DP8212 ,8-Bit Input/Output PortFeaturesY8-Bit data latch and bufferThe DP8212/DP8212M is an 8-bit input/output port con-Ytainedina ..
DP8212J ,8-Bit Input/Output PortFeaturesY8-Bit data latch and bufferThe DP8212/DP8212M is an 8-bit input/output port con-Ytainedina ..
DP8212MJ ,8-Bit Input/Output PortDP8212/DP8212M8-BitInput/OutputPortJune1988DP8212/DP8212M8-BitInput/OutputPortGeneralDescription
DP8212N ,8-Bit Input/Output PortFeaturesY8-Bit data latch and bufferThe DP8212/DP8212M is an 8-bit input/output port con-Ytainedina ..
DP8216N ,4-Bit Bidirectional Bus Transceiversapplications. accomplished by forcing one of the pair of buffers into itsThe non-inverting DP8216/D ..
DP8224J ,Clock Generator and DriverFeaturesYCrystal-controlled oscillator for stable system operationTheDP8224isaclockgenerator/driver ..
DS8880N ,High Voltage 7-Segment Decoder/DriverFeatureser switches a current sink on or off as prescribed by theYCurrent sink outputsinput code. E ..
DS88C120N ,Dual CMOS Compatible Differential Line Receiverapplications wherecontrolledriseand fall times and/or high Operation voltage rangee 4.5V to 15Vfreq ..
DS88C120N ,Dual CMOS Compatible Differential Line ReceiverFeaturesYFull compatibility with EIA Standards RS232-C, RS422The DS78C120 and DS88C120 are high per ..
DS88C20N ,Dual CMOS Compatible Differential Line ReceiverFeaturesn Meets requirements of EIA Standards RS-232-C RS-422The DS78C20 and DS88C20 are high perfo ..
DS8906N ,AM/FM Digital Phase-Locked Loop SynthesizerFeaturesclock signal for the external controller. Additional dividersYUses inexpensive 4 MHz refere ..
DS8908BN ,DS8908B AM/FM Digital Phase-Locked Loop Frequency SynthesizerDS8908BAM/FMDigitalPhase-LockedLoopFrequencySynthesizerJune1990DS8908BAM/FMDigitalPhase-LockedLoopF ..
8-Bit Input/Output Port
June 1988
DP8212/DP8212M 8-Bit Input/Output Port
General Description
The DP8212/DP8212Misan 8-bit input/output port con-
tainedina standard 24-pin dual-in-linepackage.Thedevice,
whichis fabricated using Schottky Bipolar technology,is
partof National Semiconductor’s 8080A support family.The
DP8212/DP8212Mcanbe usedto implement latches,gat- buffers,or multiplexers. Thus,allofthe major peripheral
and input/output functionsofa microcomputer systemcan implemented withthis device.
The DP8212/DP8212M includes an 8-bit latch with
TRI-STATEÉ output buffers,and device selectionand con-
trol logic. Also includedisa service request flip-flopforthe
generationand controlof interruptstothe microprocessor.
Features 8-Bit data latch and buffer Service request flip-flopfor generation and controlof
interrupts 0.25mA input load current TRI-STATE TTL output drive capability Outputs sink15mA Asynchronous latch clear 3.65V outputfor direct interfaceto INS8080A Reduces system package countby replacing buffers,
latches,and multiplexersin microcomputer systems
8080A Microcomputer Family Block Diagram
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorp.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.