DP8344BV ,Biphase Communications Processor-BCPFunctional Description2.1 CPU Architectural Description3.2.1 Transmitter2.1.1 Register Set3.2.2 Rec ..
DP83640TVV ,Precision PHYTERFeatures1Cable• IEEE 1588 V1 and V2 Supported• ESD Protection - 8 kV Human Body Model• UDP/IPv4, UD ..
DP83640TVV/NOPB ,Precision PHYTERMaximum Ratings....... 12 7.4 Glossary........ 1274.2 ESD Ratings.... 12 8 Mechanical, Packaging, a ..
DP83815 ,10/100 Mb/s Integrated PCI Ethernet Media Access Controller and Physical Layer (MacPhyter )Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133.12.7 Carrier Sense . . . . . . . . . . . ..
DP83815CVNG ,10/100 Mb/s Integrated PCI Ethernet Media Access Controller and Physical Layer [Preliminary]General Description— Support for 802.3x Full duplex flow controlDP83815 is a single-chip 10/100Mb/s ..
DP83816AVNG ,10/100 Mb/s Integrated PCI Ethernet Media Access Controller and Physical Layer (MacPhyter-II)Table of Contents3.12.3 MII Serial Management Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281.0 Connection Di ..
DS8925MX ,Local Talk Dual Driver/Triple ReceiverFeaturesn Single chip solution for LocalTalk portThe DS8925 is a dual driver/triple receiver device ..
DS8935WM ,LocalTalk Dual Driver/Triple ReceiverGeneral Descriptionand selectable enabling for the three receivers.The DS8935 is a dual driver/trip ..
DS8935WMX ,LocalTalk Dual Driver/Triple Receiver [Life-time buy]General Descriptionand selectable enabling for the three receivers.The DS8935 is a dual driver/trip ..
DS89C21TM ,Differential CMOS Line Driver and Receiver Pairfeatures a fast transition time specified at 2.2 ns,n Available in SOIC packagingand a maximum diff ..
DS89C21TMX ,Differential CMOS Line Driver and Receiver PairGeneral Descriptionand RO).TheDS89C21isadifferentialCMOSlinedriverandreceiverpair, designed to meet ..
DS89C21TMX/NOPB ,Differential CMOS Line Driver and Receiver Pair 8-SOIC -40 to 85Electrical CharacteristicsOver recommended supply voltage and operating temperature ranges, unless ..
Biphase Communications Processor-BCP
November 1991
DP8344B Biphase Communications ProcessorÐBCPÉ
General Description
The DP8344B BCPisa communications processorde-
signedto efficiently process IBMÉ 3270, 3299 and 5250
communications protocols.A general purpose8-bit protocol also supported.
The BCP integratesa20 MHz 8-bit Harvard architecture
RISC processor, andan intelligent, software-configurable
transceiveronthe samelow power microCMOS chip.The
transceiveris capableof operating without significant proc-
essor interaction, releasingprocessor powerfor other tasks.
Fastand flexible interrupt and subroutine capabilities with
on-chip stacks makethis power readily available.
The transceiveris mapped intothe processor’s register
space, communicating withthe processorviaan asynchro-
nous interface which enables both sectionsofthe chipto
run from different clock sources.The transmitterand receiv-runatthe same basic clock frequency althoughthere-
ceiver extractsa clock fromthe incoming data streamto
ensure timing accuracy.
The BCP isdesignedto stand aloneandis capable ofimple-
mentinga complete communications interface, usingthe
processor’s spare powerto controlthe complete system.
Alternatively,the BCPcanbe interfacedto another proces-
sorwithan on-chip interface controller arbitrating accessto
data memory. Accessto program memoryis also possible,
providingthe abilityto download BCP code. simpleline interface connectsthe BCPto thecommunica-
tions line.The receiver includesan on-chip analog compar-
ator, suitableforuseina transformer-coupled environment,
althougha TTL-level serial inputis alsoprovidedfor applica-
tions wherean external comparatoris preferred. typical systemis shown below. Both coaxand twinaxline
interfacesare shown,aswellasan exampleofthe (option-
al) remote processor interface.
Transceiver Software configurablefor 3270, 3299, 5250and general
8-bit protocols Fully registered statusand control On-chip analogline receiver
Processor20 MHz clock(50ns T-states) Max. instruction cycle:200ns33 instruction types(50 total opcodes) ALUand barrel shifter 64kx8 data memory address range 64kx16 program memory address range
(note: typical system requires k2k program memory) Programmable wait states Soft-loadable program memory Interruptand subroutine capability Stand aloneor host operation Flexiblebus interface with on-chip arbitration logic
General Low power microCMOS;typ.ICCe25mAat20 MHz 84-pin plastic leaded chip carrier (PLCC) package
Block Diagram
Typical BCP System
BCPÉ andTRI-STATEÉare registeredtrademarksof National SemiconductorCorporation.
IBMÉ isaregistered trademarkof InternationalBusiness Machines Corporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.