DP8570AN ,Timer Clock Peripheral (TCP)DP8570ATimerClockPeripheral(TCP)May1993DP8570ATimerClockPeripheral(TCP)GeneralDescriptionThe DP8570 ..
DP8570AN ,Timer Clock Peripheral (TCP)Featuresters, the Alarm Compare RAM, the Timers and their dataYFull function real time clock/calend ..
DP8570AN. ,Timer Clock Peripheral (TCP)DP8570ATimerClockPeripheral(TCP)May1993DP8570ATimerClockPeripheral(TCP)GeneralDescriptionThe DP8570 ..
DP8570AV ,Timer Control Peripheral (TCP)Featuresters, the Alarm Compare RAM, the Timers and their dataYFull function real time clock/calend ..
DP8570AVX ,Timer Control Peripheral (TCP)DP8570ATimerClockPeripheral(TCP)May1993DP8570ATimerClockPeripheral(TCP)GeneralDescriptionThe DP8570 ..
DP8571AN ,Timer Clock Peripheral (TCP)DP8571ATimerClockPeripheral(TCP)May1993DP8571ATimerClockPeripheral(TCP)GeneralDescriptionThe DP8571 ..
DS90CR216 ,+3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS 21-Bit Channel LinkFeaturesparallel with the data streams over a fourth LVDS link. Everyn Single +3.3V supplycycle of ..
DS90CR216 ,+3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS 21-Bit Channel LinkBlock DiagramsDS90CR215 DS90CR216DS012909-1DS012909-27Order Number DS90CR215MTDOrder Number DS90CR2 ..
DS90CR216AMTD ,+3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS Receiver 21-Bit Channel Link-66 MHzFeaturesn 20 to 66 MHz shift clock supportThe DS90CR286A receiver converts the four LVDS datastream ..
DS90CR216AMTDX ,+3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS Receiver 21-Bit Channel Link-66 MHzElectrical Characteristics (Continued)Over recommended operating supply and temperature ranges unle ..
DS90CR216MTD ,+3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS 21-Bit Channel LinkFeaturesparallel with the data streams over a fourth LVDS link. Everyn Single +3.3V supplycycle of ..
DS90CR217MTD ,+3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS 21-Bit Channel Link TransmitterFeaturesn 20 to 85 MHz shift clock supportThe DS90CR217 transmitter converts 21 bits of CMOS/TTLdat ..
Timer Clock Peripheral (TCP)
May 1993
DP8570A Timer Clock Peripheral (TCP)
General Description
The DP8570Ais intendedforusein microprocessor based
systems whereinformationis requiredfor multi-tasking, data
loggingor general timeof day/date information. This device implementedinlow voltage silicon gate microCMOS tech-
nologyto providelow standby powerin battery back-upen-
vironments. The circuit’s architectureis such thatit looks
likea contiguous blockof memoryor I/Oports.The address
spaceis organizedas2 software selectable pagesof32
bytes. This includesthe Control Registers,the Clock Coun-
ters,the Alarm Compare RAM,the Timers and their data
RAM,andthe Time Save RAM.Anyofthe RAM locations
thatarenot being usedfor their intended purpose maybe
usedas general purpose CMOS RAM.
Timeand dateare maintained from 1/100ofa secondto
yearand leap yearina BCD format,12or24 hour modes.
Dayof week, dayof month anddayof year countersare
provided. Timeis controlledbyan on-chip crystal oscillator
requiring onlythe additionofthe crystalandtwo capacitors.
The choiceof crystal frequencyis program selectable.
Two independent multifunction10 MHz 16-bit timersare
provided. These timers operatein four modes. Eachhasits
own prescalerandcan selectanyof8 possible clock inputs.
Thus,by programmingthe input clocksandthe timer coun-
ter valuesa very wide rangeof timing durations canbe
achieved.The rangeis from about400ns (4.915 MHz oscil-
lator)to 65,535 seconds(18 hrs.,12 min.).
Power failurelogicand controlfunctionshavebeen integrat-on chip.This logicis usedbythe TCP toissuea powerfail
interrupt, andlockoutthemp interface.The time power fails
maybe loggedinto RAM automatically when VBBl VCC.
Additionally, two supply pinsare provided. When VBBl
VCC, internal circuitrywill automatically switch fromthe main
supplytothe battery supply. Statusbitsare providedto indi-
cate initial applicationof battery power, system power,and
low battery detect. (Continued)
Features Full functionreal time clock/calendar 12/24 hour mode timekeepingDayof weekanddayof years counters Four selectable oscillator frequencies Parallel Resonant Oscillator Two 16-bit timers10 MHz external clock frequency Programmable multi-function output Flexible re-trigger facilities Powerfail features Internal power supply switchto external battery Power SupplyBus glitch protection Automaticlogof timeinto RAMat power failure On-chip interrupt structure Periodic, alarm, timerand powerfail interruptsUpto44 bytesof CMOS RAM INTR/MFO/T1 pins programmable High/Low and push-
pullor open drain
Block Diagram
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M75/PrintedinU.S.A.