DP83257VF-MPC ,Player & Device Enhanced FDDI Physical Layer Controller [Preliminary]Features Elasticity Buffer, Repeat Filter, and SmootherYY Line state detector/generatorSingle chip ..
DP83266VF ,MACSITM Device (FDDI Media Access Controller and System Interface)FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION (SERVICE ENGINE)2.10 Self Testing6.1 Overview2.11 32-Bit Address/Data Path t ..
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Player & Device Enhanced FDDI Physical Layer Controller [Preliminary]
October 1994
PLAYERaTM Device (FDDI Physical Layer Controller)
General Description
The DP83256/56-AP/57 Enhanced Physical Layer Control-
ler (PLAYERa device) implements one complete Physical
Layer (PHY) entityas definedbythe Fiber Distributed Data
Interface (FDDI) ANSI X3T9.5 standard.
The PLAYERa device integrates stateoftheart digital
clock recoveryand improved clock generation functionsto
enhance performance, eliminate external componentsand
remove critical layout requirements.
FDDI Station Management (SMT)is aidedby Link Error
Monitoring support, Noise Event Timer (TNE) support,Op-
tional Auto Scrubbing support,an integrated configuration
switchand built-in functionality designedto removeall strin-
gent response time requirements suchas PCÐReactand
Features Single chip FDDI Physical Layer (PHY) solution Integrated Digital Clock Recovery Module providesen-
hanced trackingand greater lock acquisition range Integrated Clock Generation Module providesall neces-
sary clock signalsforan FDDI system froman external
12.5 MHz reference Alternate PMD Interface (DP83256-AP/57) supports
UTP twistedpair FDDI PMDs withno external clockre-
coveryor clock generation functions requiredNo External Filter Components Connection Management (CMT) Support (LEM, TNE,
PCÐReact, CFÐReact, Auto Scrubbing) Full on-chip configuration switch Low Power CMOS-BIPOLAR design usinga single5V
supply Full duplex operation with through parity Separate management interface (Control Bus) Selectable Parityon PHY-MAC Interface and Control
Bus Interface Two levelsof on-chip loopback 4B/5B encoder/decoder Framing logic Elasticity Buffer, Repeat Filter,and Smoother Line state detector/generator Supports single attach stations, dual attach stations
and concentrators withno external logic DP83256for SAS/DAS single path stations DP83257for SAS/DAS single/dual path stations DP83256-APfor SAS/DAS single path stations thatre-
quirethe alternate PMD interface
FIGURE1-1. FDDI Chip SetOverview
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.