DP83901AV ,SNIC Serial Network Interface ControllerFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONcost and area overheads.SNIC used in conjunction with the DP8392 Coaxial Tran ..
DP83902AV ,ST-NIC Serial Network Interface Controller for Twisted PairFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONBus arbitration and memory control logic are integrated toreduce board cost a ..
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DP83905AVQB ,AT/LANTIC AT Local Area Network Twisted-Pair InterfaceFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION6.0 OPERATION OF AT/LANTIC CONTROLLER4.1 Bus Interface Block6.1 Transmit/Rece ..
DP83907VF ,AT/LANTIC II [Life-time buy]FeaturesYController and integrated bus interface solution for IEEEThe DP83907 Twisted-Pair Enhanced ..
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DS90C031TMX ,LVDS Quad CMOS Differential Line Driverapplications.5962-95833Connection DiagramsDual-In-Line LCC PackageDS011946-1Order Number DS90C031TM ..
DS90C032BTM ,LVDS Quad CMOS Differential Line ReceiverFeatures>n 155.5 Mbps (77.7 MHz) switching ratesTheDS90C032B is a quad CMOS differential line recei ..
DS90C032BTM/NOPB ,LVDS Quad CMOS Differential Line Receiver 16-SOIC -40 to 85Maximum RatingsSupply Voltage (V )−0.3V to +6VCCInput Voltage (R , R )−0.3V to +5.8VIN+ IN−Enable I ..
DS90C032BTMX ,LVDS Quad CMOS Differential Line ReceiverFEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe DS90C032B is a quad CMOS differential line2• >155.5 Mbps (77.7 MHz) Switchi ..
SNIC Serial Network Interface Controller
November 1995
Serial Network Interface Controller
General Description
The DP83901ASerial NetworkInterface Controller (SNIC)is microCMOS VLSI device designedfor easy implementa-
tionof CSMA/CD local area networks. These includeEther-
net (10BASE5), Thin Ethernet (10BASE2)and Twisted-pair
Ethernet (10BASE-T). The overall SNIC solution provides
the Media Access Control (MAC) and Encode-Decode
(ENDEC) functionsin accordancewiththe IEEE 802.3 stan-
The integrated ENDEC module allows Manchester encod-
ing and decodingviaa differential transceiver and phase
lock loopat10 Mbit/sec. Also includedisa collision detect
translatorand diagnostic loopback capability. (Continued)
Features Compatible with IEEE 802.3, 10BASE5, 10BASE2,
10BASE-T Dual 16-byte DMA channels 16-byte internal FIFO Network statistics storage Supports physical, multicastand broadcast address
filtering10 Mbit/sec Manchester encoding and decoding plus
clock recoveryNo external precision components required Efficient buffer management implementation Transmittercanbe selectedforhalforfull step mode Integrated squelchon receiveand collision pairs3 levelsof loopback supported Utilizes independent system and network clocks Lock Time5bits typical Decodes Manchester data withupto g18ns jitter
1.0 System Diagram
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.