DP7311J ,DP7310/DP8310/DP7311/DP8311 Octal Latched Peripheral DriversDP7310/DP8310/DP7311/DP8311OctalLatchedPeripheralDriversFebruary1995DP7310/DP8310/DP7311/DP8311Octa ..
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DP7310/DP8310/DP7311/DP8311 Octal Latched Peripheral Drivers
February 1995
DP7310/DP8310/DP7311/DP8311 Octal Latched
Peripheral Drivers
General Description
The DP7310/8310, DP7311/8311 Octal Latched Peripheral
Drivers providethe functionof latching eightbitsof data
with open collector outputs, each drivingupto100mADC
withan operating voltage rangeof 30V. Both devicesare
designedforlow input currents, high input/output voltages,
and featurea powerup clear (outputsoff) function.
The DP7310/8310are positive edge latching. Two active
low write/enable inputsare availablefor convenient data
bussing without external gating.
The DP7311/8311are positive edge latches.The activelow
strobe input latches dataor allowsfall through operation
when heldat logic ‘‘0’’.The latchesare cleared (outputsoff)
witha logic‘‘0’’onthe clearpin.
Features High current, high voltage open collector outputs Low current, high voltage inputsAll outputs simultaneously sink rated current ‘‘DC’’ with thermal deratingat maximum rated temperature Parallel latchingor buffering Separate activelow enablesfor easy data bussing Internal ‘‘glitch free’’ powerup clear 10% VCC tolerance
Applications High current high voltage drivers Relay drivers Lamp drivers LED drivers TRIAC drivers Solenoid drivers Stepper motor drivers Level translators Fiber-optic LED drivers
Connection Diagrams
Dual-In-Line Package
Top View
Dual-In-Line Package
OrderNumberDP7310J, DP7311J,
DP8310Nor DP8311N
SeeNSPackage Number J20Aor N20A
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.