DPA4111 ,DPA Series Microelectronic Power IC Relay
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DPA Series Microelectronic Power IC Relay
International PD Lassa
IEER Rectifier DPA Series
ChipSwitcha DIP Relay Power It: Relay
1.0 Amp Load Current, 20 - 280 VACRMS
General Description DPA Series Features
The DPA Series ChipSwitch uses exclusive Intema- S3)( power IC chipsl]
tional Rectifier sax power integrated circuit technol-
ogy to form a fully functioning soiid-state relay. The 25 Amp “.99 Cl
SM technology combines MOS and bipolar pro- 4,000 VRMS " isolation Cl
cesses. derived from IR's HEXFEP power MOS- 10 pA tn-state leakage currentlj
FET designs, to eliminate the need for both discrete Zerto-voltage turn-on CI
components and hybrid circuits. The basic DPA
Series ChipSwitch consists of two identical power Operates without snubber CI
integrated circuits connected in inverse parallel 600 V/ps toff-state dv/dttn
(analogous to back-to-back SCRs] for AC control Solid-State reliabilitycl
plus an isolated GaAlAs light emitting diode (LED) UL recognized and CSA certified CI
for actuation. Voltage controlled models with an
internal resistor to limit the control current are also
Extreme reliability is achieved by the reduction of
component count from approximately 20 discrete
components in a conventional SSR to 3 basic
components in the ChipSwitch.
The DPA Series ChipSwitch is a single-pole,
normally-msn SSR capable of switching up to H)
ARMS load currents with precise zero-voltage turn-
en and zero-current turn-off, thus reducing EMI
These devices are ideally suited for interfacing
microprocessors to AC loads, such as small meters,
lamps, solenoids, valves and high power meter
starters. The economy of the DPA Series
ChipSwitch allows the in-house manutacturerto Part Identification
replace assemblies of triacs, that drivers and
associated components with a highly reliable, _ _
miniature, standard SSR. Part Transient OPEWWQ DC mPlft
Number Dvervoltage Voltage Sensmwly
WPEAId Wests] (Turn-on)
DPA4111 400 20-140 10mA
DPA4119 400 20-140 3.5V
DPA6111 600 20-280 10mA
DPA6119 600 20-280 3SV
iChipSwiteh and HEXFE T are trademarks of Mfemaiiamtl Rec tmer)
Series DPA - ChipSwitch'" DIP Relay
Electrical Specifications (-300C f TA f +8YC unless otherwise specified)
lean Rerji'i'e
Maximum Tum-Dn Current: DPA4111. 0PA6111 10.0 mA
Minimu m Turn-Off Current: DPA4111 , DPAE111 0.5 mA
Control Current Range (Caution: icurrimtlirnitioput LED, see figurit 3) 10 to 25 mA
DPA4111, DPA6111 £529 figuro 4 fcr DPA4119, DPM119)
Maximu m Turn-On Voltage: D PA4119, DPAETI 9 3.5 V
Minimu mTurn-Off 1hytage: DPA4rl9, DPAE119 0.8 V
Control Valtage Range: DPA4119, DPAE119 3.5 to T V
Maximum Reverse Voltage (All Models} 7.0 V
DPA4111 DPAG111
DPM119 DPA6119
Operating Voltage Range (4 - 63 Hz) 20-140 20-280 VRMS
Transient Ovemltage (man-repetitive) 400 BOO VPEAK
Maxrmum Load Current © TA=+40”C [see ligum 1) (see Note 3) 1.0 ARMS
Minimum Load Current 0.5 mAmAS
Minimum Off-State dv/dt [see Note l) 600 V/PS
Power Factor Range 0.2 tr: 1.0 -
Maximum Dn-State Voltage Drop a 1.0 ARMS 1.5 Vp EAlt
Maximum Off-Srate Leakage Current (sea Hum 2) 10 HAHMS
Maximum Tu rn-On Time (60 Hz) 0.3 m5
Maximum Tum-Off Tme (60 Fla) 8.3 ms
Maximum Surge Current, Single-Cycle, Non-RaprlitMa 20 ms (sae Iigum fl) 25 APEAK
Maximum Overcurrent, Nan-Repetitive 1 second 7.5 Ap EAR.
Maximum FT for Fusing {0.01 sec) 4.5 A23
Maximum Zero Voltage Tu m-on 12 Vp EAR
Minimum Dielectric Strength, Input-Output 4000 VRMS
Minimu m Insulatiun Resistance, InFutJZIutFut. @TA=+25°C. 50%R A, ECIWDC 1012 n
Tracking Resistance (VDE Test) KB mum -
Maximum Capacitance, Input-Output 2.0 pF
Maximum Pin Soldering Temperature (l 0sgards maxi mum) +260
AmbientTemperature Range: Operating -30 to +85 'C
Storage MO in +100
N ates:
the maximum operating voltage.
and incandescent load control rating is 1.0A.
Or-state det test method per EWNARM standard RS-443 with VP equal to the instantaneous peak of
LED input current ofzero mA(DPA4111., DPA6111) or input voltage of zero Volts (DPA4110, DPAEHQ).
The UL508 motor Control rating per Sec, 52 twerload test 00110100113 is 0.4A max., and general purpose