DP8224J ,Clock Generator and DriverFeaturesYCrystal-controlled oscillator for stable system operationTheDP8224isaclockgenerator/driver ..
DP8224N ,Clock Generator and DriverFeaturesYCrystal-controlled oscillator for stable system operationTheDP8224isaclockgenerator/driver ..
DP8226 ,4-Bit Bidirectional Bus Transceiverapplications. accomplished by forcing one of the pair of buffers into itsThe non-inverting DP8216/D ..
DP8228J ,System Controller and Bus DriverFeaturesoutputcomponentsofthe8080Amicrocomputerfamily.TheYSingle chip system controller and bus dri ..
DP8228J ,System Controller and Bus DriverFeaturesoutputcomponentsofthe8080Amicrocomputerfamily.TheYSingle chip system controller and bus dri ..
DP8228MJ-MIL ,System Controller and Bus DriverFeaturesoutputcomponentsofthe8080Amicrocomputerfamily.TheYSingle chip system controller and bus dri ..
DS8880N ,High Voltage 7-Segment Decoder/DriverFeatureser switches a current sink on or off as prescribed by theYCurrent sink outputsinput code. E ..
DS88C120N ,Dual CMOS Compatible Differential Line Receiverapplications wherecontrolledriseand fall times and/or high Operation voltage rangee 4.5V to 15Vfreq ..
DS88C120N ,Dual CMOS Compatible Differential Line ReceiverFeaturesYFull compatibility with EIA Standards RS232-C, RS422The DS78C120 and DS88C120 are high per ..
DS88C20N ,Dual CMOS Compatible Differential Line ReceiverFeaturesn Meets requirements of EIA Standards RS-232-C RS-422The DS78C20 and DS88C20 are high perfo ..
DS8906N ,AM/FM Digital Phase-Locked Loop SynthesizerFeaturesclock signal for the external controller. Additional dividersYUses inexpensive 4 MHz refere ..
DS8908BN ,DS8908B AM/FM Digital Phase-Locked Loop Frequency SynthesizerDS8908BAM/FMDigitalPhase-LockedLoopFrequencySynthesizerJune1990DS8908BAM/FMDigitalPhase-LockedLoopF ..
Clock Generator and Driver
June 1986
DP8224 Clock Generator and Driver
General Description
The DP8224is aclock generator/drivercontainedina stan-
dard, 16-pin dual-in-line package. The chip, whichis fabri-
cated using Schottky Bipolar technology, generates clocks
and timingforthe 8080A microcomputer family.
Includedinthe DP8224isan oscillator circuit thatis con-
trolledbyan external crystal, whichis selectedbythede-
signerto meeta varietyof system speed requirements. Also
includedinthechipare circuitsthat provide:a status strobe
forthe DP8228or DP8238 system controllers, power-onre-
setforthe 8080A microprocessor, and synchronizationof
the READY inputtothe 8080A.
Features Crystal-controlled oscillatorfor stable system operation Single chip clock generatorand driverfor 8080A micro-
processor Provides status strobefor DP8228or DP8238 system
controllers Provides power-on resetfor 8080A microprocessor Synchronizes READY inputto 8080A microprocessor Provides oscillator outputfor synchronizationof exter-
nal circuits Reduces system component count
8080A Microcomputer Family Block Diagram
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.