltage Range on VCCRelative to Ground ..........-0.5V to +6.0V
Voltage Range on PDNRelative
to Ground*..............................................-0.5V to (VCC+ 0.5V)
Operating Temperature Range...........................-20°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range ............................-55°C to +125°C
Soldering Temperature ....................See IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020
*Not to exceed +6.0V.
Low-Cost Fixed-Frequency EconOscillator™
Note 2:This is the change in output frequency due to changes in voltage at TA= +25°C.
Note 3:This is the change in output frequency due to changes in temperature from the +25°C frequency at VCC= 3.3V.
Note 4:Guaranteed by design.
Note 5:This indicates the time elapsed between power-up and the output becoming active. An on-chip delay is intentionally intro-
duced to allow the oscillator to stabilize. tSTABis equivalent to approximately 512 clock cycles and will depend on the pro-
grammed oscillator frequency.
Note 6:Output disabled in 2 cycles or less of the output frequency.
Note 7:Output voltage swings may be impaired at high frequencies combined with high-output loading.
Note 8:Typical frequency shift due to aging is within ±0.2%. Aging stressing includes level 1 moisture reflow preconditioning (24hr
+125°C bake, 168hr +85°C/85%RH moisture soak, and three solder reflow passes +240°C +0°C/-5°C peak) followed by
1000hr (max) VCCbiased +125°C OP/L, 1000hr unbiased +150°C bake, 1000 temperature cycles at -55°C to +125°C and
168hr +121°C/2 ATM steam/unbiased autoclave.
Low-Cost Fixed-Frequency EconOscillator™
Typical Operating Characteristics(VCC= 3.3V, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Low-Cost Fixed-Frequency EconOscillator™Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are
implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.
Detailed DescriptionThe DS1088L is a low-cost clock generator that pro-
duces a square-wave output without external timing
components. The fixed-frequency oscillator is available
in factory-calibrated frequencies from 312kHz to
133MHz. The DS1088L has a power-down pin for
power-sensitive applications. A block diagram of the
DS1088L is shown in Figure1.
Output FrequencyThe internal oscillator frequency is divided by the facto-
ry-programmed prescaler to produce an output fre-
quency of 312kHz to 133MHz. See the Standard
Frequency Optionstablefor a list of standard frequen-
cies. Contact factory for custom frequencies.
Power-Down ModeThe PDNpin disables the internal oscillator and the
oscillator output for power-sensitive applications. The
power-down pin must remain low for at least two output
frequency cycles plus 10µs for deglitching purposes.
On power-up, the output is disabled until power is sta-
ble and the voltage-controlled oscillator has generated
512 clock cycles.
Applications Information
Power-Supply DecouplingTo achieve the best results when using the DS1088L,
the power supply must be decoupled with 0.01µF and
0.1µF high-quality, ceramic, surface-mount capacitors.
Surface-mount components minimize lead inductance,
which improves performance, and tend to have ade-
quate high-frequency response for decoupling applica-
tions. These capacitors should be placed as close to
the VCCand GND pins as possible.
Chip TopologyTRANSISTOR COUNT: 4507
Package InformationFor the latest package outline information, go to
Figure 1. Block Diagram
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