DM96L02N ,Dual Retriggerable Resettable Monostable MultivibratorElectrical Characteristics’’SupplyVoltage 7Vtable are not guaranteed at the absolute maximum rating ..
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DM96S02N ,Dual Retriggerable Resettable Monostable MultivibratorFunctional DescriptionThe 96S02 dual retriggerable resettable monostable multi- trigger which occur ..
DM96S02N ,Dual Retriggerable Resettable Monostable MultivibratorGeneral DescriptionMΩ for the DM96S02 reduce required capacitor values.The DM96S02 is a dual retrig ..
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Dual Retriggerable Resettable Monostable Multivibrator
March 1992
Dual Retriggerable Resettable
Monostable Multivibrator
General Description
The 96L02isa dualTTL monostable multivibratorwithtrig-
ger mode selection, reset capability, rapid recovery, inter-
nally compensatedreference levelsand high speed capabil-
ity. Output pulse durationand accuracy dependon external
timing components, andare therefore under user controlfor
each application.Itiswell suitedfora broad varietyof appli-
cations, including pulse delay generators, square wave gen-
erators, long delay timers, pulse absence detectors,fre-
quencydetectors, clockpulse generators andfixed-frequen- dividers. Each inputis provided witha clamp diodeto
limit undershoot and minimize ringing inducedby fastfall
times actingon system wiring impedances.
Features Retriggerable,0%to 100% duty cycleDC level triggering, insensitiveto transition times Leadingor trailing-edge triggering Complementary outputs with active pull-ups Pulse width compensationfor DVCCand DTA50nsto% output pulse width range Optional retrigger lock-out capability Resettable,for interrupt operations
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
Order Number 96L02DMQB,
SeeNS Package Number J16A, N16Eor W16A
Logic Symbol
Pin Names Description Trigger Input (ActiveFalling Edge) Trigger Input (ActiveRising Edge) DirectClearInput (Active LOW) Positive Pulse Output Complementary Pulse Output ExternalCapacitor Connection ExternalResistor Connection
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.