DP83910AN ,CMOS SNI Serial Network InterfaceFeaturesercable.Whentransmitting,theSNIconvertsnon-return-to-YCompatible with Ethernet I, IEEE 802. ..
DP83910AV ,CMOS SNI Serial Network InterfaceFeaturesercable.Whentransmitting,theSNIconvertsnon-return-to-YCompatible with Ethernet I, IEEE 802. ..
DP83910AV ,CMOS SNI Serial Network InterfaceDP83910ACMOSSNISerialNetworkInterfaceMay1995DP83910ACMOSSNISerialNetworkInterfaceGeneralDescription ..
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DP8391AV ,SNI Serial Network InterfacePin DescriptionsDIP for signal lines. Power isolation, however, is done by6.0 Absolute Maximum Rati ..
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CMOS SNI Serial Network Interface
May 1995
Serial Network Interface
General Description
The DP83910A CMOS Serial Network Interface (SNI)isa
direct-pin equivalentofthe bipolar DP8391 SNI and pro-
videsthe Manchester data encoding and decoding func-
tionsfor IEEE 802.3 Ethernet/Thin-Ethernet type local area
networks.TheSNI interfaces theDP8390 Network Interface
Controller(NIC)tothe DP8392CTIoran Ethernet transceiv- cable. When transmitting,theSNI converts non-return-to-
zero (NRZ) data fromthe controllerinto Manchester data
and sendsthe converted data differentiallytothe transceiv-
er. Conversely, when receiving,a Phase Lock Loopde-
codesthe10 Mbit/s data fromthe transceiverinto NRZ
dataforthe controller.
The DP83910A operatesin conjunction withthe DP8392
Coaxial Transceiver Interface (CTI) andthe DP8390 Net-
work Interface Controller (NIC)to forma three-chipsetthat
implementsa complete IEEE 802.3 compatible networkas
shown below. The DP83910Aisa functionally complete
Manchester encoder/decoder includinga balanced driver
and receiver, on-board crystal oscillator, collision signal
translator, anda diagnostic loopback feature. The
DP83910A, fabricated CMOS, typically consumes less thanmAof current. However,asa resultof being CMOS,the
DP83910A’s differential signals mustbe isolatedin both
Ethernetandthin wire Ethernet.
Features Compatible with EthernetI, IEEE 802.3; 10BASE5,
10BASE2,and 10BASE-T Designedto interface with 10BASE-T transceivers Functionaland pin-out duplicateofthe DP839110 Mbits/s Manchester encoding/decoding with receive
clock recovery Requiresno precision components Loopback capabilityfor diagnostics Externally selectable halforfull step modesof opera-
tionat transmit output Squelch circuitryatthe receive and collision inputsto
reject noise TTL/MOS compatible controller interface
1.0 System Diagram
IEEE 802.3 Compatible Ethernet/Thin-Ethernet/10 BaseT
Local Area Network ChipSet
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.