DP8573AN ,Real Time Clock (RTC)DP8573ARealTimeClock(RTC)May1993DP8573ARealTimeClock(RTC)GeneralDescriptionlThe DP8573A is intended ..
DP8573AV ,Real Time Clock (RTC)FeaturestheClockCounters,theAlarmCompareRAM,andtheTimeYFull function real time clock/calendarSave R ..
DP8573AV ,Real Time Clock (RTC)FeaturestheClockCounters,theAlarmCompareRAM,andtheTimeYFull function real time clock/calendarSave R ..
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Real Time Clock (RTC)
May 1993
DP8573A Real Time Clock (RTC)
General Description
The DP8573Ais intendedforusein microprocessor based
systems whereinformationis requiredfor multi-tasking, data
loggingor general timeof day/date information. This device implementedinlow voltage silicon gate microCMOS tech-
nologyto providelow standby powerin battery back-upen-
vironments. The circuit’s architectureis such thatit looks
likea contiguous block ofmemoryorI/O ports organizedas
one blockof32 bytes. This includesthe Control Registers,
the ClockCounters,the Alarm CompareRAM,andthe Time
Save RAM.
Timeand dateare maintained from 1/100ofa secondto
yearand leap yearina BCD format,12or24 hour modes.
Dayof weekanddayof month countersare provided. Time controlledbyan on-chip crystal oscillator requiring only
the additionofthe 32.768kHz crystalandtwo capacitors.
Power failurelogicand controlfunctionshavebeen integrat-on chip. This logicis usedbythe RTCto issuea power
fail interrupt,and lockoutthemP interface. The time power
fails maybe loggedinto RAM automatically when VBBl
VCC. Additionally,two supply pinsare provided. When VBB VCC, internal circuitrywill automatically switch fromthe
main supplytothe battery supply.
The DP8573A’s interrupt structure provides three basic
typesof interrupts: Periodic, Alarm/Compare, and Power
Fail. Interrupt maskand status registers enablethe masking
and easy determinationof each interrupt.
Features Full functionreal time clock/calendar 12/24 hour mode timekeepingDayof week counter Parallel resonant oscillator Powerfail features Internal power supply switchto external battery Power SupplyBus glitch protection Automaticlogof timeinto RAMat power failure On-chip interrupt structure Periodic, alarm,and powerfail interrupts
Block Diagram
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M75/PrintedinU.S.A.