DP8216N ,4-Bit Bidirectional Bus Transceiversapplications. accomplished by forcing one of the pair of buffers into itsThe non-inverting DP8216/D ..
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DP8226 ,4-Bit Bidirectional Bus Transceiverapplications. accomplished by forcing one of the pair of buffers into itsThe non-inverting DP8216/D ..
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4-Bit Bidirectional Bus Transceivers
June 1990
4-Bit Bidirectional Bus Transceivers
General Description
The DP8216/DP8216Mand DP8226/DP8226Mare 4-bitbi-
directionalbus driverstouseinbus oriented applications.
The non-inverting DP8216/DP8216M and inverting
DP8226/DP8226M driversare providedfor flexibilityinsys-
tem design.
Each buffered lineofthe four-bit drivers consistsoftwo
separate buffersthatare TRI-STATEÉto achieve directbus
interface and bidirectional capability.On one sideofthe
driverthe outputofone bufferandthe inputof anotherare
tied together (DB);this sideis usedto interfacetothe sys-
tem side components suchas memories, I/O, etc., because
its interfaceis TTL compatible andithas high driver(50
mA).Onthe other sideofthe driverthe inputsand outputs
are separatedto provide maximum flexibility.Of course,
theycanbetied togetherso thatthe drivercanbe usedto
buffera true bidirectional bus.TheDO outputsonthis sidethe driver havea special high voltage output drive capa-
bilityso that direct interfacetothe 8080 type CPUsis
achieved withan adequate amountof noise immunity.
TheCS inputisa device enable. Whenitis ‘‘high’’theout-
put driversareall forcedto their high-impedance state.
Whenitisa ‘‘low’’the deviceis enabledandthe directionof
the data flowis determinedbythe DIEN input.
The DIEN input controlsthe directionof data flow, whichis
accomplishedby forcingoneofthepairof buffersintoits
high-impedance stateand allowingthe otherto transmitits
data.A simple two-gate circuitis usedforthis function.
Features Databus buffer driverto 8080 type CPUs Low input load currentÐ0.25mA maximum High output drive capabilityfor driving system data
busÐ50mAat 0.5V Power up-down protection DP8216/DP8216M have non-inverting outputs DP8226/DP8226M have inverting outputs Output high voltage compatible with direct interfaceto
MOS TRI-STATE outputs Advanced Schottky processing Availablein militaryand commercial temperature
Logic Diagrams
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorp.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.